535 research outputs found

    Azimuthal correlations of pions in relativistic heavy ion collisions at 1 GeV/nucl.

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    Triple differential cross sections of pions in heavy ion collisions at 1 GeV/nucl. are studied with the IQMD model. After discussing general properties of Δ\Delta resonance and pion production we focus on azimuthal correlations: At projectile- and target-rapidities we observe an anticorrelation in the in-plane transverse momentum between pions and protons. At c.m.-rapidity, however, we find that high ptp_t pions are being preferentially emitted perpendicular to the event-plane. We investigate the causes of those correlations and their sensitivity on the density and momentum dependence of the real and imaginary part of the nucleon and pion optical potential.Comment: 40 pages, 18 eps-figures, uses psfig.sty; complete postscript file available at ftp://th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/bass/GSI-preprint_95-7.ps.

    Collective flow of open and hidden charm in Au+Au collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 200 GeV

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    We study the collective flow of open charm mesons and charmonia in Au+Au collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 200 GeV within the hadron-string-dynamics (HSD) transport approach. The detailed studies show that the coupling of D,DˉD,\bar{D} mesons to the light hadrons leads to comparable directed and elliptic flow as for the light mesons. This also holds approximately for J/ιJ/\Psi mesons since more than 50% of the final charmonia for central and mid-central collisions stem from D+DˉD+\bar{D} induced reactions in the transport calculations. The transverse momentum spectra of D,DˉD,\bar{D} mesons and J/ιJ/\Psi's are only very moderately changed by the (pre-)hadronic interactions in HSD which can be traced back to the collective flow generated by elastic interactions with the light hadrons.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. C, in pres

    J/psi Suppression and Enhancement in Au+Au Collisions at the BNL RHIC

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    We consider the production of the J/psi mesons in heavy ion collisions at RHIC energies in the statistical coalescence model with an exact (canonical ensemble) charm conservation. The c\bar{c} quark pairs are assumed to be created in the primary hard parton collisions, but the formation of the open and hidden charm particles takes place at the hadronization stage and follows the prescription of statistical mechanics. The dependence of the J/psi production on both the number of nucleon participants and the collision energy is studied. The model predicts the J/psi suppression for low energies, whereas at the highest RHIC energy the model reveals the J/psi enhancement.Comment: 14 pages, REVTeX, 3 PS-figure

    Statistical Coalescence Model Analysis of J/psi Production in Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 A GeV

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    Production of J/\psi mesons in heavy ion collisions is considered within the statistical coalescence model. The model is in agreement with the experimental data of the NA50 Collaboration for Pb+Pb collisions at 158 A GeV in a wide centrality range, including the so called ``anomalous'' suppression domain. The model description of the J/psi data requires, however, strong enhancement of the open charm production in central Pb+Pb collisions. This model prediction may be checked in the future SPS runs.Comment: 13 pages, REVTeX, 2 PS-figure

    Charm coalescence at relativistic energies

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    The J/psi yield at midrapidity at the top RHIC (relativistic heavy ion collider) energy is calculated within the statistical coalescence model, which assumes charmonium formation at the late stage of the reaction from the charm quarks and antiquarks created earlier in hard parton collisions. The results are compared to the new PHENIX data and to predictions of the standard models, which assume formation of charmonia exclusively at the initial stage of the reaction and their subsequent suppression. Two versions of the suppression scenario are considered. One of them assumes gradual charmonium suppression by comovers, while the other one supposes that the suppression sets in abruptly due to quark-gluon plasma formation. Surprisingly, both versions give very similar results. In contrast, the statistical coalescence model predicts a few times larger J/ψJ/\psi yield in the most central collisions.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX4, 1 PS-figure. V2: The final PHENIX data are analyze

    Charmonium chemistry in A+A collisions at relativistic energies

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    Charmonium production and suppression in heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies is investigated within different models, i.e. the comover absorption model, the threshold suppression model, the statistical coalescence model and the HSD transport approach. In HSD the charmonium dissociation cross sections with mesons are described by a simple phase-space parametrization including an effective coupling strength ∣Mi∣2|M_i|^2 for the charmonium states i=χc,J/ψ,ψâ€Či=\chi_c, J/\psi, \psi^\prime. This allows to include the backward channels for charmonium reproduction by DDˉD \bar{D} channels -- which are missed in the comover absorption and threshold suppression model -- employing detailed balance without introducing any new parameters. It is found that all approaches yield a reasonable description of J/ψJ/\psi suppression in S+U and Pb+Pb collisions at SPS energies. However, they differ significantly in the ψâ€Č/J/ψ\psi^\prime/J/\psi ratio versus centrality at SPS and especially at RHIC energies. These pronounced differences can be exploited in future measurements at RHIC to distinguish the hadronic rescattering scenarios from quark coalescence close to the QGP phase boundary.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    On the Observation of Phase Transitions in Collisions of Elementary Matter

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    We investigate the excitation function of directed flow, which can provide a clear signature of the creation of the QGP and demonstrate that the minimum of the directed flow does not correspond to the softest point of the EoS for isentropic expansion. A novel technique measuring the compactness is introduced to determine the QGP transition in relativistic-heavy ion collisions: The QGP transition will lead to higher compression and therefore to higher compactness of the source in coordinate space. This effect can be observed by pion interferometry. We propose to measure the compactness of the source in the appropriate principal axis frame of the compactness tensor in coordinate space.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 6 figures, Conference proceedings to CRIS 2000, 3rd Catania Relativistic Ion Studie

    The Disappearance of Flow

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    We investigate the disappearance of collective flow in the reaction plane in heavy-ion collisions within a microscopic model (QMD). A systematic study of the impact parameter dependence is performed for the system Ca+Ca. The balance energy strongly increases with impact parameter. Momentum dependent interactions reduce the balance energies for intermediate impact parameters b≈4.5b\approx4.5 fm. Dynamical negative flow is not visible in the laboratory frame but does exist in the contact frame for the heavy system Au+Au. For semi-peripheral collisions of Ca+Ca with b≈6.5b\approx6.5 fm a new two-component flow is discussed. Azimuthal distributions exhibit strong collectiv flow signals, even at the balance energy.Comment: 19 pages, 7 eps-figures, uses psfig.sty; complete postscript file available at ftp://th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/bass/GSI-preprint_95-11.ps.
