3,744 research outputs found

    Symmetries of SU(2) Skyrmion in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian approaches

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    We apply the Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin (BFT) method to the SU(2) Skyrmion to study the full symmetry structure of the model at the first class Hamiltonian level. On the other hand, we also analyze the symmetry structure of the action having the WZ term, which corresponds to this Hamiltonian, in the framework of the Lagrangian approach. Furthermore, following the BFV formalism we derive the BRST invariant gauge fixed Lagrangian from the above extended action.Comment: 14 pages, final revised version, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Exact solution of gyration radius of individual's trajectory for a simplified human mobility model

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    Gyration radius of individual's trajectory plays a key role in quantifying human mobility patterns. Of particular interests, empirical analyses suggest that the growth of gyration radius is slow versus time except the very early stage and may eventually arrive to a steady value. However, up to now, the underlying mechanism leading to such a possibly steady value has not been well understood. In this Letter, we propose a simplified human mobility model to simulate individual's daily travel with three sequential activities: commuting to workplace, going to do leisure activities and returning home. With the assumption that individual has constant travel speed and inferior limit of time at home and work, we prove that the daily moving area of an individual is an ellipse, and finally get an exact solution of the gyration radius. The analytical solution well captures the empirical observation reported in [M. C. Gonz`alez et al., Nature, 453 (2008) 779]. We also find that, in spite of the heterogeneous displacement distribution in the population level, individuals in our model have characteristic displacements, indicating a completely different mechanism to the one proposed by Song et al. [Nat. Phys. 6 (2010) 818].Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The general traveling wave solutions of the Fisher type equations and some related problems

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    In this article, we introduce two recent results with respect to the integrality and exact solutions of the Fisher type equations and their applications. We obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions of integrable and general meromorphic solutions of these equations by the complex method. Our results are of the corresponding improvements obtained by many authors. All traveling wave exact solutions of many nonlinear partial differential equations are obtained by making use of our results. Our results show that the complex method provides a powerful mathematical tool for solving a great number of nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics. We will propose four analogue problems and expect that the answer is positive, at last

    All exact traveling wave solutions of the combined KdV-mKdV equation

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    In this article, we employ the complex method to obtain all meromorphic solutions of complex combined Korteweg-de Vries-modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV-mKdV equation) at first, then we find all exact traveling wave solutions of the combined KdV-mKdV equation. The idea introduced in this paper can be applied to other nonlinear evolution equations. Our results show that all rational and simply periodic exact traveling wave solutions of the combined KdV-mKdV equation are solitary wave solutions, the complex method is simpler than other methods, and there exist some rational solutions wr,2(z)wr,2(z) and simply periodic solutions ws,2(z)ws,2(z) such that they are not only new but also not degenerated successively by the elliptic function solutions. We believe that this method should play an important role in finding exact solutions in mathematical physics. We also give some computer simulations to illustrate our main results

    Symplectic embedding and Hamilton-Jacobi analysis of Proca model

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    Following the symplectic approach we show how to embed the Abelian Proca model into a first-class system by extending the configuration space to include an additional pair of scalar fields, and compare it with the improved Dirac scheme. We obtain in this way the desired Wess-Zumino and gauge fixing terms of BRST invariant Lagrangian. Furthermore, the integrability properties of the second-class system described by the Abelian Proca model are investigated using the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, where we construct the closed Lie algebra by introducing operators associated with the generalized Poisson brackets.Comment: 24 page

    Carbon monoxide inhibits Fas activating antibody-induced apoptosis in endothelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The extrinsic apoptotic pathway initiates when a death ligand, such as the Fas ligand, interacts with its cell surface receptor (<it>ie</it>., Fas/CD95), forming a death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). The Fas-dependent apoptotic pathway has been implicated in several models of lung or vascular injury. Carbon monoxide, an enzymatic product of heme oxygenase-1, exerts antiapoptotic effects at low concentration <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using mouse lung endothelial cells (MLEC), we examined the antiapoptotic potential of carbon monoxide against apoptosis induced by the Fas/CD95-activating antibody (Jo2). Carbon monoxide was applied to cell cultures <it>in vitro</it>. The expression and/or activation of apoptosis-related proteins and signaling intermediates were determined using Western Immunoblot and co-immunoprecipitation assays. Cell death was monitored by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assays. Statistical significance was determined by student T-test and a value of <it>P </it>< 0.05 was considered significant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment of MLEC with Fas-activating antibody (Jo2) induced cell death associated with the formation of the DISC, and activation of caspases (-8, -9, and -3), as well as the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family protein Bax. Exposure of MLEC to carbon monoxide inhibited Jo2-induced cell death, which correlated with the inhibition of DISC formation, cleavage of caspases-8, -9, and -3, and Bax activation. Carbon monoxide inhibited the phosphorylation of the Fas-associated death domain-containing protein, as well as its association with the DISC. Furthermore, carbon monoxide induced the expression of the antiapoptotic protein FLIP and increased its association with the DISC.</p> <p>CO-dependent cytoprotection against Fas mediated apoptosis in MLEC depended in part on activation of ERK1/2-dependent signaling.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Carbon monoxide has been proposed as a potential therapy for lung and other diseases based in part on its antiapoptotic effects in endothelial cells. In vitro, carbon monoxide may inhibit both Fas/caspase-8 and Bax-dependent apoptotic signaling pathways induced by Fas-activating antibody in endothelial cells. Strategies to block Fas-dependent apoptotic pathways may be useful in development of therapies for lung or vascular disorders.</p

    The Influence of Tone Inventory on ERP without Focal Attention: A Cross-Language Study

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    This study investigates the effect of tone inventories on brain activities underlying pitch without focal attention. We find that the electrophysiological responses to across-category stimuli are larger than those to within-category stimuli when the pitch contours are superimposed on nonspeech stimuli; however, there is no electrophysiological response difference associated with category status in speech stimuli. Moreover, this category effect in nonspeech stimuli is stronger for Cantonese speakers. Results of previous and present studies lead us to conclude that brain activities to the same native lexical tone contrasts are modulated by speakers’ language experiences not only in active phonological processing but also in automatic feature detection without focal attention. In contrast to the condition with focal attention, where phonological processing is stronger for speech stimuli, the feature detection (pitch contours in this study) without focal attention as shaped by language background is superior in relatively regular stimuli, that is, the nonspeech stimuli. The results suggest that Cantonese listeners outperform Mandarin listeners in automatic detection of pitch features because of the denser Cantonese tone system

    Selection and environmental adaptation along a path to speciation in the Tibetan frog Nanorana parkeri.

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    Tibetan frogs, Nanorana parkeri, are differentiated genetically but not morphologically along geographical and elevational gradients in a challenging environment, presenting a unique opportunity to investigate processes leading to speciation. Analyses of whole genomes of 63 frogs reveal population structuring and historical demography, characterized by highly restricted gene flow in a narrow geographic zone lying between matrilines West (W) and East (E). A population found only along a single tributary of the Yalu Zangbu River has the mitogenome only of E, whereas nuclear genes of W comprise 89-95% of the nuclear genome. Selection accounts for 579 broadly scattered, highly divergent regions (HDRs) of the genome, which involve 365 genes. These genes fall into 51 gene ontology (GO) functional classes, 14 of which are likely to be important in driving reproductive isolation. GO enrichment analyses of E reveal many overrepresented functional categories associated with adaptation to high elevations, including blood circulation, response to hypoxia, and UV radiation. Four genes, including DNAJC8 in the brain, TNNC1 and ADORA1 in the heart, and LAMB3 in the lung, differ in levels of expression between low- and high-elevation populations. High-altitude adaptation plays an important role in maintaining and driving continuing divergence and reproductive isolation. Use of total genomes enabled recognition of selection and adaptation in and between populations, as well as documentation of evolution along a stepped cline toward speciation

    Anti-malarial drug artesunate restores metabolic changes in experimental allergic asthma

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    The anti-malarial drug artesunate possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative actions in experimental asthma, comparable to corticosteroid. We hypothesized that artesunate may modulate disease-relevant metabolic alterations in allergic asthma. To explore metabolic profile changes induced by artesunate in allergic airway inflammation, we analysed bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and serum from naïve and ovalbumin-induced asthma mice treated with artesunate, using both gas and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomics. Pharmacokinetics analyses of serum and lung tissues revealed that artesunate is rapidly converted into the active metabolite dihydroartemisinin. Artesunate effectively suppressed BALF total and differential counts, and repressed BALF Th2 cytokines, IL-17, IL-12(p40), MCP-1 and G-CSF levels. Artesunate had no effects on both BALF and serum metabolome in naïve mice. Artesunate promoted restoration of BALF sterols (cholesterol, cholic acid and cortol), phosphatidylcholines and carbohydrates (arabinose, mannose and galactose) and of serum 18-oxocortisol, galactose, glucose and glucouronic acid in asthma. Artesunate prevented OVA-induced increases in pro-inflammatory metabolites from arginine–proline metabolic pathway, particularly BALF levels of urea and alanine and serum levels of urea, proline, valine and homoserine. Multiple statistical correlation analyses revealed association between altered BALF and serum metabolites and inflammatory cytokines. Dexamethasone failed to reduce urea level and caused widespread changes in metabolites irrelevant to asthma development. Here we report the first metabolome profile of artesunate treatment in experimental asthma. Artesunate restored specific metabolic perturbations in airway inflammation, which correlated well with its anti-inflammatory actions. Our metabolomics findings further strengthen the therapeutic value of using artesunate to treat allergic asthma