2,913 research outputs found

    Kinetic theory for strong uniform shear flow of granular media at high density

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    We discuss the uniform shear flow of a fluidized granular bed composed of monodisperse Hertzian spheres. Considering high densities around the glass transition density of inelastic Hertzian spheres, we report kinetic theory expressions for the Newtonian viscosity as well as the Bagnold coefficient. We discuss the dependence of the transport coefficients on density and coefficient of restitution.Comment: Powders & Grains 201

    Ab initio Modelling of the Early Stages of Precipitation in Al-6000 Alloys

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    Age hardening induced by the formation of (semi)-coherent precipitate phases is crucial for the processing and final properties of the widely used Al-6000 alloys. Early stages of precipitation are particularly important from the fundamental and technological side, but are still far from being fully understood. Here, an analysis of the energetics of nanometric precipitates of the meta-stable β′′\beta'' phases is performed, identifying the bulk, elastic strain and interface energies that contribute to the stability of a nucleating cluster. Results show that needle-shape precipitates are unstable to growth even at the smallest size β′′\beta'' formula unit, i.e. there is no energy barrier to growth. The small differences between different compositions points toward the need for the study of possible precipitate/matrix interface reconstruction. A classical semi-quantitative nucleation theory approach including elastic strain energy captures the trends in precipitate energy versus size and composition. This validates the use of mesoscale models to assess stability and interactions of precipitates. Studies of smaller 3d clusters also show stability relative to the solid solution state, indicating that the early stages of precipitation may be diffusion-limited. Overall, these results demonstrate the important interplay among composition-dependent bulk, interface, and elastic strain energies in determining nanoscale precipitate stability and growth

    Comment on "Explicit Analytical Solution for Random Close Packing in d=2d=2 and d=3d=3"

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    I comment on Zaccone, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 128}, 028002 (2022) highlighting a flaw in the derivation that led to a spurious divergent factor. This renders the derivation of the random close packing density invalid.Comment: Slightly cleaned up the presentation in response to the published Erratu

    Racial categories in machine learning

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    Controversies around race and machine learning have sparked debate among computer scientists over how to design machine learning systems that guarantee fairness. These debates rarely engage with how racial identity is embedded in our social experience, making for sociological and psychological complexity. This complexity challenges the paradigm of considering fairness to be a formal property of supervised learning with respect to protected personal attributes. Racial identity is not simply a personal subjective quality. For people labeled "Black" it is an ascribed political category that has consequences for social differentiation embedded in systemic patterns of social inequality achieved through both social and spatial segregation. In the United States, racial classification can best be understood as a system of inherently unequal status categories that places whites as the most privileged category while signifying the Negro/black category as stigmatized. Social stigma is reinforced through the unequal distribution of societal rewards and goods along racial lines that is reinforced by state, corporate, and civic institutions and practices. This creates a dilemma for society and designers: be blind to racial group disparities and thereby reify racialized social inequality by no longer measuring systemic inequality, or be conscious of racial categories in a way that itself reifies race. We propose a third option. By preceding group fairness interventions with unsupervised learning to dynamically detect patterns of segregation, machine learning systems can mitigate the root cause of social disparities, social segregation and stratification, without further anchoring status categories of disadvantage

    Effective dynamics of microorganisms that interact with their own trail

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    Like ants, some microorganisms are known to leave trails on surfaces to communicate. We explore how trail-mediated self-interaction could affect the behavior of individual microorganisms when diffusive spreading of the trail is negligible on the timescale of the microorganism using a simple phenomenological model for an actively moving particle and a finite-width trail. The effective dynamics of each microorganism takes on the form of a stochastic integral equation with the trail interaction appearing in the form of short-term memory. For moderate coupling strength below an emergent critical value, the dynamics exhibits effective diffusion in both orientation and position after a phase of superdiffusive reorientation. We report experimental verification of a seemingly counterintuitive perpendicular alignment mechanism that emerges from the model.Comment: new figure with experimental results; expanded appendi
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