755 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Human Capital Dalam Konteks Modal Sosial

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    Rural Banks/BPR have a vitality and sustainability of business if they are able to create a unique advantagethat is superior in terms of customer information and business environment surrounding besides functioningas an intermediary institution. But in Semarang credit quality is still in the high risk level that is above themaximum limit of 5%. The condition is caused by the integration of human capital and social capital that isnot optimal. Therefore, this article aims to examine the model of human capital development so that it canimprove the performance of organization within the context of social capital. Retrieval method uses purposivesampling with 120 total samples. Later analysis technique uses Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) throughthe group management data which is processed based on high and low social capital. The study shows that thecontext of high social capital moderates the structure of the equation that affects human capital on organizationalperformanc

    Faktor – Faktor Serta Alasan Yang Menyebabkan Tingginya Angka Cerai Gugat

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    The factors and reasons in Divorce Petition that can become the basis of your divorce petition in Religion Court include: “Husband makes sexual intercourse outside of marriage, is a drunker, drug abuser, gambler, and etc; he has left you for 2 (two) successive years without license or clear and right reason; it means that the husband consciously and deliberately leaves you, he is imprisoned for 5 (five) years or more after marriage, he does violence and like to treat you poorly, he cannot undertake his obligation because of his disability or disease, the incidence of ongoing dispute and quarrel without the probability of concord, the husband breaks the taklik-talak he had said during ijab-kabul, he converts leading to discordance within family. The research method employed was descriptive one. As a prescriptive research, this current research studied legal objective, justice value, rule of law validity, legal concepts and legal norms. This descriptive research aimed to describe systematically a certain population or area. The descriptive research was intended to provide prior data as thorough as possible about human, condition or other phenomenon. The qualitative data analysis was a research method providing descriptive data in which what the respondents say in either written or spoken form and what they do actually were investigated and studied as something intact. The legal rationales the Judge made still referred to legislation or government decision or enacted rule norms such as Law No.1 of 1974, Islamic Law Compilation (KHI), Civil Code and Herzien Inlandsch Reglement (HIR), and etc. It means that the Judge's rationales in deciding the divorce (petitioning divorce) case considered firstly the posita and petitum existing in the petition. Then, the facts in the trial and the evidence brought into trial, either written or spoken (witness), were also taken into account. Meanwhile, non-legal rationale was made by the Judge as the attempt of confirming and clarifying the existing legislation in order to be consistent with the expectation; these rationales included usefulness, economic, time or effectiveness, and so on. Secondly, there were two perspectives on the effectiveness of petitioning divorce verdict implementation in Religion Court: society perspective and court perspective. In society perspective, a petitioning divorce verdict was considered as ineffective because it was not realized as due. It means that the wife's rights as included in the verdict were frequently unfulfilled by the husband (former husband). Meanwhile, in Religion Court perspective, the result of verdict made and imposed to the parties was considered as effective because no report from the parties on the right or obligation denial by one party

    Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia melalui Komitmen dan Oreintasi Belajar

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    This study based on reserach gap commitment and learning orietation tohuman resources performance Contribution in this study is intervening variable smart workingThe respondents for this research were the 95 personnel hospital inSemarang. The data were then analyzed using Multiple regression SPSSoptware Windows SPSSFinding result of this study indicates that in the effort increasing humanresources performance of main preference is trought smart working builtlearning orientationKey word : Smart working, Learning orientation, commitment, Human resourcesperformanc

    Pengembangan Pembelajaran Permainan Adaptif Berbasis Perkembangan Aktual Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran permainan adaptif dalam mengatasi permasalahan psikis anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK) dan peran model pembelajaran permainan adaptif berbasis perkembangan aktual dalam meningkatkan keberanian dan kepercayaan diri ABK untuk mencoba suatu keterampilan baru. Metode yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka. Hasil kajian menunjukkan, pertama, permasalahan psikis ABK berupa keberanian dan kepercayaan diri untuk mencoba suatu keterampilan baru dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan permainan adaptif. Kemanjuran permainan adaptif dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dikarenakan adanya konsep efikasi diri dan zona perkembangan terdekat beserta perancahnya. Dengan konsep tersebut, permainan adaptif diterapkan dengan melibatkan orang lain sebagai model sukses dan perancah untuk membantu ABK mempelajari keterampilan baru, serta pembelajarannya dimulai dari keterampilan yang sudah dapat dilakukan oleh ABK secara mandiri. Kedua, model permainan adaptif berbasis perkembangan aktual dapat meningkatkan keberanian dan kepercayaan diri ABK. Hal tersebut dikarenakan adanya penekanan pada perencanaan fungsional di lapangan dengan target utamanya ‘anak mau mencoba melakukan permainan dan mengulanginya\u27 sehingga timbul rasa nyaman. Pengembangan model dilakukan dengan menempatkan asesmen awal terhadap keterampilan ABK sebagai langkah pertama yang dikuti empat langkah berikutnya, yaitu akomodasi dan modifikasi, implementasi, pengajaran, dan evaluasi. Kesimpulan kajian ini adalah permainan adaptif dan model pembelajaran permainan adaptif berbasis perkembangan aktual dapat mengatasi permasalahan psikis ABK, terutama masalah keberanian dan kepercayaan diri untuk mencoba suatu keterampilan baru

    Model Pengembangan Evaluasi Strategi

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    This study based on research gap strategy evaluation, namely experience andprocedure knowledge. Contribution in this study is intervening variable outputcontrol and, process control. The respondents for this research were the 120executives (from a total of 526 executives) of rural banking in Central JavaProvince. The data were then analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Model)of AMOS. Result of this study indicates that strategy evaluation in the effort ofincreasing organization performance of main preference is trough output controland process control .Keywords: Experience, Procedure Knowledge, Output Control, Process controlOrganization Performanc

    Gaya Bahasa Pepindhan Dalam Candra Pawiwahan Jawa Pesisiran

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    “Pawiwahan” is a medium to conserve a cultural tradition, especially a Javanese cultural tradition. In practice, a cultural rite is guided by a “panatacara”. One of the media of understanding symbols in a cultural custom is by doing “chandra” on when such a procession that has been a tradition is held. “Panyandra” by a “panatacara” makes use of variative styles of language dealing with the capacity and trust of each individual. One of the styles of language used by a “panatacara” when “nyandra” is “pepindhan”, comprising of “sanepa”, “saloka” and “bebasan”. Pepindhan is used by a “panatacara” to disentangle the meaning and eyewitness report dealing with the beauty and grandeur of the ambience