45 research outputs found

    Orbital transfer vehicle concept definition and system analysis study. Volume 10: Aerocapture for manned Mars missions

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    A manned expedition to Mars has been under consideration as a potential mission for the early 21st century. The necessarily large vehicle requirements have sparked interest in aerocapture as a means of reducing propellant usage. This volume summarizes the work performed to establish concepts and feasibility of such a mission which makes maximum use of aeroassist maneuvers

    Orbital transfer vehicle concept definition and systems analysis study. Volume 11: Study extension 2 results

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    Work conducted in the second extension of the Phase A Orbit Transfer Vehicle Concept Definition and Systems Analysis Study is summarized. Four major tasks were identified: (1) define an initial OTV program consistent with near term Civil Space Leadership Initiative missions; (2) develop program evolution to long term advanced missions; (3) investigate the implications of current STS safety policy on an Aft Cargo Carrier based OTV; and (4) expand the analysis of high entry velocity aeroassist. An increased emphasis on the breath of OTV applications was undertaken to show the need for the program on the basis of the expansion of the nation's capabilities in space

    From Caregiver to Computer Geek: The Design of a Web Resource for Novice Clinical Informaticians

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    Introduction: Throughout the United States, there are massive initiatives in place to reform healthcare through the implementation of electronic health records. The goals are to improve patient care through improved access to records, the improvement of business and reimbursement processes, streamlining of clinician workflows for increased efficiency, and reducing the variability in the delivery of patient care. [See PDF for complete abstract

    Role of technology: Podcast in influencing respondents to receive a flu shot

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    Background and Problem: Studies have demonstrated that flu shots are an effective method to control flu infection. However, statistics reveal that only about 68% of people get vaccinated in the U.S. every year. We wanted to develop and evaluate an intervention to increase influenza vaccination rate. [See PDF for complete abstract

    N-Acetylcysteine Increases the Frequency of Bone Marrow Pro-B/Pre-B Cells, but Does Not Reverse Cigarette Smoking-Induced Loss of This Subset

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    We previously showed that mice exposed to cigarette smoke for three weeks exhibit loss of bone marrow B cells at the Pro-B-to-pre-B cell transition, but the reason for this is unclear. The antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor, has been used as a chemopreventive agent to reduce adverse effects of cigarette smoke exposure on lung function. Here we determined whether smoke exposure impairs B cell development by inducing cell cycle arrest or apoptosis, and whether NAC treatment prevents smoking-induced loss of developing B cells.Groups of normal mice were either exposed to filtered room air or cigarette smoke with or without concomitant NAC treatment for 5 days/week for three weeks. Bone marrow B cell developmental subsets were enumerated, and sorted pro-B (B220(+)CD43(+)) and pre-B (B220(+)CD43(-)) cell fractions were analyzed for cell cycle status and the percentage of apoptotic cells. We find that, compared to sham controls, smoke-exposed mice have ∼60% fewer pro-B/pre-B cells, regardless of NAC treatment. Interestingly, NAC-treated mice show a 21-38% increase in total bone marrow cellularity and lymphocyte frequency and about a 2-fold increase in the pro-B/pre-B cell subset, compared to sham-treated controls. No significant smoking- or NAC-dependent differences were detected in frequency of apoptotic cells or the percentage cells in the G1, S, or G2 phases of the cycle.The failure of NAC treatment to prevent smoking-induced loss of bone marrow pre-B cells suggests that oxidative stress is not directly responsible for this loss. The unexpected expansion of the pro-B/pre-B cell subset in response to NAC treatment suggests oxidative stress normally contributes to cell loss at this developmental stage, and also reveals a potential side effect of therapeutic administration of NAC to prevent smoking-induced loss of lung function

    Anxiety and Depression in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are thought to be at disproportionate risk of developing mental health comorbidities, with anxiety and depression being considered most prominent amongst these. Yet, no systematic review has been carried out to date to examine rates of both anxiety and depression focusing specifically on adults with ASD. This systematic review and meta-analysis examined the rates of anxiety and depression in adults with ASD and the impact of factors such as assessment methods and presence of comorbid intellectual disability (ID) diagnosis on estimated prevalence rates. Electronic database searches for studies published between January 2000 and September 2017 identified a total of 35 studies, including 30 studies measuring anxiety (n = 26 070; mean age = 30.9, s.d. = 6.2 years) and 29 studies measuring depression (n = 26 117; mean age = 31.1, s.d. = 6.8 years). The pooled estimation of current and lifetime prevalence for adults with ASD were 27% and 42% for any anxiety disorder, and 23% and 37% for depressive disorder. Further analyses revealed that the use of questionnaire measures and the presence of ID may significantly influence estimates of prevalence. The current literature suffers from a high degree of heterogeneity in study method and an overreliance on clinical samples. These results highlight the importance of community-based studies and the identification and inclusion of well-characterized samples to reduce heterogeneity and bias in estimates of prevalence for comorbidity in adults with ASD and other populations with complex psychiatric presentations

    Effects of Biogenic Amines on Raphe-Spinal Tract Cells1

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    ABSTRACT and spinothalamic cells (Gerhart et at., 1981; Giesler et at., 1981; McCreery et at., 1979; Willis et at., 1977; Yezierski et at., 1982). Analgesia and inhibition of spinal nociceptive neurons also result from stimulation ofthe PAG (Carstens et a!., 1979; Mayer and Liebeskind, 1974; Liebeskind et aL, 1973; Reynolds, 1969; Yezierski et at., 1982 Bin width = 1 msec. II I II

    Encouraging adolescents toward Mental Health Careers via Website Biographies

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    This project designed, developed, implemented and evaluated the effectiveness of an interactive, multi-media website designed to encourage adolescents to consider careers in mental health. This Web-based learning environment features biographies of mental health scientists. Evaluation is conducted in a systematic, structured way using cognitive achievement, usability (ease of use), and affective scales (e.g., fun to use) as outcome measures