104 research outputs found

    Exposure to moral stressors and associated outcomes in healthcare workers:Prevalence, correlates, and impact on job attrition

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    Introduction: Healthcare workers (HCWs) often experience morally challenging situations in their workplaces that may contribute to job turnover and compromised well-being. This study aimed to characterize the nature and frequency of moral stressors experienced by HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic, examine their influence on psychosocial-spiritual factors, and capture the impact of such factors and related moral stressors on HCWs’ self-reported job attrition intentions.Methods: A sample of 1204 Canadian HCWs were included in the analysis through a web-based survey platform whereby work-related factors (e.g. years spent working as HCW, providing care to COVID-19 patients), moral distress (captured by MMD-HP), moral injury (captured by MIOS), mental health symptomatology, and job turnover due to moral distress were assessed.Results: Moral stressors with the highest reported frequency and distress ratings included patient care requirements that exceeded the capacity HCWs felt safe/comfortable managing, reported lack of resource availability, and belief that administration was not addressing issues that compromised patient care. Participants who considered leaving their jobs (44%; N = 517) demonstrated greater moral distress and injury scores. Logistic regression highlighted burnout (AOR = 1.59; p &lt; .001), moral distress (AOR = 1.83; p &lt; .001), and moral injury due to trust violation (AOR = 1.30; p = .022) as significant predictors of the intention to leave one’s job.Conclusion: While it is impossible to fully eliminate moral stressors from healthcare, especially during exceptional and critical scenarios like a global pandemic, it is crucial to recognize the detrimental impacts on HCWs. This underscores the urgent need for additional research to identify protective factors that can mitigate the impact of these stressors.Introducción: Los trabajadores de la salud (TS) a menudo experimentan situaciones moralmente desafiantes en sus lugares de trabajo que pueden contribuir a la rotación laboral y comprometer su bienestar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la naturaleza y frecuencia de los estresores morales experimentados por los TS durante la pandemia por COVID-19, examinar su influencia en los factores psicosociales-espirituales y capturar el impacto de dichos factores y los estresores morales relacionados a las intenciones de abandono laboral de los TS.Métodos: Se incluyó en el análisis una muestra de 1.204 TS canadienses a través de una encuesta en plataforma web en la que se analizaron factores relacionados con el trabajo (p. ej., años trabajados como TS, brindando atención a pacientes con COVID-19), angustia moral (evaluado con MMD-HP), daño moral (evaluado con MIOS), sintomatología de salud mental y rotación laboral debido a angustia moral.Resultados: Los estresores morales con mayor frecuencia reportados y tasas de angustia incluyeron requerimientos de atención al paciente que excedieron la capacidad en la que los TS se sentían seguros/cómodos de manejarlos, falta de disponibilidad de recursos y la creencia de que la administración no estaba abordando los problemas que comprometían la atención al paciente. Los participantes que consideraron dejar sus trabajos (44%; N = 517) demostraron mayores puntuaciones de angustia y daño moral. La regresión logística destacó el burnout (AOR = 1,59; p &lt; 0,001), la angustia moral (AOR = 1,83; p &lt; 0,001) y el daño moral debido a la violación de la confianza (AOR = 1,30; p = 0,022) como predictores significativos asociados a la intención de dejar el trabajo.Conclusión: Si bien, es imposible eliminar por completo los estresores morales de la atención sanitaria, especialmente durante escenarios críticos y excepcionales como una pandemia global, es crucial reconocer los impactos perjudiciales para los TS. Esto subraya la necesidad urgente de realizar investigaciones adicionales para identificar factores protectores que puedan mitigar el impacto de estos factores estresantes.</div

    Exposure to moral stressors and associated outcomes in healthcare workers:Prevalence, correlates, and impact on job attrition

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    Introduction: Healthcare workers (HCWs) often experience morally challenging situations in their workplaces that may contribute to job turnover and compromised well-being. This study aimed to characterize the nature and frequency of moral stressors experienced by HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic, examine their influence on psychosocial-spiritual factors, and capture the impact of such factors and related moral stressors on HCWs’ self-reported job attrition intentions.Methods: A sample of 1204 Canadian HCWs were included in the analysis through a web-based survey platform whereby work-related factors (e.g. years spent working as HCW, providing care to COVID-19 patients), moral distress (captured by MMD-HP), moral injury (captured by MIOS), mental health symptomatology, and job turnover due to moral distress were assessed.Results: Moral stressors with the highest reported frequency and distress ratings included patient care requirements that exceeded the capacity HCWs felt safe/comfortable managing, reported lack of resource availability, and belief that administration was not addressing issues that compromised patient care. Participants who considered leaving their jobs (44%; N = 517) demonstrated greater moral distress and injury scores. Logistic regression highlighted burnout (AOR = 1.59; p &lt; .001), moral distress (AOR = 1.83; p &lt; .001), and moral injury due to trust violation (AOR = 1.30; p = .022) as significant predictors of the intention to leave one’s job.Conclusion: While it is impossible to fully eliminate moral stressors from healthcare, especially during exceptional and critical scenarios like a global pandemic, it is crucial to recognize the detrimental impacts on HCWs. This underscores the urgent need for additional research to identify protective factors that can mitigate the impact of these stressors.Introducción: Los trabajadores de la salud (TS) a menudo experimentan situaciones moralmente desafiantes en sus lugares de trabajo que pueden contribuir a la rotación laboral y comprometer su bienestar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la naturaleza y frecuencia de los estresores morales experimentados por los TS durante la pandemia por COVID-19, examinar su influencia en los factores psicosociales-espirituales y capturar el impacto de dichos factores y los estresores morales relacionados a las intenciones de abandono laboral de los TS.Métodos: Se incluyó en el análisis una muestra de 1.204 TS canadienses a través de una encuesta en plataforma web en la que se analizaron factores relacionados con el trabajo (p. ej., años trabajados como TS, brindando atención a pacientes con COVID-19), angustia moral (evaluado con MMD-HP), daño moral (evaluado con MIOS), sintomatología de salud mental y rotación laboral debido a angustia moral.Resultados: Los estresores morales con mayor frecuencia reportados y tasas de angustia incluyeron requerimientos de atención al paciente que excedieron la capacidad en la que los TS se sentían seguros/cómodos de manejarlos, falta de disponibilidad de recursos y la creencia de que la administración no estaba abordando los problemas que comprometían la atención al paciente. Los participantes que consideraron dejar sus trabajos (44%; N = 517) demostraron mayores puntuaciones de angustia y daño moral. La regresión logística destacó el burnout (AOR = 1,59; p &lt; 0,001), la angustia moral (AOR = 1,83; p &lt; 0,001) y el daño moral debido a la violación de la confianza (AOR = 1,30; p = 0,022) como predictores significativos asociados a la intención de dejar el trabajo.Conclusión: Si bien, es imposible eliminar por completo los estresores morales de la atención sanitaria, especialmente durante escenarios críticos y excepcionales como una pandemia global, es crucial reconocer los impactos perjudiciales para los TS. Esto subraya la necesidad urgente de realizar investigaciones adicionales para identificar factores protectores que puedan mitigar el impacto de estos factores estresantes.</div

    Study on intracranial meningioma using PET ligand investigation during follow-up over years (SIMPLIFY)

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    Purpose Radiologic follow-up of patients with a meningioma at the skull base or near the venous sinuses with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) and neurosurgical resection(s) can be difficult to interpret. This study evaluates the addition of C-11-methionine positron emission tomography (MET-PET) to the regular MRI follow-up. Methods This prospective pilot study included patients with predominantly WHO grade I meningiomas at the skull base or near large vascular structures. Previous SRT was part of their oncological treatment. A MET-PET in adjunct to their regular MRI follow-up was performed. The standardized uptake value (SUV) was determined for the tumor and the healthy brain, on the pre-SRT target delineation MET-PET and the follow-up MET-PET. Tumor-to-normal ratios were calculated, and C-11-methionine uptake over time was analyzed. Agreement between the combined MRI/MET-PET report and the MRI-only report was determined using Cohen's kappa. Results Twenty patients with stable disease underwent an additional MET-PET, with a median follow-up of 84 months after SRT. Post-SRT SUV T/N ratios ranged between 2.16 and 3.17. When comparing the pre-SRT and the post-SRT MET-PET, five categories of SUV T/N ratios did not change significantly. Only the SUVpeak T/N-cortex decreased significantly from 2.57 (SD 1.02) to 2.20 (SD 0.87) [p = 0.004]. A kappa of 0.77 was found, when comparing the MRI/MET-PET report to the MRI-only report, indicating no major change in interpretation of follow-up data. Conclusion In this pilot study, C-11-methionine uptake remained remarkably high in meningiomas with long-term follow-up after SRT. Adding MET-PET to the regular MRI follow-up had no impact on the interpretation of follow-up imaging

    Glioblastoma multiforme with oligodendroglial component (GBMO): favorable outcome after post-operative radiotherapy and chemotherapy with nimustine (ACNU) and teniposide (VM26)

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    BACKGROUND: The presence of an oligodendroglial component within a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is considered a prognostically favorable factor, but the clinical outcome of patients with glioblastoma multiforme with oligodendroglial component (GBMO) after combined post-operative radiotherapy and chemotherapy has rarely been reported. METHODS: We analyzed overall and progression-free survival in a group of ten consecutive patients initially diagnosed with GBMO between 1996 and 2004 (4.2% of all GBM patients). Median (range) age was 54 (34–73) years, 90% were resected and median radiotherapy dose was 54 (45–60.6) Gy. 80% of patients received post-operative chemotherapy with nimustine (ACNU) and VM26 (teniposide) for a median of 3.5 (1–6) cycles, the remainder were treated with post-operative radiotherapy alone. All specimens were reviewed by an experienced neuropathologist. RESULTS: Neuropathological re-evaluation revealed GBM with an oligodendroglial component of 30% or less in five cases, predominant oligoastrocytic tumors with focal areas of GBM in four patients and WHO grade III oligoastrocytoma with questionable transition to GBM in one patient. Four of ten patients were alive at at 40, 41, 41 and 82 months. The median overall survival (Kaplan-Meier) was 26 months, the 2-year survival rate was 60% (progression-free survival: 9.8 months and 40%, respectively). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, patients with GBMO treated with post-operative radiotherapy and chemotherapy with ACNU/VM26 had a better prognosis than reported for GBM in modern chemoradiation series

    Serial FLT PET imaging to discriminate between true progression and pseudoprogression in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma:a long-term follow-up study

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    Purpose: Response evaluation in patients with glioblastoma after chemoradiotherapy is challenging due to progressive, contrast-enhancing lesions on MRI that do not reflect true tumour progression. In this study, we prospectively evaluated the ability of the PET tracer 18F-fluorothymidine (FLT), a tracer reflecting proliferative activity, to discriminate between true progression and pseudoprogression in newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients treated with chemoradiotherapy. Methods: FLT PET and MRI scans were performed before and 4 weeks after chemoradiotherapy. MRI scans were also performed after three cycles of adjuvant temozolomide. Pseudoprogression was defined as progressive disease on MRI after chemoradiotherapy with stabilisation or reduction of contrast-enhanced lesions after three cycles of temozolomide, and was compared with the disease course during long-term follow-up. Changes in maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) and tumour-to-normal uptake ratios were calculated for FLT and are presented as the mean SUVmax for multiple lesions. Results: Between 2009 and 2012, 30 patients were included. Of 24 evaluable patients, 7 showed pseudoprogression and 7 had true progression as defined by MRI response. FLT PET parameters did not significantly differ between patients with true progression and pseudoprogression defined by MRI. The correlation between change in SUVmax and survival (p = 0.059) almost reached the standard level of statistical significance. Lower baseline FLT PET uptake was significantly correlated with improved survival (p = 0.022). Conclusion: Baseline FLT uptake appears to be predictive of overall survival. Furthermore, changes in SUVmax over time showed a tendency to be associated with improved survival. However, further studies are necessary to investigate the ability of FLT PET imaging to discriminate between true progression and pseudoprogression in patients with glioblastoma

    Proliferation and aneusomy predict survival of young patients with astrocytoma grade II

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    The clinical course of astrocytoma grade II (AII) is highly variable and not reflected by histological characteristics. As one of the best prognostic factors, higher age identifies rapid progressive A II. For patients over 35 years of age, an aggressive treatment is normally propagated. For patients under 35 years, there is no clear guidance for treatment choices, and therefore also the necessity of histopathological diagnosis is often questioned. We studied the additional prognostic value of the proliferation index and the detection of genetic aberrations for patients with A II. The tumour samples were obtained by stereotactic biopsy or tumour resection and divided into two age groups, that is 18–34 years (n=19) and 35 years (n=28). Factors tested included the proliferation (Ki-67) index, and numerical aberrations for chromosomes 1, 7, and 10, as detected by in situ hybridisation (ISH). The results show that age is a prognostic indicator when studied in the total patient group, with patients above 35 years showing a relatively poor prognosis. Increased proliferation index in the presence of aneusomy appears to identify a subgroup of patients with poor prognosis more accurately than predicted by proliferation index alone. We conclude that histologically classified cases of A II comprise a heterogeneous group of tumours with different biological and genetic constitution, which exhibit a highly variable clinical course. Immunostaining for Ki-67 in combination with the detection of aneusomy by ISH allows the identification of a subgroup of patients with rapidly progressive A II. This is an extra argument not to defer stereotactic biopsy in young patients with radiological suspicion of A II

    Maturing Human CD127+ CCR7+ PDL1+ Dendritic Cells Express AIRE in the Absence of Tissue Restricted Antigens.

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    Expression of the Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) outside of the thymus has long been suggested in both humans and mice, but the cellular source in humans has remained undefined. Here we identify AIRE expression in human tonsils and extensively analyzed these "extra-thymic AIRE expressing cells" (eTACs) using combinations of flow cytometry, CyTOF and single cell RNA-sequencing. We identified AIRE+ cells as dendritic cells (DCs) with a mature and migratory phenotype including high levels of antigen presenting molecules and costimulatory molecules, and specific expression of CD127, CCR7, and PDL1. These cells also possessed the ability to stimulate and re-stimulate T cells and displayed reduced responses to toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists compared to conventional DCs. While expression of AIRE was enriched within CCR7+CD127+ DCs, single-cell RNA sequencing revealed expression of AIRE to be transient, rather than stable, and associated with the differentiation to a mature phenotype. The role of AIRE in central tolerance induction within the thymus is well-established, however our study shows that AIRE expression within the periphery is not associated with an enriched expression of tissue-restricted antigens (TRAs). This unexpected finding, suggestive of wider functions of AIRE, may provide an explanation for the non-autoimmune symptoms of APECED patients who lack functional AIRE.JF and HS were funded by project ERC-2013-ADG number 341038. MB was funded by EMBO ALTF 786-2013. BH was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Veni program (91618032). LH, JpvH, and ST were supported by a grant from the Dutch Arthritis Foundation (2013_2_37). MM was supported by Wellcome Trust (grant105045/Z/14/Z). JM was supported by core funding from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and from Cancer Research UK (award number 17197)

    Maturing Human CD127+ CCR7+ PDL1+ Dendritic Cells Express AIRE in the Absence of Tissue Restricted Antigens

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    Expression of the Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) outside of the thymus has long been suggested in both humans and mice, but the cellular source in humans has remained undefined. Here we identify AIRE expression in human tonsils and extensively analyzed these “extra-thymic AIRE expressing cells” (eTACs) using combinations of flow cytometry, CyTOF and single cell RNA-sequencing. We identified AIRE+ cells as dendritic cells (DCs) with a mature and migratory phenotype including high levels of antigen presenting molecules and costimulatory molecules, and specific expression of CD127, CCR7, and PDL1. These cells also possessed the ability to stimulate and re-stimulate T cells and displayed reduced responses to toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists compared to conventional DCs. While expression of AIRE was enriched within CCR7+CD127+ DCs, single-cell RNA sequencing revealed expression of AIRE to be transient, rather than stable, and associated with the differentiation to a mature phenotype. The role of AIRE in central tolerance induction within the thymus is well-established, however our study shows that AIRE expression within the periphery is not associated with an enriched expression of tissue-restricted antigens (TRAs). This unexpected finding, suggestive of wider functions of AIRE, may provide an explanation for the non-autoimmune symptoms of APECED patients who lack functional AIRE

    Correction:How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research (vol 30, pg R1014, 2020)

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    (Current Biology 30, R1014–R1018; September 21, 2020) As a result of an author oversight in the originally published version of this article, a number of errors were introduced in the author list and affiliations. First, the middle initials were omitted from the names of several authors. Second, the surname of Dr. van Dam was mistakenly written as “Dam.” Third, the first name of author Bernhard Englitz was misspelled as “Bernard” and the surname of author B.J.A. Pollux was misspelled as “Pullox.” Finally, Dr. Keijer's first name was abbreviated rather than written in full. These errors, as well as various errors in the author affiliations, have now been corrected online
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