1,293 research outputs found

    Evolution of Cooperative Thought, Theory, and Purpose

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    The evolution of agricultural cooperative thought, theory, and purpose in the United States is reviewed from the standpoint of the reemergence of interest in how cooperatives can provide some of the security and benefits that might be lost with gradual phasing out of federal government farm support programs. By accomplishing group action for self-help, the early development of cooperatives drew considerable attention from economists, social theorists, and politicians. Alternative schools of cooperative thought developed, but most proponents of cooperatives regarded them as having enormous potential to provide a public service role in building a more economically stable and democratic society This paper also surveys how cooperative theory was developed more rigorously in the post-WWII period. It has provided better analytical tools for understanding how and why cooperatives have changed in response to technological and economic developments, as well as to social trends, like individualism. Given the new perspectives on cooperative theory and the scope of changes in how cooperatives operate and are structured, cooperatives have even greater potential for coordinating self-help actions, but this potential needs the support of cooperative education services.Agribusiness,

    State-of-the-art survey of dissimilar metal joining by solid state welding

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    State-of-the-art of dissimilar metal joining by solid state diffusion bonding and roll and press welding, emphasizing stainless steel and aluminum allo

    Molecular Model of Dynamic Social Network Based on E-mail communication

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    In this work we consider an application of physically inspired sociodynamical model to the modelling of the evolution of email-based social network. Contrary to the standard approach of sociodynamics, which assumes expressing of system dynamics with heuristically defined simple rules, we postulate the inference of these rules from the real data and their application within a dynamic molecular model. We present how to embed the n-dimensional social space in Euclidean one. Then, inspired by the Lennard-Jones potential, we define a data-driven social potential function and apply the resultant force to a real e-mail communication network in a course of a molecular simulation, with network nodes taking on the role of interacting particles. We discuss all steps of the modelling process, from data preparation, through embedding and the molecular simulation itself, to transformation from the embedding space back to a graph structure. The conclusions, drawn from examining the resultant networks in stable, minimum-energy states, emphasize the role of the embedding process projecting the non–metric social graph into the Euclidean space, the significance of the unavoidable loss of information connected with this procedure and the resultant preservation of global rather than local properties of the initial network. We also argue applicability of our method to some classes of problems, while also signalling the areas which require further research in order to expand this applicability domain

    Human subjective response to steering wheel vibration caused by diesel engine idle

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    This study investigated the human subjective response to steering wheel vibration of the type caused by a four-cylinder diesel engine idle in passenger cars. Vibrotactile perception was assessed using sinusoidal amplitude-modulated vibratory stimuli of constant energy level (r.m.s. acceleration, 0.41 m/s(2)) having a carrier frequency of 26 Hz (i.e. engine firing frequency) and modulation frequency of 6.5 Hz (half-order engine harmonic). Evaluations of seven levels of modulation depth parameter m (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0) were performed in order to define the growth function of human perceived disturbance as a function of amplitude modulation depth. Two semantic descriptors were used (unpleasantness and roughness) and two test methods (the Thurstone paired-comparison method and the Borg CR-10 direct evaluation scale) for a total of four tests. Each test was performed using an independent group of 25 individuals. The results suggest that there is a critical value of modulation depth m = 0.2 below which human subjects do not perceive differences in amplitude modulation and above which the stimulus-response relationship increases monotonically with a power function. The Stevens power exponents suggest that the perceived unpleasantness is non-linearly dependent on modulation depth m with an exponent greater than 1 and that the perceived roughness is dependent with an exponent close to unity

    Effect of herd health management on the prevalence of Postpartum Dysgalaktie Syndrome (PPDS) and the treatment incidence

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    The Postpartum Dysgalaktie Syndrome (PPDS) also known as metritis agalactia mastitis (MMA), is considered the most common disease of the sow after farrowing. The reasons for PPDS are multifactorial and are to be found in the areas of management and hygiene, feeding, water supply and animal specific factors such as body condition and age of the sows. In this study a veterinary herd health management was carried out in 28 pig farms with PPDS, with the aim to reduce the PPDS prevalence and animal treatment incidence (TI). In 20 of 28 problem farms the PPDS-prevalence could be decreased from 37.4% (± 21.8%) to 24.5% (± 14.1%). The TI was not significantly reduced. The most effective procedures to reduce the PPDS-prevalence were the use of a prepartal transition feed, optimizing the PPDSdiagnostic and the use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) and oxytocin in the PPDS-treatment

    Testing of quantum phase in matter wave optics

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    Various phase concepts may be treated as special cases of the maximum likelihood estimation. For example the discrete Fourier estimation that actually coincides with the operational phase of Noh, Fouge`res and Mandel is obtained for continuous Gaussian signals with phase modulated mean.Since signals in quantum theory are discrete, a prediction different from that given by the Gaussian hypothesis should be obtained as the best fit assuming a discrete Poissonian statistics of the signal. Although the Gaussian estimation gives a satisfactory approximation for fitting the phase distribution of almost any state the optimal phase estimation offers in certain cases a measurable better performance. This has been demonstrated in neutron--optical experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
