63 research outputs found

    Real-Time Optimization of Anti-Reflective Coatings for CIGS Solar Cells

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    A new method combining in-situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical modeling to optimize the thickness of an anti-reflective (AR) coating for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells is described and applied directly to fabricate devices. The model is based on transfer matrix theory with input from the accurate measurement of complex dielectric function spectra and thickness of each layer in the solar cell by spectroscopic ellipsometry. The AR coating thickness is optimized in real time to optically enhance device performance with varying thickness and properties of the constituent layers. Among the parameters studied, we notably demonstrate how changes in thickness of the CIGS absorber layer, buffer layers, and transparent contact layer of higher performance solar cells affect the optimized AR coating thickness. An increase in the device performance of up to 6% with the optimized AR layer is demonstrated, emphasizing the importance of designing the AR coating based on the properties of the device structure

    Nanostructure Evolution of Magnetron Sputtered Hydrogenated Silicon Thin Films

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    Hydrogenated silicon (Si:H) thin films have been prepared by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering. The effect of hydrogen gas concentration during sputtering on the resultant film structural and optical properties has been investigated by real time spectroscopic ellipsometry (RTSE) and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXRD). The analysis of in-situ RTSE data collected during sputter deposition tracks the evolution of surface roughness and film bulk layer thickness with time. Growth evolution diagrams depicting amorphous, nanocrystalline and mixed-phase regions for low and high deposition rate Si:H are constructed and the effects of process parameter (hydrogen gas concentration, total pressure and RF power) variations on the deposition rate have been qualified. Virtual interface analysis of RTSE data provides nanocrystalline volume fraction depth profiles in the mixed-phase growth regime. GIXRD measurements show the presence of (111) and (220) oriented crystallites. Vibrational mode absorption features from Si-Hn bonding configurations at 590, 640, 2000 and 2090 cm-1 are obtained by ex-situ infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry. Hydrogen incorporation decreases as films transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phases with increasing hydrogen gas concentration during sputtering. Published by AIP Publishing

    n-i-p Nanocrystalline Hydrogenated Silicon Solar Cells with RF-Magnetron Sputtered Absorbers

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    Nanocrystalline hydrogenated silicon (nc-Si:H) substrate configuration n-i-p solar cells have been fabricated on soda lime glass substrates with active absorber layers prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and radio frequency magnetron sputtering. The cells with nanocrystalline PECVD absorbers and an untextured back reflector serve as a baseline for comparison and have power conversion efficiency near 6%. By comparison, cells with sputtered absorbers achieved efficiencies of about 1%. Simulations of external quantum efficiency (EQE) are compared to experimental EQE to determine a carrier collection probability gradient with depth for the device with the sputtered i-layer absorber. This incomplete collection of carriers generated in the absorber is most pronounced in material near the n/i interface and is attributed to breaking vacuum between deposition of layers for the sputtered absorbers, possible low electronic quality of the nc-Si:H sputtered absorber, and damage at the n/i interface by over-deposition of the sputtered i-layer during device fabrication

    Bonding in Functionalized Aziridines: Nitrogen-15 and Carbon-13 Studies

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    Two isomeric pairs of cis- and trans-1-cyclohexyl-2-phenyl-3-benzoylaziridines have been synthesized: (1) with a nitrogen-15 labelled nitrogen, and (2) with carbon-13 labelled ring carbons. The carbon-13 to X (where X=nitrogen-15, carbon-13 or hydrogen-I) spin-spin coupling constants were measured and interpreted in terms of stereoelectronic effects. X-ray crystallographic data (earlier determined for cisand trans-1-cyclohexyl-2-phenyl-3-(p-toluyl)aziridines)1 appear in good agreement with the NMR data. Bonding is discussed for the three-ring itself (NMR studies) and for its substituents (X-ray studies). It is concluded that stereochemical interaction of the Van der Waals type is an important determinant of aziridine bond length. Three-ring to carbonyl hyperconjugation is correlated with stereoelectronic interactions in the trans isomer

    Advanced deposition phase diagrams for guiding Si:H-based multijunction solar cells

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    Abstract Phase diagrams have been established to describe very high frequency (vhf) plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of intrinsic hydrogenated silicon (Si:H) and silicon-germanium alloy (Si 1Àx Ge x :H) thin films on crystalline Si substrates that have been over-deposited with n-type amorphous Si:H (a-Si:H). The Si:H and Si 1Àx Ge x :H films are prepared under conditions used for the top and middle i-layers of high efficiency triple-junction a-Si:H-based n-i-p solar cells. Identical n/i cell structures were co-deposited in this study on textured (stainless steel)/Ag/ZnO which serve as substrate/back-reflectors in order to relate the phase diagrams to the performance parameters of single-junction solar cells. This study has reaffirmed that the highest efficiencies for a-Si:H and a-Si 1Àx Ge x :H solar cells are obtained when the i-layers are prepared under previously-described maximal H 2 dilution conditions. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Linear and Nonlinear Optical constants of BiFeO_3

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    Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, the refractive index and absorption versus wavelength of the ferroelectric antiferromagnet Bismuth Ferrite, BiFeO_3 is reported. The material has a direct band-gap at 442 nm wavelength (2.81 eV). Using optical second harmonic generation, the nonlinear optical coefficients were determined to be d_15/d_22 = 0.20 +/- 0.01, d_31/d_22 = 0.35 +/- 0.02, d_33/d_22 = -11.4 +/- 0.20 and |d_22| = 298.4 +/- 6.1 pm/V at a fundamental wavelength of 800 nm.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Real Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Analysis of First Stage CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Growth: Indium-Gallium Selenide Co-Evaporation

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    Real time spectroscopic ellipsometry (RTSE) has been applied for in-situ monitoring of the first stage of copper indium-gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin film deposition by the three-stage co-evaporation process used for fabrication of high efficiency thin film photovoltaic (PV) devices. The first stage entails the growth of indium-gallium selenide (In1-xGax)₂Se₃ (IGS) on a substrate of Mo-coated soda lime glass maintained at a temperature of 400 °C. This is a critical stage of CIGS deposition because a large fraction of the final film thickness is deposited, and as a result precise compositional control is desired in order to achieve the optimum performance of the resulting CIGS solar cell. RTSE is sensitive to monolayer level film growth processes and can provide accurate measurements of bulk and surface roughness layer thicknesses. These in turn enable accurate measurements of the bulk layer optical response in the form of the complex dielectric function ε = ε₁ - iε₂, spectra. Here, RTSE has been used to obtain the (ε₁, ε₂) spectra at the measurement temperature of 400 °C for IGS thin films of different Ga contents (x) deduced from different ranges of accumulated bulk layer thickness during the deposition process. Applying an analytical expression in common for each of the (ε₁, ε₂) spectra of these IGS films, oscillator parameters have been obtained in the best fits and these parameters in turn have been fitted with polynomials in x. From the resulting database of polynomial coefficients, the (ε₁, ε₂) spectra can be generated for any composition of IGS from the single parameter, x. The results have served as an RTSE fingerprint for IGS composition and have provided further structural information beyond simply thicknesses, for example information related to film density and grain size. The deduced IGS structural evolution and the (ε₁, ε₂) spectra have been interpreted as well in relation to observations from scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy profiling analyses. Overall the structural, optical and compositional analysis possible by RTSE has assisted in understanding the growth and properties of three stage CIGS absorbers for solar cells and shows future promise for enhancing cell performance through monitoring and control

    Optical band gap of BiFeO3 grown by molecular-beam epitaxy

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    BiFeO3 thin films have been deposited on (001) SrTiO3 substrates by adsorption-controlled reactive molecular-beam epitaxy. For a given bismuth overpressure and oxygen activity, single-phase BiFeO3 films can be grown over a range of deposition temperatures in accordance with thermodynamic calculations. Four-circle x-ray diffraction reveals phase-pure, epitaxial films with w rocking curve full width at half maximum values as narrow as 29 arc sec (0.008°). Multiple-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry reveals a direct optical band gap at 2.74 eV for stoichiometric as well as 5% bismuth-deficient single-phase BiFeO3 films