191 research outputs found

    Identifying the Quality of E-Commerce Reference Models

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    The development of information and communication systems, in particular e-commerce systems, is a complex and time intensive task. The development process can be simplified by using reference models. Many reference models for the electronic commerce, such as the model for electronic markets by SCHMID & LINDEMANN (1997) and the OBJECT MANAGEMENT GROUP reference model are known. However, they tend to concentrate on specific aspects of the problem and give insufficient attention to all aspects of good model quality. A number of requirements are important in constructing a reference model as the quality of the construction invariably impacts the quality of the construction invariably impacts the quality of the final model. To determine the quality of a reference model and its construction process an analysis scheme was designed and tested in a case study with a German standardization institution. The practical application of the analysis scheme reveals deficiencies and strengths in some reference modelling processes. Copyright 2004 ACM

    Quality Levels of Electronic B2B Marketplaces

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    Realisierung des datenaustauschs im elektronischen handel

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    Der elektronische Handel befindet sich in der ersten HĂ€lfte seiner Entwicklung und ist doch schon NormalitĂ€t in den Unternehmen. FĂŒr die Realisierung des Datenaustauschs benötigen die Unternehmen Kommunikationsstandards und Software-lösungen

    Tissue control of androgen action : The ups and downs of androgen receptor expression

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    Work in the McEwan Laboratory is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of Scottish Government: Grants ETM-258 and ETM-382. BE is supported by an Erasmus scholarship.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Produção de citros orgùnico no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Informationsbedarf und -austausch in Netzwerken kleiner und mittelstÀndischer Unternehmen

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    Untemehmensnetzwerke fĂŒr kleine und mittelstĂ€ndische Unternehmen werden heute als ein wichtiges Werkzeug fĂŒr die Erhöhung der KonkurrenzfĂ€higkeit auf MĂ€rkten betrachtet. Der Austausch von Informationen ist Kembestandteil solcher Netzwerke. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt des Austausches ist dabei - neben dem Informationsbedarf, der Bereitschaft zur Bereitstellung und der Möglichkeiten zur Auswertung von Informationen - das Ziel, das durch den Informationsaustausch verfolgt wird. In welchem Umfang sich ein Unternehmen in ein BĂŒndnis integriert, wird deshalb maßgeblich durch seine Ziele und die unter diesem Blickwinkel in das Untemehmensnetzwerk gesetzten Nutzenerwartungen bestimmt. Die Organisationsstruktur der Netzwerke ist eng verbunden mit den Zielen, die diese Netze verfolgen. Unter anderem sind die Vorteile einer zentralen gegen die einer dezentralen Verwaltung abzuwĂ€gen. Wichtig hierfĂŒr sind die Ziele des einzelnen Unternehmens und des Netzwerkes. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht aus theoretischer Sicht, inwieweit sich aus den Untemehmenszielen, speziell kleiner oder mittelstĂ€ndischer Unternehmen, eine Entscheidung fĂŒr oder gegen den Eintritt in ein Untemehmensnetzwerk ableiten lĂ€ĂŸt

    Exploring the Limits of High Altitude GPS for Future Lunar Missions

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    An increasing number of spacecraft are relying on the Global Positioning System (GPS) for navigation at altitudes near or above the GPS constellation itself - the region known as the Space Service Volume (SSV). While the formal definition of the SSV ends at geostationary altitude, the practical limit of high-altitude space usage is not known, and recent missions have demonstrated that signal availability is sufficient for operational navigation at altitudes halfway to the moon. This paper presents simulation results based on a high-fidelity model of the GPS constellation, calibrated and validated through comparisons of simulated GPS signal availability and strength with flight data from recent high-altitude missions including the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 16 (GOES-16) and the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. This improved model is applied to the transfer to a lunar near-rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) of the class being considered for the international Deep Space Gateway concept. The number of GPS signals visible and their received signal strengths are presented as a function of receiver altitude in order to explore the practical upper limit of high-altitude space usage of GPS

    Creating Digital Coastal Watersheds: The Remote Data Acquisition Network at Bannockburn Plantation, Georgetown County, SC

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    2008 S.C. Water Resources Conference - Addressing Water Challenges Facing the State and Regio

    Exploring the Limits of High Altitude GPS for Future Lunar Missions

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    An increasing number of spacecraft are relying on the Global Positioning System (GPS) for navigation at altitudes near or above the GPS constellation itself - the region known as the Space Service Volume (SSV). While the formal definition of the SSV ends at geostationary altitude, the practical limit of high-altitude space usage is not known, and recent missions have demonstrated that signal availability is sufficient for operational navigation at altitudes halfway to the moon. This paper presents simulation results based on a high-fidelity model of the GPS constellation, calibrated and validated through comparisons of simulated GPS signal availability and strength with flight data from recent high-altitude missions including the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 16 (GOES-16) and the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. This improved model is applied to the transfer to a lunar near-rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) of the class being con- sidered for the international Deep Space Gateway concept. The number of GPS signals visible and their received signal strengths are presented as a function of receiver altitude in order to explore the practical upper limit of high-altitude space usage of GPS
