57 research outputs found

    Overlayer-induced ordering of the disordered surface monolayer in Langmuir-Blodgett multilayer thin films

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    X-ray scattering results from Langmuir-Blodgett thin films demonstrate that the surface monolayer at the multilayer-air interface is disordered and that ordering of the surface monolayer can be induced by the deposition of an additional monolayer. The data was analysed by a novel refinement technique which does not assume a centrosymmetric structure or the existence of a unit cell.On présente une expérience de diffusion des rayons X par des films de Langmuir-Blodgett. Les résultats montrent que la monocouche de surface à l'interface film multicouches/air est désordonnée, et qu'elle peut être réordonnée par dépôt d'une monocouche supplémentaire. Les données sont analysées au moyen d'une nouvelle technique qui calcule la fonction d'autocorrélation du profil du film sans supposer la structure centrosymétrique et sans postuler l'existence d'une cellule unité

    Decays of hyperfragments in nuclear emulsion

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    Relapse to crime

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    The dorsal hippocampus is essential for context discrimination but not for contextual conditioning

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    The authors describe how (a) the timing of hippocampal lesions and (b) the behavioral-representational demands of the task affect the requirement for the hippocampus in contextual fear conditioning. Post- but not pretraining lesions of the hippocampus greatly reduced contextual fear conditioning. In contrast, pretraining lesions of the hippocampus abolished context discrimination, a procedure in which mice are trained to discriminate between 2 similar chambers (shock context vs. no-shock context). Whereas either contextual- or cue-based strategies can be used to recognize an aversive context, discrimination between similar contexts is optimally acquired by contextual (hippocampal)-based strategies. In keeping with the lesion results, Nf1(+/-)/Nmdar1(+/-) mutant mice, which have spatial learning deficits, are impaired in context discrimination but not in contextual conditioning. Together, these data dissociate hippocampal and nonhippocampal contributions to contextual conditioning, and they provide direct evidence that the hippocampus plays an essential role in the processing of contextual stimuli

    Increased Vocalization of Rats in Response to Ultrasonic Playback as a Sign of Hypervigilance Following Fear Conditioning

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    We investigated the effects of prior stress on rats’ responses to 50-kHz (appetitive) and 22-kHz (aversive) ultrasonic playback. Rats were treated with 0, 1, 6 or 10 shocks (1 s, 1.0 mA each) and were exposed to playbacks the following day. Previous findings were confirmed: (i) rats moved faster during 50-kHz playback and slowed down after 22-kHz playback; (ii) they all approached the speaker, which was more pronounced during and following 50-kHz playback than 22-kHz playback; (iii) 50-kHz playback caused heart rate (HR) increase; 22-kHz playback caused HR decrease; (iv) the rats vocalized more often during and following 50-kHz playback than 22-kHz playback. The previous shock affected the rats such that singly-shocked rats showed lower HR throughout the experiment and a smaller HR response to 50-kHz playback compared to controls and other shocked groups. Interestingly, all pre-shocked rats showed higher locomotor activity during 50-kHz playback and a more significant decrease in activity following 22-kHz playback; they vocalized more often, their ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) were longer and at a higher frequency than those of the control animals. These last two observations could point to hypervigilance, a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in human patients. Increased vocalization may be a valuable measure of hypervigilance used for PTSD modeling
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