292 research outputs found

    Early to late Holocene vegetation and fire dynamics at the treeline in the Maritime Alps

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    We used pollen, plant macrofossil, and charcoal records to investigate local long-term timberline shifts and changes in vegetation composition in relation to fire activity at the modern upper forest limit (ca. 2,000 m a.s.l.) in the Mont Bégo area, Maritime Alps of France and Italy. The area is an important place for Alpine archaeology because it has thousands rock-art carvings whose age cannot be directly assessed. Our new record confirms the occurrence of distinct land use phases (7,450–7,150, 6,200–4,900, and 4,250–3,700 cal bp), as suggested by earlier studies of rock art typology. Moreover, the vegetation reconstruction from macrofossils, with co-dominance of Pinus and Betula, suggests that early Holocene conditions were moister than in drier inner Alpine valleys, where Larix decidua played a more important role, both in the past as well as in modern timberline forests. After 8,000 cal bp, the timberline shifted upwards and mixed Abies alba and Pinus cembra stands established around the study site. These fire sensitive trees were finally replaced during the Bronze Age (around 4,000 cal bp) by L. decidua, which still dominates the subalpine woodlands in the area today. Our study supports the notion that while the range of A. alba has been reduced at the colder end of its natural distribution, that of L. decidua has been widened by land use changes and fire disturbances to create high alpine wood pastures

    The cultivation of Castanea sativa (Mill.) in Europe, from its origin to its diffusion on a continental scale

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    The history of Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut) cultivation since medieval times has been well described on the basis of the very rich documentation available. Far fewer attempts have been made to give a historical synthesis of the events that led to the cultivation of sweet chestnut in much earlier times. In this article we attempt to reconstruct this part of the European history of chestnut cultivation and its early diffusion by use of different sources of information, such as pollen studies, archaeology, history and literature. Using this multidisciplinary approach, we have tried to identify the roles of the Greek and Roman civilizations in the dissemination of chestnut cultivation on a European scale. In particular, we show that use of the chestnut for food was not the primary driving force behind the introduction of the tree into Europe by the Romans. Apart from the Insubrian Region in the north of the Italian peninsula, no other centre of chestnut cultivation existed in Europe during the Roman period. The Romans may have introduced the idea of systematically cultivating and using chestnut. In certain cases they introduced the species itself; however no evidence of systematic planting of chestnut exists. The greatest interest in the management of chestnut for fruit production most probably developed after the Roman period and can be associated with the socio-economic structures of medieval times. It was then that self-sufficient cultures based on the cultivation of chestnut as a source of subsistence were forme

    Middle to Late Holocene vegetation history of the Upper Engadine (Swiss Alps): the role of man and fire

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    To reconstruct the vegetation and fire history of the Upper Engadine, two continuous sediment cores from Lej da Champfèr and Lej da San Murezzan (Upper Engadine Valley, southeastern Switzerland) were analysed for pollen, plant macrofossils, charcoal and kerogen. The chronologies of the cores are based on 38 radiocarbon dates. Pollen and macrofossil data suggest a rapid afforestation with Betula, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus cembra, and Larix decidua after the retreat of the glaciers from the lake catchments 11,000cal years ago. This vegetation type persisted until ca. 7300cal b.p. (5350b.c.) when Picea replaced Pinus cembra. Pollen indicative of human impact suggests that in this high-mountain region of the central Alps strong anthropogenic activities began during the Early Bronze Age (3900cal b.p., 1950b.c.). Local human settlements led to vegetational changes, promoting the expansion of Larix decidua and Alnus viridis. In the case of Larix, continuing land use and especially grazing after fire led to the formation of Larix meadows. The expansion of Alnus viridis was directly induced by fire, as evidenced by time-series analysis. Subsequently, the process of forest conversion into open landscapes continued for millennia and reached its maximum at the end of the Middle Ages at around 500cal b.p. (a.d.1450

    Human impact on vegetation at the Alpine tree-line ecotone during the last millennium: lessons from high temporal and palynological resolution

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    Three mires and a small lake in the Swiss and Austrian Alps were studied palynologically at high resolution, covering the last 1,000, 400, 50 and 1,200years, respectively. Methodological lessons include: (1) Sub-decadal resolution in upper, little-decomposed peat layers reveals recurrent marked fluctuations in both percentages and influx of regional tree-pollen types, reflecting variations in pollen production rather than in plant-population sizes. (2) Intermittent, single-spectrum pollen maxima in samples of sub-decadal resolution indicate pollen transport in clumps. This type of pollen transport may remain unrecognized in sections with lower sampling resolution, which may then lead to inappropriate interpretation in terms of plant-population sizes. (3) The detection of short-lived phases of human impact in decomposed peat requires sampling intervals as close as 0.2cm. (4) PAR (pollen influx) may reflect vegetation dynamics more faithfully than percentages. Reliable PAR, however, is difficult to achieve in Alpine mires due to past human impact on peat growth, even when complex depth-age modelling techniques are used. Critical comparison of PAR with percentages is therefore essential. (5) Careful consideration of spatial scales in pollen signals (local-regional and subdivisions) is essential for a realistic palaeo-ecological interpretation. Results in terms of past human impact on vegetation are summarized as follows: (1) Trends in pollen types reflecting regional human action are in general agreement with earlier findings for the western Swiss Alps, allowing for regional differences. (2) All mires in the Alps investigated here and in an earlier study experienced human impact during the last millennium. The studied small lake, lying in sub-alpine pasture, records forest dynamics at a lower elevation since a.d. 80

    Preconception exposures and adverse pregnancy, birth and postpartum outcomes:Umbrella review of systematic reviews

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    Background Preconception exposures have been associated with adverse pregnancy, birth and postpartum outcomes. However, the reports, statements and guidelines of national and international health organisations vary in what they recommend individuals should monitor, avoid, reduce or practise in the preconception period. Objectives To synthesise and evaluate the evidence across systematic reviews for associations between exposures before conception and adverse pregnancy, birth and postpartum outcomes. Data sources MEDLINE, Embase, Epistemonikos (to May 2020) and reference lists of included reviews, without language or date restrictions. Study selection, data extraction and synthesis Systematic literature reviews of observational and/or interventional studies reporting associations between preconception exposures in women and/or men of reproductive age and pregnancy, birth or postpartum health outcomes were included. The methodological quality of reviews and the certainty of the evidence underlying each exposure-outcome association were assessed using AMSTAR 2 and the GRADE approach. Results We identified 53 eligible reviews reporting 205 unique exposure-outcome associations. Methodological quality was generally low with only two reviews rated as ‘high’ quality and two as ‘moderate’. We found high-certainty, randomised trial evidence that maternal folate supplementation reduces the risk of neural tube defects and anomaly-related terminations. Moderate-certainty, observational evidence was found that maternal physical activity is associated with reduced risk of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes, and that paternal age of ≥40 years and maternal body mass index (BMI) and interpregnancy weight gain are associated with increased risk of various adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes. Low- and very low-certainty evidence was found for other associations. Conclusions Clinicians and policymakers can be confident that maternal folate supplementation should be encouraged during the preconception period. There is moderate certainty in the evidence base that maternal physical activity, BMI and interpregnancy weight gain and advanced paternal age are important preconception considerations. High-quality research is required to better understand other exposure-outcome associations

    Influence of human impact and bedrock differences on the vegetational history of the Insubrian Southern Alps

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    Vegetation history for the study region is reconstructed on the basis of pollen, charcoal and AMS14C investigations of lake sediments from Lago del Segrino (calcareous bedrock) and Lago di Muzzano (siliceous bedrock). Late-glacial forests were characterised byBetula andPinus sylvestris. At the beginning of the Holocene they were replaced by temperate continental forest and shrub communities. A special type of temperate lowland forest, withAbies alba as the most important tree, was present in the period 8300 to 4500 B.P. Subsequently,Fagus, Quercus andAlnus glutinosa were the main forest components andA. alba ceased to be of importance.Castanea sativa andJuglans regia were probably introduced after forest clearance by fire during the first century A.D. On soils derived from siliceous bedrock,C. sativa was already dominant at ca. A.D. 200 (A.D. dates are in calendar years). In limestone areas, however,C. sativa failed to achieve a dominant role. After the introduction ofC. sativa, the main trees were initially oak (Quercus spp.) and later the walnut (Juglans regia). Ostrya carpinifolia became the dominant tree around Lago del Segrino only in the last 100-200 years though it had spread into the area at ca. 5000 cal. B.C. This recent expansion ofOstrya is confirmed at other sites and appears to be controlled by human disturbances involving especially clearance. It is argued that these forests should not be regarded as climax communities. It is suggested that under undisturbed succession they would develop into mixed deciduous forests consisting ofFraxinus excelsior, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus andAce

    A 700-year paleoecological record of boreal ecosystem responses to climatic variation from Alaska

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    Copyright by the Ecological Society of America © 2008. Willy Tinner, Christian Bigler, Sharon Gedye, Irene Gregory-Eaves, Richard T. Jones, Petra Kaltenrieder, Urs Krähenbühl, and Feng Sheng Hu 2008. A 700-YEAR PALEOECOLOGICAL RECORD OF BOREAL ECOSYSTEM RESPONSES TO CLIMATIC VARIATION FROM ALASKA. Ecology 89:729–743. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/06-1420.1Recent observations and model simulations have highlighted the sensitivity of the forest–tundra ecotone to climatic forcing. In contrast, paleoecological studies have not provided evidence of tree-line fluctuations in response to Holocene climatic changes in Alaska, suggesting that the forest–tundra boundary in certain areas may be relatively stable at multicentennial to millennial time scales. We conducted a multiproxy study of sediment cores from an Alaskan lake near the altitudinal limits of key boreal-forest species. Paleoecological data were compared with independent climatic reconstructions to assess ecosystem responses of the forest–tundra boundary to Little Ice Age (LIA) climatic fluctuations. Pollen, diatom, charcoal, macrofossil, and magnetic analyses provide the first continuous record of vegetation–fire–climate interactions at decadal to centennial time scales during the past 700 years from southern Alaska. Boreal-forest diebacks characterized by declines of Picea mariana, P. glauca, and tree Betula occurred during the LIA (AD 1500–1800), whereas shrubs (Alnus viridis, Betula glandulosa/nana) and herbaceous taxa (Epilobium, Aconitum) expanded. Marked increases in charcoal abundance and changes in magnetic properties suggest increases in fire importance and soil erosion during the same period. In addition, the conspicuous reduction or disappearance of certain aquatic (e.g., Isoetes, Nuphar, Pediastrum) and wetland (Sphagnum) plants and major shifts in diatom assemblages suggest pronounced lake-level fluctuations and rapid ecosystem reorganization in response to LIA climatic deterioration. Our results imply that temperature shifts of 1–2°C, when accompanied by major changes in moisture balance, can greatly alter high-altitudinal terrestrial, wetland, and aquatic ecosystems, including conversion between boreal-forest tree line and tundra. The climatic and ecosystem variations in our study area appear to be coherent with changes in solar irradiance, suggesting that changes in solar activity contributed to the environmental instability of the past 700 years

    Effects of temporal floral resource availability and non-crop habitats on broad bean pollination

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    Context Flowering plants can enhance wild insect populations and their pollination services to crops in agricultural landscapes, especially when they flower before the focal crop. However, characterizing the temporal availability of specific floral resources is a challenge. Objectives Developing an index for the availability of floral resources at the landscape scale according to the specific use by a pollinator. Investigating whether detailed and temporally-resolved floral resource maps predict pollination success of broad bean better than land cover maps. Methods We mapped plant species used as pollen source by bumblebees in 24 agricultural landscapes and developed an index of floral resource availability for different times of the flowering season. To measure pollination success, patches of broad bean (Vicia faba), a plant typically pollinated by bumblebees, were exposed in the center of selected landscapes. Results Higher floral resource availability before bean flowering led to enhanced seed set. Floral resource availability synchronous to broad bean flowering had no effect. Seed set was somewhat better explained by land cover maps than by floral resource availability, increasing with urban area and declining with the cover of arable land. Conclusions The timing of alternative floral resource availability is important for crop pollination. The higher explanation of pollination success by land cover maps than by floral resource availability indicates that additional factors such as habitat disturbance and nesting sites play a role in pollination. Enhancing non-crop woody plants in agricultural landscapes as pollen sources may ensure higher levels of crop pollination by wild pollinators such as bumblebees

    Cross-sectional analysis of physical activity in 2-4-year-olds in England with paediatric quality of life and family expenditure on physical activity

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    Background Many children do not meet the recommended level of daily physical activity, even with the widely acknowledged health benefits associated with being physically active. There is a need to establish factors related to physical activity in children so that public health interventions may be appropriately designed. We investigated the association between Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL), family expenditure on physical activity and objectively measured daily physical activity in 2–4-year-old children. Methods Cross-sectional study with a sample of 81 UK preschool children taking part in the NAPSACC UK feasibility randomized controlled trial. Descriptive statistics are presented. We undertook Student t-tests to establish differences in physical activity by gender, age, parental education and nursery versus non-nursery days. Mixed effects linear regressions were used to model the association between minutes spent physically activity, minutes spent in moderate-to-vigorous (MVPA) physical activity and PedsQL scores (physical and psychosocial) and family expenditure on physical activity. Results Most children (88.9%) did not engage in the recommended 180 min daily physical activity. There was mean (SD) of 141.9 (33.1) daily minutes of physically activity and 22.2 min per day (SD = 9.9) of MVPA. Boys and older children were more physically active. Children were more active on nursery days. There was no difference in physical activity by parental education. Half of the sample parents (50.6%) spent less than £9.00 weekly on their pre-schooler’s physical activity. Children within the highest tertile of PedsQL physical functioning scores had higher levels of MVPA (3.6, 95% CI: − 1.3–8.4, p-value 0.15), although confidence intervals crossed the null in the adjusted model. We found no evidence of an association between positive PedsQL psychosocial scores, or higher parental expenditure on physical activity, with the physical activity variables. Conclusions Children in this sample were not meeting the recommended 180 min of daily physical activity. The 2–4-year-olds were most active on nursery days. There is no evidence of an association between better PedsQL physical scores and higher levels of MVPA. There was no evidence of an association between expenditure on physical activity and time spent physically active. Further examination in larger representative datasets is needed

    Alpine Glacier Reveals Ecosystem Impacts of Europe’s Prosperity and Peril Over the Last Millennium

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    Information about past ecosystem dynamics and human activities is stored in the ice of Colle Gnifetti glacier in the Swiss Alps. Adverse climatic intervals incurred crop failures and famines and triggered reestablishment of forest vegetation but also societal resilience through innovation. Historical documents and lake sediments record these changes at local—regional scales but often struggle to comprehensively document continental-scale impacts on ecosystems. Here, we provide unique multiproxy evidence of broad-scale ecosystem, land use, and climate dynamics over the past millennium from a Colle Gnifetti microfossil and oxygen isotope record. Microfossil data indicate that before 1750 CE forests and fallow land rapidly replaced crop cultivation during historically documented societal crises caused by climate shifts and epidemics. Subsequently, with technology and the introduction of more resilient crops, European societies adapted to the Little Ice Age cold period, but resource overexploitation and industrialization led to new regional to global-scale environmental challenges
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