4,076 research outputs found

    Induced superfluidity of imbalanced Fermi gases near unitarity

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    The induced intraspecies interactions among the majority species, mediated by the minority species, is computed for a population-imbalanced two-component Fermi gas. Although the Feshbach-resonance mediated interspecies interaction is dominant for equal populations, leading to singlet s-wave pairing, we find that in the strongly imbalanced regime the induced intraspecies interaction leads to p-wave pairing and superfluidity of the majority species. Thus, we predict that the observed spin-polaron Fermi liquid state in this regime is unstable to p-wave superfluidity, in accordance with the results of Kohn and Luttinger, below a temperature that, near unitarity, we find to be within current experimental capabilities. Possible experimental signatures of the p-wave state using radio-frequency spectroscopy as well as density-density correlations after free expansion are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Identity of electrons and ionization equilibrium

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    It is perhaps appropriate that, in a year marking the 90th anniversary of Meghnad Saha seminal paper (1920), new developments should call fresh attention to the problem of ionization equilibrium in gases. Ionization equilibrium is considered in the simplest "physical" model for an electronic subsystem of matter in a rarefied state, consisting of one localized electronic state in each nucleus and delocalized electronic states considered as free ones. It is shown that, despite the qualitative agreement, there is a significant quantitative difference from the results of applying the Saha formula to the degree of ionization. This is caused by the fact that the Saha formula corresponds to the "chemical" model of matter.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    A bulk 2D Pauli Limited Superconductor

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    We present a nearly perfect Pauli-limited critical field phase diagram for the anisotropic organic superconductor \α\alpha-(ET)2_2NH4_4(SCN)4_4 when the applied magnetic field is oriented parallel to the conducting layers. The critical fields ({H_{c_2}) were found by use of penetration depth measurements. Because {H_{c_2} is Pauli-limited, the size of the superconducting energy gap can be calculated. The role of spin-orbit scattering and many-body effects play a role in explaining our measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. V5, corrections were made to the text, present data was include

    Zeeman effect in superconducting two-leg ladders: irrational magnetization plateaus and exceeding the Pauli limit

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    The effect of a parallel magnetic field on superconducting two-leg ladders is investigated numerically. The magnetization curve displays an irrational plateau at a magnetization equal to the hole density. Remarkably, its stability is fundamentally connected to the existence of a well-known magnetic resonant mode. Once the zero-field spin gap is suppressed by the field, pairs acquire a finite momentum characteristic of a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase. In addition, S^z=0 triplet superconducting correlations coexist with singlet ones above the irrational plateau. This provides a simple mechanism in which the Pauli limit is exceeded as suggested by recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Semiclassical theory of a quantum pump

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    In a quantum charge pump, the periodic variation of two parameters that affect the phase of the electronic wavefunction causes the flow of a direct current. The operating mechanism of a quantum pump is based on quantum interference, the phases of interfering amplitudes being modulated by the external parameters. In a ballistic quantum dot, there is a minimum time before which quantum interference can not occur: the Ehrenfest time. Here we calculate the current pumped through a ballistic quantum dot when the Ehrenfest time is comparable to the mean dwell time. Remarkably, we find that the pumped current has a component that is not suppressed if the Ehrenfest time is much larger than the mean dwell time.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Revised version, minor change

    On the Lifshitz tail in the density of states of a superconductor with magnetic impurities

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    We argue that any superconductor with magnetic impurities is gapless due to a Lifshitz tail in the density of states extending to zero energy. At low energy the density of states ν(E→0)\nu(E \to 0) remains finite. We show that fluctuations in the impurity distribution produce regions of suppressed superconductivity, which are responsible for the low energy density of states.Comment: 4 pages, uuencoded latex file + ps figure file

    Angle-dependence of the Hall effect in HgBa2CaCu2O6 thin films

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    Superconducting compounds of the family Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O have been the subject of intense study since the current record-holder for the highest critical temperature of a superconductor belongs to this class of materials. Thin films of the compound with two adjacent copper-oxide layers and a critical temperature of about 120 K were prepared by a two-step process that consists of the pulsed-laser deposition of precursor films and the subsequent annealing in mercury-vapor atmosphere. Like some other high-temperature superconductors, Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O exhibits a specific anomaly of the Hall effect, a double-sign change of the Hall coefficient close to the superconducting transition. We have investigated this phenomenon by measurements of the Hall effect at different angles between the magnetic field direction and the crystallographic c-axis. The results concerning the upper part of the transition, where the first sign change occurs, are discussed in terms of the renormalized fluctuation model for the Hall conductivity, adapted through the field rescaling procedure in order to take into account the arbitrary orientation of the magnetic field.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    High superconducting anisotropy and weak vortex pinning in Co doped LaFeAsO

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    Here, we present an electrical transport study in single crystals of LaFe0.92_{0.92}Co0.08_{0.08}AsO (Tc≃9.1T_c \simeq 9.1 K) under high magnetic fields. In contrast to most of the previously reported Fe based superconductors, and despite its relatively low TcT_c, LaFe1−x_{1-x}Cox_xAsO shows a superconducting anisotropy which is comparable to those seen for instance in the cuprates or γH=Hc2ab/Hc2c=mc/mab≃9\gamma_H = H_{c2}^{ab}/H_{c2}^{c} = m_c/m_{ab} \simeq 9, where mc/mabm_c/m_{ab} is the effective mass anisotropy. Although, in the present case and as in all Fe based superconductors, γ→1\gamma \rightarrow 1 as T→0T \rightarrow 0. Under the application of an external field, we also observe a remarkable broadening of the superconducting transition particularly for fields applied along the inter-planar direction. Both observations indicate that the low dimensionality of LaFe1−x_{1-x}Cox_xAsO is likely to lead to a more complex vortex phase-diagram when compared to the other Fe arsenides and consequently, to a pronounced dissipation associated with the movement of vortices in a possible vortex liquid phase. When compared to, for instance, F-doped compounds pertaining to same family, we obtain rather small activation energies for the motion of vortices. This suggests that the disorder introduced by doping LaFeAsO with F is more effective in pinning the vortices than alloying it with Co.Comment: 7 figures, 7 pages, Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Quantum and classical resonant escapes of a strongly-driven Josephson junction

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    The properties of phase escape in a dc SQUID at 25 mK, which is well below quantum-to-classical crossover temperature TcrT_{cr}, in the presence of strong resonant ac driving have been investigated. The SQUID contains two Nb/Al-AlOx_{x} /Nb tunnel junctions with Josephson inductance much larger than the loop inductance so it can be viewed as a single junction having adjustable critical current. We find that with increasing microwave power WW and at certain frequencies ν\nu and ν\nu /2, the single primary peak in the switching current distribution, \textrm{which is the result of macroscopic quantum tunneling of the phase across the junction}, first shifts toward lower bias current II and then a resonant peak develops. These results are explained by quantum resonant phase escape involving single and two photons with microwave-suppressed potential barrier. As WW further increases, the primary peak gradually disappears and the resonant peak grows into a single one while shifting further to lower II. At certain WW, a second resonant peak appears, which can locate at very low II depending on the value of ν\nu . Analysis based on the classical equation of motion shows that such resonant peak can arise from the resonant escape of the phase particle with extremely large oscillation amplitude resulting from bifurcation of the nonlinear system. Our experimental result and theoretical analysis demonstrate that at T≪TcrT\ll T_{cr}, escape of the phase particle could be dominated by classical process, such as dynamical bifurcation of nonlinear systems under strong ac driving.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl
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