17,247 research outputs found

    Orbital-quenching-induced magnetism in Ba_2NaOsO_6

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    The double perovskite \bnoo with heptavalent Os (d1d^1) is observed to remain in the ideal cubic structure ({\it i.e.} without orbital ordering) despite single occupation of the t2gt_{2g} orbitals, even in the ferromagnetically ordered phase below 6.8 K. Analysis based on the {\it ab initio} dispersion expressed in terms of an Os t2gt_{2g}-based Wannier function picture, spin-orbit coupling, Hund's coupling, and strong Coulomb repulsion shows that the magnetic OsO6_6 cluster is near a moment-less condition due to spin and orbital compensation. Quenching (hybridization) then drives the emergence of the small moment. This compensation, unprecedented in transition metals, arises in a unified picture that accounts for the observed Mott insulating behavior.Comment: in press at Europhysics Letter

    Is There a Sex Difference in the Age of Elite Marathon Runners?

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    Purpose: The purposes of this study were to determine i) if there is a sex difference in the age of the elite marathon runners and ii) if the sex difference in performance altered across the years that women have participated in the marathon. Methods: Age at time of competition and running times of the first five placed male and female runners who competed in the seven marathons of the World Marathon Majors Series were analyzed. Data from as many years as was available online were retrieved so that 410 men and 410 women were included in the analysis. The marathons and years included the Berlin (1999–2009), Boston (2000–2009), Chicago (1997–2009), London (2001–2009), New York City (1990–2009), International Athletic Association Federation World Championship (1983, 1987, and every 2 yr from 1991), and Olympic (every 4 yr since 1984) marathons. Results: Women were older than men (mean ± SD = 29.8 ± 4.2 vs 28.9 ± 3.8 yr), but for only two of the seven marathons, the Chicago and the London marathons (P \u3c 0.05): the sex difference in age was not consistent across the years. There was no sex difference in age for the Berlin, Boston, New York City, World Championship, and Olympic marathons. Men were faster than women (11.6% ± 1.8%). The sex difference in running velocity varied across marathons (least for the World Championships, 10.2%) and also across years, but not systematically. This sex difference in running velocity increased from first to fifth place across all marathons. Conclusions: These data indicate that men and women physiologically peak at a similar age in marathon running performance. The sex difference in performance of elite marathon runners varied across years but has not systemically decreased or varied since the 1980s

    Variations of the amplitudes of oscillation of the Be star Achernar

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    We report on finding variations in amplitude of the two main oscillation frequencies found in the Be star Achernar, over a period of 5 years. They were uncovered by analysing photometric data of the star from the SMEI instrument. The two frequencies observed, 0.775 c/d and 0.725 c/d, were analysed in detail and their amplitudes were found to increase and decrease significantly over the 5-year period, with the amplitude of the 0.725 c/d frequency changing by up to a factor of eight. The nature of this event has yet to be properly understood, but the possibility of it being due to the effects of a stellar outburst or a stellar cycle are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, to be published in MNRA

    Amplitude variability in satellite photometry of the non-radially pulsating O9.5V star zeta Oph

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    We report a time-series analysis of satellite photometry of the non-radially pulsating Oe star zeta Oph, principally using data from SMEI obtained 2003--2008, but augmented with MOST and WIRE results. Amplitudes of the strongest photometric signals, at 5.18, 2.96, and 2.67/d, each vary independently over the 6-year monitoring period (from ca. 30 to <2 mmag at 5.18/d), on timescales of hundreds of days. Signals at 7.19/d and 5.18/d have persisted (or recurred) for around two decades. Supplementary spectroscopic observations show an H-alpha emission episode in 2006; this coincided with small increases in amplitudes of the three strongest photometric signals.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Algebraic geometric methods for the stabilizability and reliability of multivariable and of multimode systems

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    The extent to which feedback can alter the dynamic characteristics (e.g., instability, oscillations) of a control system, possibly operating in one or more modes (e.g., failure versus nonfailure of one or more components) is examined

    Magnetic Anisotropy in Single Crystalline CeAu2_{2}In4_{4}

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    We have grown the single crystals of LaAu2_{2}In4_{4} and CeAu2_{2}In4_{4} by high temperature solution method and report on the anisotropic magnetic behavior of CeAu2_{2}In4_{4} . The compounds crystallize in an orthorhombic structure with space group \textit {Pnma}. LaAu2_{2}In4_{4} shows a Pauli-paramagnetic behavior. CeAu2_{2}In4_{4} do not order down to 1.8 K. The easy axis of magnetization for CeAu2_{2}In4_{4} is along [010] direction. The magnetization data is analyzed on the basis of crystalline electric field (CEF) model.Comment: 7 figures 4 page

    Radar Exploration of Venus: Goldstone Observatory Report Oct. - Dec. 1962

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    Radar exploration of Venus - radiometer, spectral and polarization studies, automatic frequency tracking, frequency-time mapping, and amplitude modulated rangin

    Time dependence of evanescent quantum waves

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    The time dependence of quantum evanescent waves generated by a point source with an infinite or a limited frequency band is analyzed. The evanescent wave is characterized by a forerunner (transient) related to the precise way the source is switched on. It is followed by an asymptotic, monochromatic wave which at long times reveals the oscillation frequency of the source. For a source with a sharp onset the forerunner is exponentially larger than the monochromatic solution and a transition from the transient regime to the asymtotic regime occurs only at asymptotically large times. In this case, the traversal time for tunneling plays already a role only in the transient regime. To enhance the monochromatic solution compared to the forerunner we investigate (a) frequency band limited sources and (b) the short time Fourier analysis (the spectrogram) corresponding to a detector which is frequency band limited. Neither of these two methods leads to a precise determination of the traversal time. However, if they are limited to determine the traversal time only with a precision of the traversal time itself both methods are successful: In this case the transient behavior of the evanescent waves is at a time of the order of the traversal time followed by a monochromatic wave which reveals the frequency of the source.Comment: 16 text pages and 9 postscript figure

    The treatment of zero eigenvalues of the matrix governing the equations of motion in many-body Green's function theory

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    The spectral theorem of many-body Green's function theory relates thermodynamic correlations to Green's functions. More often than not, the matrix governing the equations of motion has zero eigenvalues. In this case, the standard text-book approach requires both commutator and anti-commutator Green's functions to obtain equations for that part of the correlation which does not lie in the null space of the matrix. In this paper, we show that this procedure fails if the projector onto the null space is dependent on the momentum vector. We propose an alternative formulation of the theory in terms of the non-null space alone and we show that a solution is possible if one can find a momentum-independent projector onto some subspace of the non-null space. To do this, we enlist the aid of the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the equation of motion matrix in order to project out the null space, thus reducing the size of the matrix and eliminating the need for the anti-commutator Green's function. We extend our previous work, dealing with a ferromagnetic Heisenberg monolayer and a momentum-independent projector onto the null space, where both multilayer films and a momentum-dependent projector are considered. We develop the numerical methods capable of handling these cases and offer a computational algorithmus that should be applicable to any similar problem arising in Green's function theory.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Matter wave pulses characteristics

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    We study the properties of quantum single-particle wave pulses created by sharp-edged or apodized shutters with single or periodic openings. In particular, we examine the visibility of diffraction fringes depending on evolution time and temperature; the purity of the state depending on the opening-time window; the accuracy of a simplified description which uses ``source'' boundary conditions instead of solving an initial value problem; and the effects of apodization on the energy width.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
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