2,933 research outputs found

    Quantum phase space picture of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a double well: Proposals for creating macroscopic quantum superposition states and a study of quantum chaos

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    We present a quantum phase space model of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a double well potential. In a two-mode Fock-state analysis we examine the eigenvectors and eigenvalues and find that the energy correlation diagram indicates a transition from a delocalized to a fragmented regime. Phase space information is extracted from the stationary quantum states using the Husimi distribution function. It is shown that the quantum states are localized on the known classical phase space orbits of a nonrigid physical pendulum, and thus the novel phase space characteristics of a nonrigid physical pendulum such as the π\pi motions are seen to be a property of the exact quantum states. Low lying states are harmonic oscillator like libration states while the higher lying states are Schr\"odinger cat-like superpositions of two pendulum rotor states. To study the dynamics in phase space, a comparison is made between a displaced quantum wavepacket and the trajectories of a swarm of points in classical phase space. For a driven double well, it is shown that the classical chaotic dynamics is manifest in the dynamics of the quantum states pictured using the Husimi distribution. Phase space analogy also suggests that a π\pi phase displaced wavepacket put on the unstable fixed point on a separatrix will bifurcate to create a superposition of two pendulum rotor states - a Schr\"odinger cat state (number entangled state) for BEC. It is shown that the choice of initial barrier height and ramping, following a π\pi phase imprinting on the condensate, can be used to generate controlled entangled number states with tunable extremity and sharpness.Comment: revised version, 13 pages, 13 figure

    Localized Asymmetric Atomic Matter Waves in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates Coupled with Two Photon Microwave Field

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    We investigate localized atomic matter waves in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates coupled by the two photon microwave field. Interestingly, the oscillations of localized atomic matter waves will gradually decay and finally become non-oscillating behavior even if existing coupling field. In particular, atom numbers occupied in two different hyperfine spin states will appear asymmetric occupations after some time evolution.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical studies of macroscopic superposition states: Phase engineering of controlled entangled number states of Bose-Einstein condensate in multiple wells

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    We provide a scheme for the generation of entangled number states of Bose-Einstein condensates in multiple wells with cyclic pairwise connectivity. The condensate ground state in a multiple well trap can self-evolve, when phase engineered with specific initial phase differences between the neighboring wells, to a macroscopic superposition state with controllable entanglement -- to multiple well generalization of double well NOON states. We demonstrate through numerical simulations the creation of entangled states in three and four wells and then explore the creation of "larger" entangled states where there are either a larger number of particles in each well or a larger number of wells. The type of entanglement produced as the particle numbers, or interaction strength, increases changes in a novel and initially unexpected manner.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Multiconfigurational Hartree-Fock theory for identical bosons in a double well

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    Multiconfigurational Hartree-Fock theory is presented and implemented in an investigation of the fragmentation of a Bose-Einstein condensate made of identical bosonic atoms in a double well potential at zero temperature. The approach builds in the effects of the condensate mean field and of atomic correlations by describing generalized many-body states that are composed of multiple configurations which incorporate atomic interactions. Nonlinear and linear optimization is utilized in conjunction with the variational and Hylleraas-Undheim theorems to find the optimal ground and excited states of the interacting system. The resulting energy spectrum and associated eigenstates are presented as a function of double well barrier height. Delocalized and localized single configurational states are found in the extreme limits of the simple and fragmented condensate ground states, while multiconfigurational states and macroscopic quantum superposition states are revealed throughout the full extent of barrier heights. Comparison is made to existing theories that either neglect mean field or correlation effects and it is found that contributions from both interactions are essential in order to obtain a robust microscopic understanding of the condensate's atomic structure throughout the fragmentation process.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    The structure of the QED-Vacuum and Electron-Positron Pair Production in Super-Intense, pulsed Laser Fields

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    We discuss electron-positron pair-production by super-intense, short laser pulses off the physical vacuum state locally deformed by (stripped) nuclei with large nuclear charges. Consequences of non-perturbative vacuum polarisation resulting from such a deformation are shortly broached. Production probabilities per pulse are calculated.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Journal of Physics

    Generating ring currents, solitons, and svortices by stirring a Bose-Einstein condensate in a toroidal trap

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    We propose a simple stirring experiment to generate quantized ring currents and solitary excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates in a toroidal trap geometry. Simulations of the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation show that pure ring current states can be generated efficiently by adiabatic manipulation of the condensate, which can be realized on experimental time scales. This is illustrated by simulated generation of a ring current with winding number two. While solitons can be generated in quasi-1D tori, we show the even more robust generation of hybrid, solitonic vortices (svortices) in a regime of wider confinement. Svortices are vortices confined to essentially one-dimensional dynamics, which obey a similar phase-offset--velocity relationship as solitons. Marking the transition between solitons and vortices, svortices are a distinct class of symmetry-breaking stationary and uniformly rotating excited solutions of the 2D and 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation in a toroidal trapping potential. Svortices should be observable in dilute-gas experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in J. Phys. B (Letters

    Modulational Instability and Complex Dynamics of Confined Matter-Wave Solitons

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    We study the formation of bright solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 7^7Li atoms induced by a sudden change in the sign of the scattering length from positive to negative, as reported in a recent experiment (Nature {\bf 417}, 150 (2002)). The numerical simulations are performed by using the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) with a dissipative three-body term. We show that a number of bright solitons is produced and this can be interpreted in terms of the modulational instability of the time-dependent macroscopic wave function of the Bose condensate. In particular, we derive a simple formula for the number of solitons that is in good agreement with the numerical results of 3D GPE. By investigating the long time evolution of the soliton train solving the 1D GPE with three-body dissipation we find that adjacent solitons repel each other due to their phase difference. In addition, we find that during the motion of the soliton train in an axial harmonic potential the number of solitonic peaks changes in time and the density of individual peaks shows an intermittent behavior. Such a complex dynamics explains the ``missing solitons'' frequently found in the experiment.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nanosecond time transfer via shuttle laser ranging experiment

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    A method is described to use a proposed shuttle laser ranging experiment to transfer time with nanosecond precision. All that need be added to the original experiment are low cost ground stations and an atomic clock on the shuttle. It is shown that global time transfer can be accomplished with 1 ns precision and transfer up to distances of 2000 km can be accomplished with better than 100 ps precision
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