1,321 research outputs found
Angular distributions and energy spectra of electrons transmitted through and reflected from elemental foils
Spectrometric determination of angular distributions and energy spectra of electrons transmitted through and reflected from carbon, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold foil
Livestock Production/Industries,
Returns to Soybean Producers from Investments in Promotion and Research
U.S. soybean producers have been cooperatively investing in both production research and demand promotion for nearly four decades to enhance the profitability and international competitiveness of their industry. Have producers benefitted from their contributions to soybean checkoff program activities over the years? How has the return to investments in soybean production research compared to that of soybean demand promotion investments? The overall positive returns to producers over the study period resulted primarily from promotion activities. Production research contributed negatively to overall producer returns from soybean checkoff investments.Agribusiness,
All-Electron Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations of Warm Dense Matter: Application to Water and Carbon Plasmas
We develop an all-electron path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method with
free-particle nodes for warm dense matter and apply it to water and carbon
plasmas. We thereby extend PIMC studies beyond hydrogen and helium to elements
with core electrons. PIMC pressures, internal energies, and pair-correlation
functions compare well with density functional theory molecular dynamics
(DFT-MD) at temperatures of (2.5-7.5) K and both methods together
form a coherent equation of state (EOS) over a density-temperature range of
3--12 g/cm and 10--10 K
Non-user benefits emanating from enhanced water flow to the Yala Protected Area Complex
Water is a multiple use resource. Increasing scarcity and competition from various sectors is an important dimension to be considered in its management. Understanding the value of water to different water uses is, therefore, necessary to assist decision-making in water allocation among sectors. Although water used in agriculture can be valued using production function approaches, such direct valuation methods are not available for the environmental uses of water. This paper uses non-market valuation methods to estimate the economic value of a committed flow through a unique ecosystem, the Yala Protected Area Complex (YPC). The Yala Protected Area Complex is an important wildlife refuge situated in south-eastern Sri Lanka. Its large land extent, undisturbed nature, and abundance and diversity of fauna contribute to its uniqueness. The fact that the YPC is also the most visited national park in Sri Lanka is partially a result of this uniqueness. However, maintenance of the park’s ecosystem depends on the flow of the Menik Ganga. This flow is regulated by the Veheragala Reservoir Project, and there is now discussion of reducing flow into the park by about half of the current level. The proposed plan ensures dry season flow into the YPC and, therefore, has been deemed acceptable. However, there is a possibility that farmers will demand further water releases during the dry season which could in turn endanger the planned downstream water releases. So there is a potential trade-off between environmental and irrigation uses of water. A willingness to pay (WTP) survey was conducted in ten districts in Sri Lanka during the fourth quarter of 2008 to estimate the WTP of the general population of the country towards maintaining this important environmental resource. In the hypothetical market presented, participants were told of the need for financial contributions from the general public to ensure the release of a minimum downstream flow commitment of 50 MCM. Participants were also informed of how this flow would enhance the ecosystem of the YPC. A single bound dichotomous choice contingent valuation approach was used as the elicitation format. Nonobligatory voluntary contributions were solicited towards a trust fund that could be used to ensure release of the required quantity of water downstream during dry months. According to the results of a binary logistic regression, income, age, and religious attachments are important factors affecting the decision to contribute to environmental flow maintenance to the YPC. Sixty-five percent of respondents were willing to pay something to ensure the maintenance of an adequate environmental flow in the YPC. The estimated mean WTP for water releases to enhance the YPC is Sri Lankan Rupees (SLR) 435 per year. Over the requested payment horizon of 10 years, the present value of aggregate WTP from the Sri Lankan population to enhance the ecosystem of the YPC is SLR 12 billion. This quantity greatly surpasses the present value of net benefits from rice farming estimated at SLR 0.64 billion, which would be generated if the same quantity of water was used for irrigation for 10 years (assuming current prices and input intensities). Thus, there is a clear opportunity for national welfare gain by ensuring adequate flow in YPC.Length: pp.37-47Water useMultiple useWildlifeHabitatsEcosystemsIrrigation waterWater allocation
Non-user benefits emanating from enhanced water flow to Yala Protected Area Complex. Abstract only
EcosystemsWater resource managementMultiple useDecision makingWater allocationEnvironmental flows
Optical spectroscopy of single quantum dots at tunable positive, neutral and negative charge states
We report on the observation of photoluminescence from positive, neutral and
negative charge states of single semiconductor quantum dots. For this purpose
we designed a structure enabling optical injection of a controlled unequal
number of negative electrons and positive holes into an isolated InGaAs quantum
dot embedded in a GaAs matrix. Thereby, we optically produced the charge states
-3, -2, -1, 0, +1 and +2. The injected carriers form confined collective
'artificial atoms and molecules' states in the quantum dot. We resolve
spectrally and temporally the photoluminescence from an optically excited
quantum dot and use it to identify collective states, which contain charge of
one type, coupled to few charges of the other type. These states can be viewed
as the artificial analog of charged atoms such as H, H, H,
and charged molecules such as H and H. Unlike higher
dimensionality systems, where negative or positive charging always results in
reduction of the emission energy due to electron-hole pair recombination, in
our dots, negative charging reduces the emission energy, relative to the
charge-neutral case, while positive charging increases it. Pseudopotential
model calculations reveal that the enhanced spatial localization of the
hole-wavefunction, relative to that of the electron in these dots, is the
reason for this effect.Comment: 5 figure
Membrane Process for Biological Treatment of Contaminated Gas Streams
A Hollow Fiber Membrane Bioreactor Was Investigated for Control of Air Emissions of Biodegradable Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). in the Membrane Bioreactor, Gases Containing VOCs Pass through the Lumen of Microporous Hydrophobic Hollow Fiber Membranes. Soluble Compounds Diffuse through the Membrane Pores and Partition into a VOC Degrading Biofilm. the Hollow Fiber Membranes Serve as a Support for the Microbial Population and Provide a Large Surface Area for VOC and Oxygen Mass Transfer. Experiments Were Performed to Investigate the Effects of Toluene Loading Rate, Gas Residence Time, and Liquid Phase Turbulence on Toluene Removal in a Laboratory-Scale Membrane Bioreactor. Initial Acclimation of the Microbial Culture to Toluene Occurred over a Period of Nine Days, after Which a 70% Removal Efficiency Was Achieved at an Inlet Toluene Concentration of 200 Ppm and a Gas Residence Time of 1.8 S (Elimination Capacity of 20 G M-3 Min-1). at Higher Toluene Loading Rates, a Maximum Elimination Capacity of 42 G M-3 Min-1 Was Observed. in the Absence of a Biofilm (Abiotic Operation), Mass Transfer Rates Were Found to Increase with Increasing Liquid Recirculation Rates. Abiotic Mass Transfer Coefficients Could Be Estimated using a Correlation of Dimensionless Parameters Developed for Heat Transfer. Liquid Phase Recirculation Rate Had No Effect on Toluene Removal When the Biofilm Was Present, However. Three Models of the Reactor Were Created: A Numeric Model, a First-Order Flat Sheet Model, and a Zero-Order Flat Sheet Model. Only the Numeric Model Fit the Data Well, Although Removal Predicted as a Function of Gas Residence Time Disagreed Slightly with that Observed. a Modification in the Model to Account for Membrane Phase Resistance Resulted in an Underprediction of Removal. Sensitivity Analysis of the Numeric Model Indicated that Removal Was a Strong Function of the Liquid Phase Biomass Density and Biofilm Diffusion Coefficient, with Diffusion Rates Below 10-9 M2 S-1 Resulting in Decreased Removal Rates
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