18 research outputs found

    Exceptionally High Levels of Genetic Diversity in Wheat Curl Mite (Acari: Eriophyidae) Populations from Turkey

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    Recent research on the wheat curl mite species complex has revealed extensive genetic diversity that has distinguished several genetic lineages infesting bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and other cereals worldwide. Turkey is the historical region of wheat and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) domestication and diversification. The close relationship between these grasses and the wheat curl mite provoked the question of the genetic diversity of the wheat curl mite in this region. The scope of the study was to investigate genetic differentiation within the wheat curl mite species complex on grasses in Turkey. Twenty-one wheat curl mite populations from 16 grass species from nine genera (Agropyron sp., Aegilops sp., Bromus sp., Elymus sp., Eremopyrum sp., Hordeum sp., Poa sp., Secale sp., and Triticum sp.) were sampled in eastern and southeastern Turkey for genetic analyses. Two molecular markers were amplified: the cytochrome oxidase subunit I coding region of mtDNA (COI) and the D2 region of 28S rDNA. Phylogenetic analyses revealed high genetic variation of the wheat curl mite in Turkey, primarily on Bromus and Hordeum spp., and exceptionally high diversity of populations associated with bread wheat. Three wheat-infesting wheat curl mite lineages known to occur on other continents of the world, including North and South America, Australia and Europe, were found in Turkey, and at least two new genetic lineages were discovered. These regions of Turkey exhibit rich wheat curl mite diversity on native grass species. The possible implications for further studies on the wheat curl mite are discussed. Includes supplementary materials

    Wpływ preparatu algaminoplant na ukorzenianie sadzonek Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ i ‘Red Baron’

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    The UE-imposed restrictions on the manufacture and use of plant protection chemicals impose on the nurseryman the need to screen for new substances that are environmentally friendly and yet effective in the production of plant material. Biopreparations may constitute such a group as they contain substances that have little environmental impact. This study evaluated biopreparation AlgaminoPlant for its effect on rooting of stem cuttings in Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ and ‘Red Baron’ during the vegetative seasons 2010 and 2011. During rooting, cuttings were sprayed once, twice or three times with the water solutions of the biopreparation AlgaminoPlant (0.2%). To evaluate its effectiveness relative to the current treatments routinely used in the nursery production, some cuttings were treated with a rooting powder containing a synthetic auxin IBA or sprayed with a water solution of IBA. The best results were obtained with the IBA solution, however, biopreparation also positively affected rhizogenesis in ninebark. Biopreparation also affected the chlorophyll a+b, reducing sugars, free amino acids and polyphenolic acids contents in leaves of cuttings but its effects varied depending on a cultivar.Celowość badań nad wpływem substancji pochodzenia naturalnego na ukorzenianie sadzonek wynika z zapisów prawa unijnego, które nakłada coraz większe ograniczenia w kwestii stosowania syntetycznych substancji w produkcji roślinnej. Założeniem przeprowadzonego w latach 2010–2011 doświadczenia było określenie wpływu biostymulatora AlgaminoPlant na proces rizogenezy w sadzonkach pędowych Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ i ‘Red Baron’. Sadzonki opryskiwane były auksyną IBA lub biostymulatorem AlgaminoPlant (0,2%) jedno-, dwu- lub trzykrotnie w odstępach tygodniowych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych doświadczeń wykazano, że najlepszym preparatem do ukorzeniania był roztwór auksyny IBA. Dobre rezultaty uzyskano również dzięki opryskaniu sadzonek AlgaminoPlantem, lecz były one uzależnione od liczby wykonanych zabiegów. Aplikacja biostymulatorów spowodowała również zmianę zawartości w sadzonkach takich związków organicznych jak: chlorofilu, cukrów redukujących, polifenolokwasów i wolnych aminokwasów. Poziom tych związków zależny był od odmiany

    Normative protection zone temporary work for service lifts

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    W artykule przedstawione zostały rozwiązania mające na celu stworzenie tymczasowej strefy pracy konserwatora dźwigów w urządzeniach posiadających odstępstwo od wymaganych minimalnych wymiarów stref bezpieczeństwa w podszybiu i nadszybiu. Omówione zostały wymagania, które muszą spełniać producenci urządzeń dźwigowych, jak również opisane zostały środki tworzące tymczasową strefę bezpieczeństwa zgodne z normą PN-EN 81-21:2010.The article presents solutions aimed at creating temporary zone of the work conservator of lifts in devices having a deviation from the required minimum size of safety zone in the pit and headroom. Discussed the requirements which to be met by manufactures of lifting equipment, as well as have been described means creating a temporary a safety zone in accordance with PN-EN 81-21:201

    Investigation of changes of ferromagnetic fluids viscosity activated by steady magnetic fields

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    W pracy przestawiono wyniki badań lepkości wybranych cieczy ferromagnetycznych poddanych działaniu stałego pola magnetycznego przy różnych wartościach strumienia indukcji magnetycznej. W badaniach uwzględniono wpływ szybkości ścinania na zmianę lepkości ferrocieczy. Zakres zmian lepkości cieczy ferromagnetycznej na skutek oddziaływania pola magnetycznego jest w dużej mierze zależny od szybkości ścinania.This paper presents the results of viscosity measurements for selected ferromagnetic fluids subjected to a DC magnetic field at various values of magnetic flux density. The research takes into consideration the dependency between shear rate and viscosity. The rate of change in viscosity under magnetic field influence is dependent on shear rate

    Wpływ auksyn i preparatu AlgaminoPlant na ukorzenianie sadzonek pędowych dwóch odmian derenia białego (Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ i ‘Elegantissima’)

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    Wprowadzane przez UE ograniczenia produkcji i zastosowania środków ochrony roślin wymuszają na szkółkarzach poszukiwania nowych substancji bezpiecznych dla środowiska a skutecznych w produkcji materiału roślinnego. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie wpływu preparatu z grupy biostymulatorów – AlgaminoPlantu – zastosowanego w formie opryskiwania sadzonek 0.2% roztworem wodnym, na proces ukorzeniania sadzonek pędowych Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ i ‘Elegantissima’. Dla porównania użyto stosowane dotąd w praktyce szkółkarskiej ukorzeniacze pudrowe: Ukorzeniacz AB (0.3% NAA) i Rhizopon AA (2% IBA). Zastosowane ukorzeniacze w niewielkim stopniu oddziaływały na rizogenezę u derenia. Wyniki przeprowadzonego doświadczenia wskazują natomiast na możliwość wykorzystania preparatu AlgaminoPlant w procesie ukorzeniania w/w odmian derenia, ponieważ jego zastosowanie zwiększyło procent i stopień ukorzenienia sadzonek w porównaniu z sadzonkami kontrolnymi. Preparat ten wpłynął na wzrost zawartości chlorofilu, węglowodanów zawartość i wolnych aminokwasów w liściach sadzonek.The UE-imposed restrictions on the manufacture and application of plant protection chemicals impose on the nurseryman the need to screen for new substances that are environmentally friendly and yet effective in the production of plant material. Biopreparations may constitute such a group as they contain substance little affecting the environment. The aim of the work was to evaluate effects of the biopreparation AlgaminoPlant on rooting of stem cuttings in Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ and C. alba ‘Elegantissima’. Freshly harvested cuttings were sprayed with the 0.2% water solution of the biopreparation. To compare its effectiveness with the commercial rooting powders used routinely in the nursery production part of the cuttings were treated with “Ukorzeniacz AB” (0.3% NAA) or Rhizopon AA (2% IBA). Both powders little affected rhizogenesis. Application of the biopreparation increased percentage and degree of rooting in dogwood as compared to control cuttings what shows its potential in a commercial production. The above treatment increased chlorophyll, carbohydrate contents and free amino acids in leaves of the sprayed cuttings

    Global spread of wheat curl mite by its most polyphagous and pestiferous lineages

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    The wheat curl mite (WCM), Aceria tosichella, is an important pest of wheat and other cereal crops that transmits wheat streak mosaic virus and several other plant viruses. Wheat curl mite has long been considered a single polyphagous species, but recent studies in Poland revealed a complex of genetically distinct lineages with divergent host-acceptance traits, ranging from highly polyphagous to host-specific. This diversity of WCM genotypes and host-acceptance phenotypes in Europe, the presumed native range of WCM, raises questions about the lineage identities of invasive WCM populations on other continents and their relationships to European lineages. The goals of this study were to examine the global presence of WCM and determine the relatedness of lineages established in different continents, on the basis of phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data. Host-range bioassays of a highly polyphagous WCM lineage were performed to supplement existing data on this lineage’s ability to colonise graminaceous and non-graminaceous hosts. Invasive WCM populations in North and South America and Australia assorted with the only three known polyphagous and pestiferous WCM lineages (‘MT-1’, ‘MT-7’ and ‘MT-8’) from a total of eight currently described lineages. These results show that the most polyphagous lineages were more successful colonisers and reflect a need for extensive surveys for WCM on both crops and wild grass species in invaded continents. The most invasive lineage (‘MT-1’) was shown to successfully colonise all 10 plant species tested in three families and has spread to North and South America and Australia from its presumed origins in Eurasia