79,029 research outputs found

    Higher-spin Realisations of the Bosonic String

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    It has been shown that certain WW algebras can be linearised by the inclusion of a spin--1 current. This provides a way of obtaining new realisations of the WW algebras. Recently such new realisations of W3W_3 were used in order to embed the bosonic string in the critical and non-critical W3W_3 strings. In this paper, we consider similar embeddings in W2,4W_{2,4} and W2,6W_{2,6} strings. The linearisation of W2,4W_{2,4} is already known, and can be achieved for all values of central charge. We use this to embed the bosonic string in critical and non-critical W2,4W_{2,4} strings. We then derive the linearisation of W2,6W_{2,6} using a spin--1 current, which turns out to be possible only at central charge c=390c=390. We use this to embed the bosonic string in a non-critical W2,6W_{2,6} string.Comment: 8 pages. CTP TAMU-10/95

    Liouville and Toda Solitons in M-theory

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    We study the general form of the equations for isotropic single-scalar, multi-scalar and dyonic pp-branes in superstring theory and M-theory, and show that they can be cast into the form of Liouville, Toda (or Toda-like) equations. The general solutions describe non-extremal isotropic pp-branes, reducing to the previously-known extremal solutions in limiting cases. In the non-extremal case, the dilatonic scalar fields are finite at the outer event horizon.Comment: Latex, 10 pages. Minor corrections to text and titl

    Collective flow of open and hidden charm in Au+Au collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 200 GeV

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    We study the collective flow of open charm mesons and charmonia in Au+Au collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 200 GeV within the hadron-string-dynamics (HSD) transport approach. The detailed studies show that the coupling of D,DˉD,\bar{D} mesons to the light hadrons leads to comparable directed and elliptic flow as for the light mesons. This also holds approximately for J/ΨJ/\Psi mesons since more than 50% of the final charmonia for central and mid-central collisions stem from D+DˉD+\bar{D} induced reactions in the transport calculations. The transverse momentum spectra of D,DˉD,\bar{D} mesons and J/ΨJ/\Psi's are only very moderately changed by the (pre-)hadronic interactions in HSD which can be traced back to the collective flow generated by elastic interactions with the light hadrons.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. C, in pres

    Structure and decays of nuclear three-body systems: the Gamow coupled-channel method in Jacobi coordinates

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    Background:{\bf Background:} Weakly bound and unbound nuclear states appearing around particle thresholds are prototypical open quantum systems. Theories of such states must take into account configuration mixing effects in the presence of strong coupling to the particle continuum space. Purpose:{\bf Purpose:} To describe structure and decays of three-body systems, we developed a Gamow coupled-channel (GCC) approach in Jacobi coordinates by employing the complex-momentum formalism. We benchmarked the new framework against the complex-energy Gamow Shell Model (GSM). Methods:{\bf Methods:} The GCC formalism is expressed in Jacobi coordinates, so that the center-of-mass motion is automatically eliminated. To solve the coupled-channel equations, we use hyperspherical harmonics to describe the angular wave functions while the radial wave functions are expanded in the Berggren ensemble, which includes bound, scattering and Gamow states. Results:{\bf Results:} We show that the GCC method is both accurate and robust. Its results for energies, decay widths, and nucleon-nucleon angular correlations are in good agreement with the GSM results. Conclusions:{\bf Conclusions:} We have demonstrated that a three-body GSM formalism explicitly constructed in cluster-orbital shell model coordinates provides similar results to a GCC framework expressed in Jacobi coordinates, provided that a large configuration space is employed. Our calculations for A=6A=6 systems and 26^{26}O show that nucleon-nucleon angular correlations are sensitive to the valence-neutron interaction. The new GCC technique has many attractive features when applied to bound and unbound states of three-body systems: it is precise, efficient, and can be extended by introducing a microscopic model of the core.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Odd-even mass staggering with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory

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    We have studied odd-even nuclear mass staggering with the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory by employing isoscalar and isovector contact pairing interactions. By reproducing the empirical odd-even mass differences of the Sn isotopic chain, the strengths of pairing interactions are determined. The optimal strengths adjusted in this work can give better description of odd-even mass differences than that fitted by reproducing the experimental neutron pairing gap of 120^{120}Sn.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRC Brief Repor

    Breaking of the overall permutation symmetry in nonlinear optical susceptibilities of one-dimensional periodic dimerized Huckel model

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    Based on infinite one-dimensional single-electron periodic models of trans-polyacetylene, we show analytically that the overall permutation symmetry of nonlinear optical susceptibilities is, albeit preserved in the molecular systems with only bound states, no longer generally held for the periodic systems. The overall permutation symmetry breakdown provides a fairly natural explanation to the widely observed large deviations of Kleinman symmetry for periodic systems in off-resonant regions. Physical conditions to experimentally test the overall permutation symmetry break are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Constraining ΩM\Omega_M and Dark Energy with Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    An Eγ,jetEp1.5E_{\gamma,{\rm jet}}\propto {E'_p}^{1.5} relationship with a small scatter for current γ\gamma-ray burst (GRB) data was recently reported, where Eγ,jetE_{\gamma,{\rm jet}} is the beaming-corrected γ\gamma-ray energy and EpE'_p is the νFν\nu F_\nu peak energy in the local observer frame. By considering this relationship for a sample of 12 GRBs with known redshift, peak energy, and break time of afterglow light curves, we constrain the mass density of the universe and the nature of dark energy. We find that the mass density ΩM=0.35±0.150.15\Omega_M=0.35\pm^{0.15}_{0.15} (at the 1σ1\sigma confident level) for a flat universe with a cosmological constant, and the ww parameter of an assumed static dark-energy equation of state w=0.84±0.830.57w=-0.84\pm^{0.57}_{0.83} (1σ1\sigma). Our results are consistent with those from type Ia supernovae. A larger sample established by the upcoming {\em Swift} satellite is expected to provide further constraints.Comment: 8 pages including 4 figures, to appear in ApJ Letters, typos correcte

    Quantising Higher-spin String Theories

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    In this paper, we examine the conditions under which a higher-spin string theory can be quantised. The quantisability is crucially dependent on the way in which the matter currents are realised at the classical level. In particular, we construct classical realisations for the W2,sW_{2,s} algebra, which is generated by a primary spin-ss current in addition to the energy-momentum tensor, and discuss the quantisation for s8s\le8. From these examples we see that quantum BRST operators can exist even when there is no quantum generalisation of the classical W2,sW_{2,s} algebra. Moreover, we find that there can be several inequivalent ways of quantising a given classical theory, leading to different BRST operators with inequivalent cohomologies. We discuss their relation to certain minimal models. We also consider the hierarchical embeddings of string theories proposed recently by Berkovits and Vafa, and show how the already-known WW strings provide examples of this phenomenon. Attempts to find higher-spin fermionic generalisations lead us to examine the whether classical BRST operators for W2,n2W_{2,{n\over 2}} (nn odd) algebras can exist. We find that even though such fermionic algebras close up to null fields, one cannot build nilpotent BRST operators, at least of the standard form.Comment: CTP TAMU-24/94, KUL-TF-94/11, SISSA-135/94/E