1,812 research outputs found

    Shuttle Test and Operations Approach

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    The Shuttle Program presently under development is one which challenges our ingenuity. In its infancy we see that old and tried test techniques and approaches may no longer be valid and that in order to meet program goals of minimum cost and high reliability, new test and operation plans and methods must be conceived. This paper presents an over view of the Space Shuttle Test and Operations Program. I will briefly touch on today\u27s test/ operations requirements, the concept under which they have been developed and their implementation. Several of the concepts presented are a direct result of our Phase B Shuttle Study and are presently under program consideration. The Space Shuttle Program embodies design, production, test, operations and support attributes and/ or problems of both the aircraft and the missile. The operational concept is particularly unique in that a small number of recoverable flight vehicles operating in both the vertical and horizontal flight modes will be deployed to or from one primary operation site. For these and other reasons, the Shuttle Program presents unusual opportunities for development and implementation of an efficient and cost effective ground and flight test approach based on sound test and operational criteria

    Information Systems For Shuttle Processing: An Enterprise Approach

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe a process being utilized by Lockheed Space Operations Company (LSOC) for planning, developing and supporting an integrated information system for the Shuttle Processing Contract (SPC). This process was developed by Electronic Data Systems (EDS) to address the complex modernization and integration issues facing General Motors (GM). LSOC has contracted EDS to participate in adapting the process to the environment at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) for shuttle processing

    The Trial Brief

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    From the chapter Introduction: The object of the preceding chapters is to show the brief maker where to find the material for his brief, how to find it, and how to select out of the mass of material found that which will be suitable for his use.... The present purpose is to outline a course of investigation suitable to the preparation of a case for trial and to suggest methods of making the material collected during the search for authorities readily available. [p.417-418

    Note and Comment

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    Power of Municipal Corporations to Grant Exclusive Privileges; Police Regulation of Sleeping Car Berths; The Liability of a Husband for Slander and Libel Committed by His Wife; Sufficiency of a Verdict Which Fails to Fix the Time of an Attempt to Commit Burglary, the Punishment Varying With the Time; Grantor\u27s Remedy on Breach of Condition Subsequent

    Book Reviews

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    The title of this brilliant little volume might, more accurately, have been, The Spirits of the Common Law, for it depicts the common law as the battleground of many conflicting spirits, from which a few relatively permanent ideas and ideals have emerged triumphant. As a whole, the book is a pluralistic-idealistic interpretation of legal history. Idealistic, because Dean Pound finds that the fundamentals of the \u27common law have been shaped by ideas and ideals rather than by economic determinism or class struggle; he definitely rejects a purely economic interpretation of legal history, although he demands a sociological one (pp. io-ii). Pluralistic, because, unlike those nineteenth-century philosophers who tried to make legal history stand for the unfolding of a single idea-rational will (Hegel), popular spirit (Savigny, Puchta)-Dean Pound finds a number of ideas which have contributed to the spirit of the common law

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    Release from Liability for Death by Wrongful Act; The Power of a City to Acquire or Build Subways; Constitutionality of Legislation Designating Time and Manner of Payment of Wages; Priority in Bankruptcy Between Wage Claims and Valid Liens

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    The Corporation Tax Decision; The Rights of Passengers in an Unregistered Automobile; Expert Testimony in Michigan; Federal Supreme Court\u27s Jurisdiction Unalterable

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    Notes on recent cases and letters to the Law Review

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    Constitutional Law - Applicability of First Ten Amendments to Unincorporated Territory - A man was killed aboard an American ship in a Virgin Island port. A police investigation was started the next day and continued for twelve days thereafter, during which twenty three witnesses were examined by the government. During most of the investigation the prisoners were present, and most of the testimony was translated into Spanish for their benefit, that being the only language they understood. No formal charge had been made against them and they were without counsel, but they were given an opportunity to explain after the testimony of each witness. The record was then transferred to the District court where the same judge presided, assisted by four lay judges. Formal charge was made, and the prisoners had counsel. The trial consisted of arguments on the facts as found in the above investigation, no more witnesses being called, although the prisoners were given the opportunity of calling witnesses in their behalf. They were found guilty. Act of Congress of March 3, 1917 (39 Stat. c. 171) provided that, as to judicial proceedings, the local laws should continue in effect in so far as compatible with the chang\u27ed sovereignty, until Congress should otherwise provide. It was assumed that the above proceedings were in accord\u27 with the local laws as established by Denmark. Held, the prisoners are entitled to a new trial, for the new sovereignty gives them the right to be confronted by the witnesses against them, and to be heard through cross-examination. Soto v. U. S., (C. C. A., 3d Circ., 1921), 273 Fed. 628

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    James H. Brewster - Thousands of alumni and former students of the Law School will learn with deep regret of the sudden death of Professor Brewster in Denver, Colorado, on October 7, 1920
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