1,934 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw pada Mata Pelajaran Budaya Alam Minangkabau di SMP Negeri 2 Pulau Punjung Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    The purpose of this research is to know the improving studentsactivity and their result at Budaya Alam Minangkabau subject by usingcooperative Jigsaw at SMP Negeri 2 Pulau Punjung KabupatenDharmasraya.There are two cycles in this classroom action research.Each cycles needs three meeting and four steps. They are planing, acting,observing and reflecting. It is use to get improvement to next cycles. Theinstrument used to collect data is observation sheets, test, and field notes.The collection of data is helped by an observer. The data is analyzedthrough two ways. Qualitative data is analyzed with narration andargumentation and quantitative data. It must reach 85 % for students\u27activity. The result of research reaches 87%. The student achievement is85%. The students get score 76. The result of this research is 88%. So, itcan be concluded that using jigsaw cooperative learning model toincrease students\u27 activity and their result of Budaya Alam Minangkabausubject at students of SMP Negeri 2 Pulau Punjung KabupatenDharmasraya

    Studi Tentang Kaitan di Kota Pariaman

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    The aim of this research is to describe the tools and materials, the making techniques and the types of products which is produced by the crochet industry in the Pariaman city. The method used is a qualitative method. The type of data in the form of primary data and secondary data. Informants are the leaders and craftsmen each industry. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Extension of the validity of the data with observations, increased observation and triangulation. Result: Equipment and Materials used consist of a crochet hook with numbers 8, 9, 1/0 and 2/0, sewing machines, stitch machine and cotton yarn, white and cream, with a yarn numbering numbers 6 and 9. Process roll thread there are two ways, namely utilizing limbs and used yarn mill player. The USAge of crochet hook number 1/0 and 2/0 is for the yarn number 9. Crochet hook number 8 and number 9 for number 6. Yarn making technique used the initial stitch, chain stitch, tightly stitch, closely half stitch, single crochet, double crochet, and picot stitch. Type of connection used a regular crochet, irish crochet, american crochet, the crochet stitch. It produced tablecloths, cover gallon, souvenirs and products related to fashion

    Batik Tebo di Kecamatan Tebo Tengah Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi (Studi Kasus di Sanggar Mursida)

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    Typical Batik Tebo yet well know neven Tebos ociety, because theproblem sare fearedlostits cultural value. This study aimed to describe about thecraft of Batik Tebo which includeforms ofmotive, the meaning containedin themotif, as well astools andmaterials for batik making techniquesin the studioMursida Tebo. The method usedin this researchis descriptive methodqualitatively.Collecting datain this studyis doneby usingthe techni ques of observation,interview sand documentation. Datareviewed andanalyzed byt he stepsof datareduction, data presentation. Data validation was donewith the extensionofobservation, increa sepersistene and triangulation.The results showed that BatikTeboconsists of 11. motif batik bambu runcing, motif batik sialang rajo, motifbatik buah manggis,motif batik rebung nyengum, motif batik serat kayu rengas,motif batik tapak kudo, motif batik bungo tanjung dan buah sawit, motif batiktapak kudo buah sawit, motif batik bungo tanjung,motif batik bungo paku danbuah sawit dan motif batik pawn(koin). Batik technique used is the technique ofbatik yestaining

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Pendapatan terhadap Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence from the level of education , health , and income to poverty at 2000-2014 period in Jambi province. Method and a tool used in this research is the double regression with SPSS 20 program . From the calculation known that the variable levels of education ( X1 ) and income ( X3 ) have negative impact to poverty ( Y ) , in other words if the level of education and income increased, poverty will decline in Jambi province .The size of the influence of each variable levels of education ( X1 ) and income (X3) is 0,578 and 1,773 .While , variable health (X2) have a positive impact to poverty in Jambi province with coefficient is 1,315. Also known that from the calculations stimultaneously a variable degree in education , health , and income have significant on poverty in Jambi province , but only degree in education have significant in partially

    Gambaran Nilai Sgot dan Sgpt Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru yang Dirawat Inap di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Tahun 2013

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    Tuberculosis (TB) adalah suatu penyakit infeksi menular yang disebabkanoleh kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Tuberculosis ( TB ) is an infectious diseasecaused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB germs attack the organ is mostly thelungs ( pulmonary TB ) , but also can affect almost every organ of the human body .Morbidity and mortality from tuberculosis is a serious problem , especially due to theincidence of side effects due to Anti Tuberculosis ( OAT ) . Side effects The mostserious OAT is hepatotoxic .According to the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD ) , establishes that the parameters for determining the presence or absence ofliver damage is to look at the levels of serum glutamic Pyruric transaminase ( SGPT )increased more than three times the upper limit of normal , and serum glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase ( SGOT ) . The purpose of this study to describe the valueof AST and ALT in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis hospitalized in ArifinAchmad Riau Province in 2014 by age , sex and determine the degree ofhepatotoxicity . This study will be conducted at the medical records of the DistrictGeneral Hospital Arifin Achmad Riau Province in January 2015 .The study sample as many as 69 people . The data collected is secondarydata obtained from medical records . The results showed that the largest age groupof patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were aged 40-49 years were 17 ( 24.63 % ) .While the sex of pulmonary TB patients it was found that men were 36 people ( 52.17% ) . Pulmonary TB patients who experienced hepatotoksitas based SGOT was 10people ( 14.49 % ) . Pulmonary TB patients with hepatotoxicity based SGPT value is7 ( 10.14 % ) .pulmonary TB patients with hepatotoxicity based AST highest in the agegroup 40-49 years are 4 people and hepatotoxicity based SGPT highest in the agegroup 18-29 years is 3 people . pulmonary TB patients with hepatotoxicity based ASTsame incidence between men and women respectively 5 people . Pulmonary TBpatients with hepatotoxicity based SGPT most suffered by men is 6 people , whilewomen only 1 person
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