3,567 research outputs found

    Transforming fixed-length self-avoiding walks into radial SLE_8/3

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    We conjecture a relationship between the scaling limit of the fixed-length ensemble of self-avoiding walks in the upper half plane and radial SLE with kappa=8/3 in this half plane from 0 to i. The relationship is that if we take a curve from the fixed-length scaling limit of the SAW, weight it by a suitable power of the distance to the endpoint of the curve and then apply the conformal map of the half plane that takes the endpoint to i, then we get the same probability measure on curves as radial SLE. In addition to a non-rigorous derivation of this conjecture, we support it with Monte Carlo simulations of the SAW. Using the conjectured relationship between the SAW and radial SLE, our simulations give estimates for both the interior and boundary scaling exponents. The values we obtain are within a few hundredths of a percent of the conjectured values

    Lifetimes, transition probabilities, and level energies in Fe I

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    We use time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence to measure the lifetime of 186 Fe levels with energies between 25 900 and 60 758 cm . Measured emission branching fractions for these levels yield transition probabilities for 1174 transitions in the range 225-2666 nm. We find another 640 Fe transition probabilities by interpolating level populations in the inductively coupled plasma spectral source. We demonstrate the reliability of the interpolation method by comparing our transition probabilities with absorption oscillator strengths measured by the Oxford group [Blackwell et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 201, 595-602 (1982)]. We derive precise Fe level energies to support the automated method that is used to identify transitions in our spectra

    Experimental investigation of a variable speed constant frequency electric generating system from a utility perspective

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    As efforts are accelerated to improve the overall capability and performance of wind electric systems, increased attention to variable speed configurations has developed. A number of potentially viable configurations have emerged. Various attributes of variable speed systems need to be carefully tested to evaluate their performance from the utility points of view. With this purpose, the NASA experimental variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) system has been tested. In order to determine the usefulness of these systems in utility applications, tests are required to resolve issues fundamental to electric utility systems. Legitimate questions exist regarding how variable speed generators will influence the performance of electric utility systems; therefore, tests from a utility perspective, have been performed on the VSCF system and an induction generator at an operating power level of 30 kW on a system rated at 200 kVA and 0.8 power factor

    Reversed radial SLE and the Brownian loop measure

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    The Brownian loop measure is a conformally invariant measure on loops in the plane that arises when studying the Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE). When an SLE curve in a domain evolves from an interior point, it is natural to consider the loops that hit the curve and leave the domain, but their measure is infinite. We show that there is a related normalized quantity that is finite and invariant under M\"obius transformations of the plane. We estimate this quantity when the curve is small and the domain simply connected. We then use this estimate to prove a formula for the Radon-Nikodym derivative of reversed radial SLE with respect to whole-plane SLE.Comment: 44 page

    Note on SLE and logarithmic CFT

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    It is discussed how stochastic evolutions may be linked to logarithmic conformal field theory. This introduces an extension of the stochastic Loewner evolutions. Based on the existence of a logarithmic null vector in an indecomposable highest-weight module of the Virasoro algebra, the representation theory of the logarithmic conformal field theory is related to entities conserved in mean under the stochastic process.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, v2: version to be publishe

    The Length of an SLE - Monte Carlo Studies

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    The scaling limits of a variety of critical two-dimensional lattice models are equal to the Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) for a suitable value of the parameter kappa. These lattice models have a natural parametrization of their random curves given by the length of the curve. This parametrization (with suitable scaling) should provide a natural parametrization for the curves in the scaling limit. We conjecture that this parametrization is also given by a type of fractal variation along the curve, and present Monte Carlo simulations to support this conjecture. Then we show by simulations that if this fractal variation is used to parametrize the SLE, then the parametrized curves have the same distribution as the curves in the scaling limit of the lattice models with their natural parametrization.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Version 2 replaced the use of "nu" for the "growth exponent" by 1/d_H, where d_H is the Hausdorff dimension. Various minor errors were also correcte

    Quantitative estimates of discrete harmonic measures

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    A theorem of Bourgain states that the harmonic measure for a domain in Rd\R^d is supported on a set of Hausdorff dimension strictly less than dd \cite{Bourgain}. We apply Bourgain's method to the discrete case, i.e., to the distribution of the first entrance point of a random walk into a subset of Zd\Z ^d, d2d\geq 2. By refining the argument, we prove that for all \b>0 there exists \rho (d,\b)N(d,\b), any xZdx \in \Z^d, and any A{1,...,n}dA\subset \{1,..., n\}^d | \{y\in\Z^d\colon \nu_{A,x}(y) \geq n^{-\b} \}| \leq n^{\rho(d,\b)}, where νA,x(y)\nu_{A,x} (y) denotes the probability that yy is the first entrance point of the simple random walk starting at xx into AA. Furthermore, ρ\rho must converge to dd as \b \to \infty.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Part (B) of the theorem is ne

    Numerical studies of planar closed random walks

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    Lattice numerical simulations for planar closed random walks and their winding sectors are presented. The frontiers of the random walks and of their winding sectors have a Hausdorff dimension dH=4/3d_H=4/3. However, when properly defined by taking into account the inner 0-winding sectors, the frontiers of the random walks have a Hausdorff dimension dH1.77d_H\approx 1.77.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    A Fast Algorithm for Simulating the Chordal Schramm-Loewner Evolution

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    The Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) can be simulated by dividing the time interval into N subintervals and approximating the random conformal map of the SLE by the composition of N random, but relatively simple, conformal maps. In the usual implementation the time required to compute a single point on the SLE curve is O(N). We give an algorithm for which the time to compute a single point is O(N^p) with p<1. Simulations with kappa=8/3 and kappa=6 both give a value of p of approximately 0.4.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Version 2 revisions: added a paragraph to introduction, added 5 references and corrected a few typo

    LERW as an example of off-critical SLEs

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    Two dimensional loop erased random walk (LERW) is a random curve, whose continuum limit is known to be a Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) with parameter kappa=2. In this article we study ``off-critical loop erased random walks'', loop erasures of random walks penalized by their number of steps. On one hand we are able to identify counterparts for some LERW observables in terms of symplectic fermions (c=-2), thus making further steps towards a field theoretic description of LERWs. On the other hand, we show that it is possible to understand the Loewner driving function of the continuum limit of off-critical LERWs, thus providing an example of application of SLE-like techniques to models near their critical point. Such a description is bound to be quite complicated because outside the critical point one has a finite correlation length and therefore no conformal invariance. However, the example here shows the question need not be intractable. We will present the results with emphasis on general features that can be expected to be true in other off-critical models.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figure