739 research outputs found

    Inversion of the Laplace transform from the real axis using an adaptive iterative method

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    In this paper a new method for inverting the Laplace transform from the real axis is formulated. This method is based on a quadrature formula. We assume that the unknown function f(t)f(t) is continuous with (known) compact support. An adaptive iterative method and an adaptive stopping rule, which yield the convergence of the approximate solution to f(t)f(t), are proposed in this paper.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figure

    Creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient: numerical experiments

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    A recipe for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient is implemented numerically. The following assumptions are used: \bee \zeta_m=h(x_m)/a^\kappa,\quad d=O(a^{(2-\kappa)/3}),\quad M=O(1/a^{2-\kappa}),\quad \kappa\in(0,1), \eee where ΞΆm\zeta_m and xmx_m are the boundary impedance and center of the mm-th ball, respectively, h(x)∈C(D)h(x)\in C(D), Imh(x)≀0h(x)\leq 0, MM is the number of small balls embedded in the cube DD, aa is the radius of the small balls and dd is the distance between the neighboring balls. An error estimate is given for the approximate solution of the many-body scattering problem in the case of small scatterers. This result is used for the estimate of the minimal number of small particles to be embedded in a given domain DD in order to get a material whose refraction coefficient approximates the desired one with the relative error not exceeding a desired small quantity.Comment: 24 page

    Dynamical Systems Method for solving ill-conditioned linear algebraic systems

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    A new method, the Dynamical Systems Method (DSM), justified recently, is applied to solving ill-conditioned linear algebraic system (ICLAS). The DSM gives a new approach to solving a wide class of ill-posed problems. In this paper a new iterative scheme for solving ICLAS is proposed. This iterative scheme is based on the DSM solution. An a posteriori stopping rules for the proposed method is justified. This paper also gives an a posteriori stopping rule for a modified iterative scheme developed in A.G.Ramm, JMAA,330 (2007),1338-1346, and proves convergence of the solution obtained by the iterative scheme.Comment: 26 page

    An iterative method for solving Fredholm integral equations of the first kind

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    The purpose of this paper is to give a convergence analysis of the iterative scheme: \bee u_n^\dl=qu_{n-1}^\dl+(1-q)T_{a_n}^{-1}K^*f_\dl,\quad u_0^\dl=0,\eee where T:=Kβˆ—K,Ta:=T+aI,q∈(0,1),an:=Ξ±0qn,Ξ±0>0,T:=K^*K,\quad T_a:=T+aI,\quad q\in(0,1),\quad a_n:=\alpha_0q^n, \alpha_0>0, with finite-dimensional approximations of TT and Kβˆ—K^* for solving stably Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with noisy data.Comment: 29 page

    A collocation method for solving some integral equations in distributions

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    A collocation method is presented for numerical solution of a typical integral equation Rh :=\int_D R(x, y)h(y)dy = f(x), x {\epsilon} D of the class R, whose kernels are of positive rational functions of arbitrary selfadjoint elliptic operators defined in the whole space R^r, and D \subset R^r is a bounded domain. Several numerical examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency and stability of the proposed method.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

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