3,315 research outputs found

    Spin-lattice order in frustrated ZnCr2O4

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    Using synchrotron X-rays and neutron diffraction we disentangle spin-lattice order in highly frustrated ZnCr2_2O4_4 where magnetic chromium ions occupy the vertices of regular tetrahedra. Upon cooling below 12.5 K the quandary of anti-aligning spins surrounding the triangular faces of tetrahedra is resolved by establishing weak interactions on each triangle through an intricate lattice distortion. The resulting spin order is however, not simply a N\'{e}el state on strong bonds. A complex co-planar spin structure indicates that antisymmetric and/or further neighbor exchange interactions also play a role as ZnCr2_2O4_4 resolves conflicting magnetic interactions

    Structural Anomalies at the Magnetic and Ferroelectric Transitions in RMn2O5RMn_2O_5 (R=Tb, Dy, Ho)

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    Strong anomalies of the thermal expansion coefficients at the magnetic and ferroelectric transitions have been detected in multiferroic RMn2O5RMn_2O_5. Their correlation with anomalies of the specific heat and the dielectric constant is discussed. The results provide evidence for the magnetic origin of the ferroelectricity mediated by strong spin-lattice coupling in the compounds. Neutron scattering data for HoMn2O5HoMn_2O_5 indicate a spin reorientation at the two low-temperature phase transitions

    Legacy Vehicle Fuel System Testing with Intermediate Ethanol Blends

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    The effects of E10 and E17 on legacy fuel system components from three common mid-1990s vintage vehicle models (Ford, GM, and Toyota) were studied. The fuel systems comprised a fuel sending unit with pump, a fuel rail and integrated pressure regulator, and the fuel injectors. The fuel system components were characterized and then installed and tested in sample aging test rigs to simulate the exposure and operation of the fuel system components in an operating vehicle. The fuel injectors were cycled with varying pulse widths during pump operation. Operational performance, such as fuel flow and pressure, was monitored during the aging tests. Both of the Toyota fuel pumps demonstrated some degradation in performance during testing. Six injectors were tested in each aging rig. The Ford and GM injectors showed little change over the aging tests. Overall, based on the results of both the fuel pump testing and the fuel injector testing, no major failures were observed that could be attributed to E17 exposure. The unknown fuel component histories add a large uncertainty to the aging tests. Acquiring fuel system components from operational legacy vehicles would reduce the uncertainty

    First-order nature of the ferromagnetic phase transition in (La-Ca)MnO_3 near optimal doping

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    Neutron scattering has been used to study the nature of the ferromagnetic transition in single crystals of La_0.7Ca_0.3MnO_3 and La_0.8Ca_0.2MnO_3, and polycrystalline samples of La_0.67Ca_0.33MnO_3 and La_5/8Ca_3/8MnO_3 where the naturally occurring O-16 can be replaced with the O-18 isotope. Small angle neutron scattering on the x=0.3 single crystal reveals a discontinuous change in the scattering at the Curie temperature for wave vectors below ~0.065 A^-1. Strong relaxation effects are observed for this domain scattering, for the magnetic order parameter, and for the quasielastic scattering, demonstrating that the transition is not continuous in nature. There is a large oxygen isotope effect observed for the T_C in the polycrystalline samples. For the optimally doped x=3/8 sample we observed T_C(O-16)=266.5 K and T_C(O-18)=261.5 K at 90% O-18 substitution. The temperature dependence of the spin-wave stiffness is found to be identical for the two samples despite changes in T_C. Hence, T_C is not solely determined by the magnetic subsystem, but instead the ferromagnetic phase is truncated by the formation of polarons which cause an abrupt transition to the paramagnetic, insulating state. Application of uniaxial stress in the x=0.3 single crystal sharply enhances the polaron scattering at room temperature. Measurements of the phonon density-of-states show only modest differences above and below T_C and between the two different isotopic samples.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Division of labour and the evolution of multicellularity

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    Understanding the emergence and evolution of multicellularity and cellular differentiation is a core problem in biology. We develop a quantitative model that shows that a multicellular form emerges from genetically identical unicellular ancestors when the compartmentalization of poorly compatible physiological processes into component cells of an aggregate produces a fitness advantage. This division of labour between the cells in the aggregate occurs spontaneously at the regulatory level due to mechanisms present in unicellular ancestors and does not require any genetic pre-disposition for a particular role in the aggregate or any orchestrated cooperative behaviour of aggregate cells. Mathematically, aggregation implies an increase in the dimensionality of phenotype space that generates a fitness landscape with new fitness maxima, and in which the unicellular states of optimized metabolism become fitness saddle points. Evolution of multicellularity is modeled as evolution of a hereditary parameter, the propensity of cells to stick together, which determines the fraction of time a cell spends in the aggregate form. Stickiness can increase evolutionarily due to the fitness advantage generated by the division of labour between cells in an aggregate.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Spectroscopy with random and displaced random ensembles

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    Due to the time reversal invariance of the angular momentum operator J^2, the average energies and variances at fixed J for random two-body Hamiltonians exhibit odd-even-J staggering, that may be especially strong for J=0. It is shown that upon ensemble averaging over random runs, this behaviour is reflected in the yrast states. Displaced (attractive) random ensembles lead to rotational spectra with strongly enhanced BE2 transitions for a certain class of model spaces. It is explained how to generalize these results to other forms of collectivity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of a continuous phase transition in a shape-memory alloy

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    Elastic neutron-scattering, inelastic x-ray scattering, specific-heat, and pressure-dependent electrical transport measurements have been made on single crystals of AuZn and Au_{0.52}Zn_{0.48} above and below their martensitic transition temperatures (T_M=64K and 45K, respectively). In each composition, elastic neutron scattering detects new commensurate Bragg peaks (modulation) appearing at Q = (1.33,0.67,0) at temperatures corresponding to each sample's T_M. Although the new Bragg peaks appear in a discontinuous manner in the Au_{0.52}Zn_{0.48} sample, they appear in a continuous manner in AuZn. Surprising us, the temperature dependence of the AuZn Bragg peak intensity and the specific-heat jump near the transition temperature are in favorable accord with a mean-field approximation. A Landau-theory-based fit to the pressure dependence of the transition temperature suggests the presence of a critical endpoint in the AuZn phase diagram located at T_M*=2.7K and p*=3.1GPa, with a quantum saturation temperature \theta_s=48.3 +/- 3.7K.Comment: 6 figure
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