165,085 research outputs found

    Mediating exchange bias by Verwey transition in CoO/Fe3O4 thin film

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    We report the tunability of the exchange bias effect by the first-order metal-insulator transition (known as the Verwey transition) of Fe3O4 in CoO (5 nm)/Fe3O4 (40 nm)/MgO (001) thin film. In the vicinity of the Verwey transition, the exchange bias field is substantially enhanced because of a sharp increase in magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant from high-temperature cubic to lowtemperature monoclinic structure. Moreover, with respect to the Fe3O4 (40 nm)/MgO (001) thin film, the coercivity field of the CoO (5 nm)/Fe3O4 (40 nm)/MgO (001) bilayer is greatly increased for all the temperature range, which would be due to the coupling between Co spins and Fe spins across the interface

    Quantum Manifestation of Elastic Constants in Nanostructures

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    Generally, there are two distinct effects in modifying the properties of low-dimensional nanostructures: surface effect (SS) due to increased surface-volume ratio and quantum size effect (QSE) due to quantum confinement in reduced dimension. The SS has been widely shown to affect the elastic constants and mechanical properties of nanostructures. Here, using Pb nanofilm and graphene nanoribbon as model systems, we demonstrate the QSE on the elastic constants of nanostructures by first-principles calculations. We show that generally QSE is dominant in affecting the elastic constants of metallic nanostructures while SS is more pronounced in semiconductor and insulator nanostructures. Our findings have broad implications in quantum aspects of nanomechanics

    GRB 060206: hints of precession of the central engine?

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    Aims. The high-redshift (z=4.048) gamma-ray burst GRB 060206 showed unusual behavior, with a significant rebrightening by a factor of ~4 at about 3000 s after the burst. We argue that this rebrightening implies that the central engine became active again after the main burst produced by the first ejecta, then drove another more collimated jet-like ejecta with a larger viewing angle. The two ejecta both interacted with the ambient medium, giving rise to forward shocks that propagated into the ambient medium and reverse shocks that penetrated into the ejecta. The total emission was a combination of the emissions from the reverse- and forward- shocked regions. We discuss how this combined emission accounts for the observed rebrightening. Methods. We apply numerical models to calculate the light curves from the shocked regions, which include a forward shock originating in the first ejecta and a forward-reverse shock for the second ejecta. Results. We find evidence that the central engine became active again 2000 s after the main burst. The combined emission produced by interactions of these two ejecta with the ambient medium can describe the properties of the afterglow of this burst. We argue that the rapid rise in brightness at ~3000 s in the afterglow is due to the off-axis emission from the second ejecta. The precession of the torus or accretion disk of the central engine is a natural explanation for the departure of the second ejecta from the line of sight

    GRB 060206: Evidence of Precession of Central Engine

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    The high-redshift (z = 4.048) gamma-ray burst GRB 060206 showed unusual behavior, with a significant re-brightening about 3000 s after the burst. We assume that the central engine became active again 2000 s after the main burst and drove another more collimated off-axis jet. The two jets both interacted with the ambient medium and contributed to the whole emission. We numerically fit this optical afterglow from the two jets using the forward-shock model and the forward-reverse shock model. Combining with the zero time effect, we suggest that the fast rise at ~3000 s in the afterglow was due to the off-axis emission from the second jet. The precession of the torus or accretion disk of the gamma ray burst engine is the natural explanation for the symmetry axes of these two jets not to lie on the same line

    Thermal and non-thermal emission in the Cygnus X region

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    Radio continuum observations detect non-thermal synchrotron and thermal bremsstrahlung radiation. Separation of the two different emission components is crucial to study the properties of diffuse interstellar medium. The Cygnus X region is one of the most complex areas in the radio sky which contains a number of massive stars and HII regions on the diffuse thermal and non-thermal background. More supernova remnants are expected to be discovered. We aim to develop a method which can properly separate the non-thermal and thermal radio continuum emission and apply it to the Cygnus X region. The result can be used to study the properties of different emission components and search for new supernova remnants in the complex. Multi-frequency radio continuum data from large-scale surveys are used to develop a new component separation method. Spectral analysis is done pixel by pixel for the non-thermal synchrotron emission with a realistic spectral index distribution and a fixed spectral index of beta = -2.1 for the thermal bremsstrahlung emission. With the new method, we separate the non-thermal and thermal components of the Cygnus X region at an angular resolution of 9.5arcmin. The thermal emission component is found to comprise 75% of the total continuum emission at 6cm. Thermal diffuse emission, rather than the discrete HII regions, is found to be the major contributor to the entire thermal budget. A smooth non-thermal emission background of 100 mK Tb is found. We successfully make the large-extent known supernova remnants and the HII regions embedded in the complex standing out, but no new large SNRs brighter than Sigma_1GHz = 3.7 x 10^-21 W m^-2 Hz^-1 sr^-1 are found.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&A. The quality of the figures is reduced due to file size limit of the websit

    Low-lying ud anti-s anti-s configurations in a non-relativistic constituent quark model

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    The energies of the low-lying isoscalar and isovector ud anti-s anti-s configurations with spin-parity J^P=0^+, 1^+, and 2^+ are calculated in a non-relativistic constituent quark model by use of the variational method. The contributions of various parts of the quark-quark interacting potentials including the s-channel interaction are investigated, and the effect of different forms of confinement potential is examined. The model parameters are determined by the same method as in our previous work, and they still can satisfactorily describe the nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts and the hyperon-nucleon cross sections. The parameters of the s-channel interaction are fixed by the masses of K and K^* mesons, for which the size parameter is taken to be two possible values. When it is chosen as the same as baryons', the numerical results show that the masses of all the ud anti-s anti-s configurations are higher than the corresponding meson-meson thresholds. But when the size parameter for the K and K^* mesons is adjusted to be smaller than that for the baryons, the ud anti-s anti-s configuration with I=0 and J^P=1^+ is found to lie lower than the K^*K^* threshold, furthermore, this state has a very small KK^* component and the interaction matrix elements between this state and KK^* is comparatively small, thus its coupling to the KK^* channel will consequently be weak and it might be regarded as a possible tetraquark candidate.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Satellite estimates of wide-range suspended sediment concentrations in Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary using MERIS data

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    The Changjiang (Yangtze) estuarine and coastal waters are characterized by suspended sediments over a wide range of concentrations from 20 to 2,500 mg l-1. Suspended sediment plays important roles in the estuarine and coastal system and environment. Previous algorithms for satellite estimates of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) showed a great limitation in that only low to moderate concentrations (up to 50 mg l-1) could be reliably estimated. In this study, we developed a semi-empirical radiative transfer (SERT) model with physically based empirical coefficients to estimate SSC from MERIS data over turbid waters with a much wider range of SSC. The model was based on the Kubelka–Munk two-stream approximation of radiative transfer theory and calibrated using datasets from in situ measurements and outdoor controlled tank experiments. The results show that the sensitivity and saturation level of remote-sensing reflectance to SSC are dependent on wavelengths and SSC levels. Therefore, the SERT model, coupled with a multi-conditional algorithm scheme adapted to satellite retrieval of wide-range SSC, was proposed. Results suggest that this method is more effective and accurate in the estimation of SSC over turbid water

    The Range of Validity for the Kelvin Force

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    In a recent Letter, Luo, Du and Huang reported a novel convective instability driven by a force rarely studied before -- that exerted by an external magnetic field on a strongly magnetizable liquid. The associated physics is surprisingly rich and promises many more interesting results for the future. Unfortunately, the analysis starts from a misconception and employs the Kelvin force outside its range of validity. Since few would recognize this as a mistake, and since its consequence in the given experiment is particularly direct and critical, this is a point well worth being clarified, and clearly understood.Comment: 1 pag
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