77 research outputs found

    Standing genetic variation and compensatory evolution in transgenic organisms: a growth-enhanced salmon simulation

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    Genetically modified strains usually are generated within defined genetic backgrounds to minimize variation for the engineered characteristic in order to facilitate basic research investigations or for commercial application. However, interactions between transgenes and genetic background have been documented in both model and commercial agricultural species, indicating that allelic variation at transgene-modifying loci are not uncommon in genomes. Engineered organisms that have the potential to allow entry of transgenes into natural populations may cause changes to ecosystems via the interaction of their specific phenotypes with ecosystem components and services. A transgene introgressing through natural populations is likely to encounter a range of natural genetic variation (among individuals or sub-populations) that could result in changes in phenotype, concomitant with effects on fitness and ecosystem consequences that differ from that seen in the progenitor transgenic strain. In the present study, using a growth hormone transgenic salmon example, we have modeled selection of modifier loci (single and multiple) in the presence of a transgene and have found that accounting for genetic background can significantly affect the persistence of transgenes in populations, potentially reducing or reversing a “Trojan gene” effect. Influences from altered life history characteristics (e.g., developmental timing, age of maturation) and compensatory demographic/ecosystem controls (e.g., density dependence) also were found to have a strong influence on transgene effects. Further, with the presence of a transgene in a population, genetic backgrounds were found to shift in non-transgenic individuals as well, an effect expected to direct phenotypes away from naturally selected optima. The present model has revealed the importance of understanding effects of selection for background genetics on the evolution of phenotypes in populations harbouring transgenes

    Reducing depression in older home care clients: design of a prospective study of a nurse-led interprofessional mental health promotion intervention

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    Abstract Background Very little research has been conducted in the area of depression among older home care clients using personal support services. These older adults are particularly vulnerable to depression because of decreased cognition, comorbid chronic conditions, functional limitations, lack of social support, and reduced access to health services. To date, research has focused on collaborative, nurse-led depression care programs among older adults in primary care settings. Optimal management of depression among older home care clients is not currently known. The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of a 6-month nurse-led, interprofessional mental health promotion intervention aimed at older home care clients with depressive symptoms using personal support services. Methods/Design This one-group pre-test post-test study aims to recruit a total of 250 long-stay (> 60 days) home care clients, 70 years or older, with depressive symptoms who are receiving personal support services through a home care program in Ontario, Canada. The nurse-led intervention is a multi-faceted 6-month program led by a Registered Nurse that involves regular home visits, monthly case conferences, and evidence-based assessment and management of depression using an interprofessional approach. The primary outcome is the change in severity of depressive symptoms from baseline to 6 months using the Centre for Epidemiological Studies in Depression Scale. Secondary outcomes include changes in the prevalence of depressive symptoms and anxiety, health-related quality of life, cognitive function, and the rate and appropriateness of depression treatment from baseline to 12 months. Changes in the costs of use of health services will be assessed from a societal perspective. Descriptive and qualitative data will be collected to examine the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention and identify barriers and facilitators to implementation. Discussion Data collection began in May 2010 and is expected to be completed by July 2012. A collaborative nurse-led strategy may provide a feasible, acceptable and effective means for improving the health of older home care clients by improving the prevention, recognition, and management of depression in this vulnerable population. The challenges involved in designing a practical, transferable and sustainable nurse-led intervention in home care are also discussed. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT0140792

    Synthesis of high-purity copper(II) fluoride dihydrate for carrier-distillation emission spectroscopy

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    The preparation and analysis of high-purity copper fluoride dihydrate for use as a carrier in emission spectroscopy is described. Copper metal was oxidized with hydrogen peroxide or nitric acid in the presence of an excess of different grades of hydrofluoric acid. The resulting copper fluoride was analyzed to determine the effect of different factors on the levels of impurities. The quality of the hydrofluoric acid was the main factor affecting the purity of the product. The order of appearance of contaminants during crystallization of copper fluoride is described. Iron, nickel, and manganese gradually appear as the mother liquor is concentrated, while silicon, tin, aluminum, and lead usually contaminate only the lots immediately preceding evaporation of the solution to dryness. Magnesium, regardless of its concentration in the mother liquor, coprecipitates with all lots of copper fluoride.The authors were affiliated with the National Research Council of Canada, Division of Chemistry when they authored this article.Les auteurs \ue9taient affili\ue9 avec le Conseil national de recherches du Canada, Division de chimie lorsqu\u2019ils ont r\ue9dig\ue9 cet article.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye