345 research outputs found

    Description of Molecular Distortions: IV. Relationships Between the Distortion and the Hydrogen Bond Strength for Some Compounds Containing HSO4 Ions

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    Several methods are known for describing the distortions of tetrahedral molecules. In the present paper, some correlations between the hydrogen bond strength and the different measures for the distortions of HS04~ ions are evaluated. In terms of the distortion indices the rasults reflect similar trends to those calculated for phosphates1. It is found that weaker hydrogen bonding as accompanied by larger distortions of the HS04 tetrahedra

    Liesegang patterns: Effect of dissociation of the invading electrolyte

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    The effect of dissociation of the invading electrolyte on the formation of Liesegang bands is investigated. We find, using organic compounds with known dissociation constants, that the spacing coefficient, 1+p, that characterizes the position of the n-th band as x_n ~ (1+p)^n, decreases with increasing dissociation constant, K_d. Theoretical arguments are developed to explain these experimental findings and to calculate explicitly the K_d dependence of 1+p.Comment: RevTex, 8 pages, 3 eps figure

    Epidemiological and molecular analysis of an outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium DT12 associated with consumption of pork in Thuringia

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    In the course of a sentinel-study the National Reference Centre (NRC) observed in February 1999 a considerable increase of human infections due to S. Typhimurium. These strains ofS. Typhimurium typed as phage type DT12 in the NRC were isolated in four counties in the north of Thuringia (Nordhausen, Eichsfeld, Kyffhiiuser, Unstrut-Hainich)

    Band Formation during Gaseous Diffusion in Aerogels

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    We study experimentally how gaseous HCl and NH_3 diffuse from opposite sides of and react in silica aerogel rods with porosity of 92 % and average pore size of about 50 nm. The reaction leads to solid NH_4Cl, which is deposited in thin sheet-like structures. We present a numerical study of the phenomenon. Due to the difference in boundary conditions between this system and those usually studied, we find the sheet-like structures in the aerogel to differ significantly from older studies. The influence of random nucleation centers and inhomogeneities in the aerogel is studied numerically.Comment: 7 pages RevTex and 8 figures. Figs. 4-8 in Postscript, Figs. 1-3 on request from author

    Formation of Liesegang patterns: A spinodal decomposition scenario

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    Spinodal decomposition in the presence of a moving particle source is proposed as a mechanism for the formation of Liesegang bands. This mechanism yields a sequence of band positions x_n that obeys the spacing law x_n~Q(1+p)^n. The dependence of the parameters p and Q on the initial concentration of the reagents is determined and we find that the functional form of p is in agreement with the experimentally observed Matalon-Packter law.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Phage typing and clonal analysis of Salmonella Heidelberg strains isolated from animals and other sources from Minnesota (USA) and Germany

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    Salmonella Heidelberg isolates has become an emerging pathogen during the 80s in the United States (Martin et al., 1989). Approximately 60% of human cases reported to the CDC in 1995 were caused by only four serovars, including S. Enteridis (24,7%), S. Typhimurium (23,5%), S. Newport (6,2%) and S. Heidelberg (5,1%), (CDC, Salmonella surveillance) and were frequently isolated from chicken and pork (Sawari et al., 2001)

    Editorial Peer Reviewers' Recommendations at a General Medical Journal: Are They Reliable and Do Editors Care?

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    BACKGROUND: Editorial peer review is universally used but little studied. We examined the relationship between external reviewers' recommendations and the editorial outcome of manuscripts undergoing external peer-review at the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined reviewer recommendations and editors' decisions at JGIM between 2004 and 2008. For manuscripts undergoing peer review, we calculated chance-corrected agreement among reviewers on recommendations to reject versus accept or revise. Using mixed effects logistic regression models, we estimated intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) at the reviewer and manuscript level. Finally, we examined the probability of rejection in relation to reviewer agreement and disagreement. The 2264 manuscripts sent for external review during the study period received 5881 reviews provided by 2916 reviewers; 28% of reviews recommended rejection. Chance corrected agreement (kappa statistic) on rejection among reviewers was 0.11 (p<.01). In mixed effects models adjusting for study year and manuscript type, the reviewer-level ICC was 0.23 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.19-0.29) and the manuscript-level ICC was 0.17 (95% CI, 0.12-0.22). The editors' overall rejection rate was 48%: 88% when all reviewers for a manuscript agreed on rejection (7% of manuscripts) and 20% when all reviewers agreed that the manuscript should not be rejected (48% of manuscripts) (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Reviewers at JGIM agreed on recommendations to reject vs. accept/revise at levels barely beyond chance, yet editors placed considerable weight on reviewers' recommendations. Efforts are needed to improve the reliability of the peer-review process while helping editors understand the limitations of reviewers' recommendations

    Mathematics and biology: a Kantian view on the history of pattern formation theory

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    Driesch’s statement, made around 1900, that the physics and chemistry of his day were unable to explain self-regulation during embryogenesis was correct and could be extended until the year 1972. The emergence of theories of self-organisation required progress in several areas including chemistry, physics, computing and cybernetics. Two parallel lines of development can be distinguished which both culminated in the early 1970s. Firstly, physicochemical theories of self-organisation arose from theoretical (Lotka 1910–1920) and experimental work (Bray 1920; Belousov 1951) on chemical oscillations. However, this research area gained broader acceptance only after thermodynamics was extended to systems far from equilibrium (1922–1967) and the mechanism of the prime example for a chemical oscillator, the Belousov–Zhabotinski reaction, was deciphered in the early 1970s. Secondly, biological theories of self-organisation were rooted in the intellectual environment of artificial intelligence and cybernetics. Turing wrote his The chemical basis of morphogenesis (1952) after working on the construction of one of the first electronic computers. Likewise, Gierer and Meinhardt’s theory of local activation and lateral inhibition (1972) was influenced by ideas from cybernetics. The Gierer–Meinhardt theory provided an explanation for the first time of both spontaneous formation of spatial order and of self-regulation that proved to be extremely successful in elucidating a wide range of patterning processes. With the advent of developmental genetics in the 1980s, detailed molecular and functional data became available for complex developmental processes, allowing a new generation of data-driven theoretical approaches. Three examples of such approaches will be discussed. The successes and limitations of mathematical pattern formation theory throughout its history suggest a picture of the organism, which has structural similarity to views of the organic world held by the philosopher Immanuel Kant at the end of the eighteenth century