477 research outputs found

    First-principles calculation of mechanical properties of Si <001> nanowires and comparison to nanomechanical theory

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    We report the results of first-principles density functional theory calculations of the Young's modulus and other mechanical properties of hydrogen-passivated Si nanowires. The nanowires are taken to have predominantly {100} surfaces, with small {110} facets according to the Wulff shape. The Young's modulus, the equilibrium length and the constrained residual stress of a series of prismatic beams of differing sizes are found to have size dependences that scale like the surface area to volume ratio for all but the smallest beam. The results are compared with a continuum model and the results of classical atomistic calculations based on an empirical potential. We attribute the size dependence to specific physical structures and interactions. In particular, the hydrogen interactions on the surface and the charge density variations within the beam are quantified and used both to parameterize the continuum model and to account for the discrepancies between the two models and the first-principles results.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Quantum Effects in the Mechanical Properties of Suspended Nanomechanical Systems

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    We explore the quantum aspects of an elastic bar supported at both ends and subject to compression. If strain rather than stress is held fixed, the system remains stable beyond the buckling instability, supporting two potential minima. The classical equilibrium transverse displacement is analogous to a Ginsburg-Landau order parameter, with strain playing the role of temperature. We calculate the quantum fluctuations about the classical value as a function of strain. Excitation energies and quantum fluctuation amplitudes are compared for silicon beams and carbon nanotubes.Comment: RevTeX4. 5 pages, 3 eps figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Quantum manipulation via atomic-scale magnetoelectric effects

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    Magnetoelectric effects at the atomic scale are demonstrated to afford unique functionality. This is shown explicitly for a quantum corral defined by a wall of magnetic atoms deposited on a metal surface where spin-orbit coupling is observable. We show these magnetoelectric effects allow one to control the properties of systems placed inside the corral as well as their electronic signatures; they provide alternative tools for probing electronic properties at the atomic scale

    Electron pumping in graphene mechanical resonators

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    The combination of high frequency vibrations and metallic transport in graphene makes it a unique material for nano-electromechanical devices. In this letter, we show that graphene-based nano-electromechanical devices are extremely well suited for charge pumping, due to the sensitivity of its transport coefficients to perturbations in electrostatic potential and mechanical deformations, with the potential for novel small scale devices with useful applications

    Nonlinear time-series approaches in characterizing mood stability and mood instability in bipolar disorder

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    Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by episodes of elevated mood interspersed with episodes of depression. While treatment developments and understanding the disruptive nature of this illness have focused on these episodes, it is also evident that some patients may have chronic week-to-week mood instability. This is also a major morbidity. The longitudinal pattern of this mood instability is poorly understood as it has, until recently, been difficult to quantify. We propose that understanding this mood variability is critical for the development of cognitive neuroscience-based treatments. In this study, we develop a time-series approach to capture mood variability in two groups of patients with bipolar disorder who appear on the basis of clinical judgement to show relatively stable or unstable illness courses. Using weekly mood scores based on a self-rated scale (quick inventory of depressive symptomatology—self-rated; QIDS-SR) from 23 patients over a 220-week period, we show that the observed mood variability is nonlinear and that the stable and unstable patient groups are described by different nonlinear time-series processes. We emphasize the necessity in combining both appropriate measures of the underlying deterministic processes (the QIDS-SR score) and noise (uncharacterized temporal variation) in understanding dynamical patterns of mood variability associated with bipolar disorder

    A Geochemical Record of Late- Holocene Hurricane Events From the Florida Everglades

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    A 5.25- m sediment core SRM- 1 and 45 surface samples from mangrove forests at the Shark River Estuary in the Everglades National Park, Florida, were examined by using X- ray fluorescence and carbon isotopic analyses to study the history of intense hurricane landfall during the Late- Holocene. Significance testing of the surface samples in relation to storm deposits from Hurricane Wilma suggests that elemental concentration of Sr and Cl and the ratio of Cl/Br are the most sensitive indicators for major hurricane events in our study area. The geochemical data sets of core SRM- 1 identified five active periods of intense hurricane activities during the last 3,500 years at ~3,400- 3,000, ~2,200- 1,500, ~1,000- 800, ~600- 300, and ~150 calibrated years before present to present. This is the longest paleohurricane record to date from South Florida. Our results are consistent with the view that intense hurricane activities in South Florida were modulated by Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) movements, El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) activities, and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) strength. This study contributes to the methodological advancement in paleotempestological studies by demonstrating that geochemical signals, particularly signals of saltwater intrusions, can be preserved in the sediment profiles on millennial time- scale and measured by X- ray fluorescence techniques, thereby enabling more storm records to be produced from otherwise suboptimal sand- limited coastal systems such as the Florida Everglades. More work needs to be done to explore the use of geochemical and stable isotopic analyses in detecting storm signals from sand- limited coastal environments.Plain Language SummaryThis study uses geochemical analyses to detect intense hurricanes that made landfall near the southwest coast of the Florida Everglades from sediment profiles. The geochemical data sets identified five active periods of intense hurricane activities during the last 3,500 years at ~3,400- 3,000, ~2,200- 1,500, ~1,000- 800, ~600- 300, and ~150 years ago. Results from this study agree with previous studies that intense hurricane activities in the western Atlantic Basin were controlled by the position of ITCZ, ENSO activities, and NAO strength.Key PointsThis study demonstrates the use of XRF analysis in detecting major hurricane events in sand- limited coastal systemsFive active hurricane periods were identified at ~3,400- 3,000, ~2,200- 1,500, ~1,000- 800, ~600- 300, and ~150 cal yr BP to presentThis study suggests that intense hurricane activities in the western Atlantic Basin were modulated by ITCZ, ENSO, and NAO activitiesPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156482/2/wrcr24787_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156482/1/wrcr24787.pd

    Quantum Vacuum Experiments Using High Intensity Lasers

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    The quantum vacuum constitutes a fascinating medium of study, in particular since near-future laser facilities will be able to probe the nonlinear nature of this vacuum. There has been a large number of proposed tests of the low-energy, high intensity regime of quantum electrodynamics (QED) where the nonlinear aspects of the electromagnetic vacuum comes into play, and we will here give a short description of some of these. Such studies can shed light, not only on the validity of QED, but also on certain aspects of nonperturbative effects, and thus also give insights for quantum field theories in general.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figur

    Graphene Photonics and Optoelectronics

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    The richness of optical and electronic properties of graphene attracts enormous interest. Graphene has high mobility and optical transparency, in addition to flexibility, robustness and environmental stability. So far, the main focus has been on fundamental physics and electronic devices. However, we believe its true potential to be in photonics and optoelectronics, where the combination of its unique optical and electronic properties can be fully exploited, even in the absence of a bandgap, and the linear dispersion of the Dirac electrons enables ultra-wide-band tunability. The rise of graphene in photonics and optoelectronics is shown by several recent results, ranging from solar cells and light emitting devices, to touch screens, photodetectors and ultrafast lasers. Here we review the state of the art in this emerging field.Comment: Review Nature Photonics, in pres

    Ecosystem resistance in the face of climate change: a case study from the freshwater marshes of the Florida Everglades

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    Shaped by the hydrology of the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades watershed, the Florida Everglades is composed of a conglomerate of wetland ecosystems that have varying capacities to sequester and store carbon. Hydrology, which is a product of the region’s precipitation and temperature patterns combined with water management policy, drives community composition and productivity. As shifts in both precipitation and air temperature are expected over the next 100 years as a consequence of climate change, CO2 dynamics in the greater Everglades are expected to change. To reduce uncertainties associated with climate change and to explore how projected changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate can alter current CO2 exchange rates in Everglades freshwater marsh ecosystems, we simulated fluxes of carbon among the atmosphere, vegetation, and soil using the DAYCENT model. We explored the effects of low, moderate, and high scenarios for atmospheric CO2 (550, 850, and 950 ppm), mean annual air temperature (þ1, þ2.5, and þ4.28C) and precipitation (2, þ7, and þ14%), as predicted by the IPCC for the year 2100 for the region, on CO2 exchange rates in short- and long-hydroperiod wetland ecosystems. Under 100 years of current climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration, Everglades freshwater marsh ecosystems were estimated to be CO2-neutral. As atmospheric CO2 concentration increased and under climate change projections, there were slight shifts in the start and length of the wet season (1 to þ7 days) and a small enhancement in the sink capacity (by 169 to 573 g C m2 century1 ) occurred at both short- and longhydroperiod ecosystems compared to CO2 dynamics under the current climate regime. Over 100 years, rising temperatures increased net CO2 exchange rates (þ1 to 13 g C m2 century1 ) and shifts in precipitation patterns altered cumulative net carbon uptake by þ13 to 46 g C m2 century1 . While changes in ecosystem structure, species composition, and disturbance regimes were beyond the scope of this research, results do indicate that climate change will produce small changes in CO2 dynamics in Everglades freshwater marsh ecosystems and suggest that the hydrologic regime and oligotrophic conditions of Everglades freshwater marshes lowers the ecosystem sensitivity to climate change. Key word