3,510 research outputs found

    An introduction to the Princeton sailwing windmill

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    Specifically discussed is the sailwing windmill. The aerodynamic characteristics of the sailwing itself are presented in condensed form and its natural application to the wind machine is discussed. Past and present sailwing windmill configurations are shown and their relative merits are compared. A section on a future promising configuration is presented and its compatibility to advanced technology electrical machinery is briefly discussed. Also included is a short bibliography

    Timing of Side-Dress Applications of N for Corn in Conventional and No-Till Systems

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    In general, conventional tillage averaged nearly 40 bu/acre greater corn yield than no-till likely because of improved growth during the season. With conventional tillage, all side-dress treatments resulted in greater yield than with all N applied pre-plant. However, in lower-yielding no-till systems, the yield response to side-dress applications appeared to be greater for V10 applications compared with those at V6

    Timing of Side-Dress Applications of Nitrogen for Corn in Conventional and No-Till Systems

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    Corn yields were affected by tillage and nitrogen (N) side-dress options in 2016. Corn yields were 12% greater with conventional tillage than with no-till. Side-dress applications of N at V10 resulted in greater corn yield than side-dress N applications at V6

    Performance of an environmental test to detect Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger social groups

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    A study by Courtenay and others (2006) demonstrated that the probability of detecting Mycobacterium bovis by PCR in soil samples from the spoil heaps of main badger setts correlated with the prevalence of excretion (infectiousness) of captured badgers belonging to the social group. It has been proposed that such a test could be used to target badger culling to setts containing infectious animals (Anon 2007). This short communication discusses the issues surrounding this concept, with the intention of dispelling any misconceptions among relevant stakeholders (farmers, policy makers and conservationists)

    One-dimensional cutting stock decisions for rolls with multiple quality grades

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    This paper presents a procedure for solving one-dimensional cutting stock problems when both the master rolls and customer orders have multiple quality gradations.The procedure described here is a two-stage sequential heuristic. An innovative shadow price-based procedure is first used to select slitting patterns for master rolls with variable quality characteristics. Then a residual problem for the available first-quality (`perfect') master rolls is solved with a linear programming model.An important characteristic of this approach is its robustness. The procedure can deal effectively with problems of varying size and complexity and can also easily be adapted to changing circumstances with respect to production quality and demand.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/28751/1/0000581.pd

    Cutting stock problems and solution procedures

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    This paper discusses some of the basic formulation issues and solution procedures for solving one- and two- dimensional cutting stock problems. Linear programming, sequential heuristic and hybrid solution procedures are described. For two-dimensional cutting stock problems with rectangular shapes, we also propose an approach for solving large problems with limits on the number of times an ordered size may appear in a pattern.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29128/1/0000167.pd

    Cortical and subcortical alterations associated with precision visuomotor behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorder

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    In addition to core deficits in social-communication abilities and repetitive behaviors and interests, many 2 patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience developmental comorbidities, including 3 sensorimotor issues. Sensorimotor issues are common in ASD and associated with more severe clinical 4 symptoms. Importantly, sensorimotor behaviors are precisely quantifiable and highly translational, 5 offering promising targets for neurophysiological studies of ASD. We used functional MRI to identify 6 brain regions associated with sensorimotor behavior using a visually-guided precision gripping task in 7 individuals with ASD (N=20) and age-, IQ-, and handedness-matched controls (N=18). During 8 visuomotor behavior, individuals with ASD showed greater force variability than controls. BOLD signal 9 for multiple cortical and subcortical regions was associated with force variability, including motor and 10 premotor cortex, posterior parietal cortex, extrastriate cortex, putamen, and cerebellum. Activation in 11 right premotor cortex scaled with sensorimotor variability in controls, but not in ASD. Individuals with 12 ASD showed greater activation than controls in left putamen and left cerebellar lobule VIIb and activation 13 in these regions was associated with more severe clinically-rated symptoms of ASD. Together, these 14 results suggest that greater sensorimotor variability in ASD is associated with altered cortical-striatal 15 processes supporting action selection and cortical-cerebellar circuits involved in feedback-guided reactive 16 adjustments of motor output. Our findings also indicate that atypical organization of visuomotor cortical 17 circuits may result in heightened reliance on subcortical circuits typically dedicated to motor skill 18 acquisition. Overall, these results provide new evidence that sensorimotor alterations in ASD involve 19 aberrant cortical and subcortical organization that may contribute to key clinical issues in patients. 20 21 New and noteworthy: This is the first known study to examine functional brain activation during 22 precision visuomotor behavior in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We replicate previous findings of 23 elevated force variability in ASD and find these deficits are associated with atypical function of ventral 24 premotor cortex, putamen, and posterolateral cerebellum, indicating cortical-striatal processes supporting 25 action selection and cortical-cerebellar circuits involved in feedback-guided reactive adjustments of motor 26 output may be key targets for understanding the neurobiology of ASD.NICHD 055751NIMH R01 12743-01NCATS TL1 TR002368,Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Research Investment Council Strategic Initiative Gran
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