279 research outputs found

    Lambda-proton correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    The prospect of using lambda-proton correlations to extract source sizes in relativistic heavy ion collisions is investigated. It is found that the strong interaction induces a large peak in the correlation function that provides more sensitive source size measurements than two-proton correlations under some circumstances. The prospect of using lambda-proton correlations to measure the time lag between lambda and proton emissions is also studied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure, revtex style. Two short paragraphs are added at referees' recommendations. Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    On spin-rotation contribution to nuclear spin conversion in C_{3v}-symmetry molecules. Application to CH_3F

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    The symmetrized contribution of E-type spin-rotation interaction to conversion between spin modifications of E- and A_1-types in molecules with C_{3v}-symmetry is considered. Using the high-J descending of collisional broadening for accidental rotational resonances between these spin modifications, it was possible to co-ordinate the theoretical description of the conversion with (updated) experimental data for two carbon-substituted isotopes of fluoromethane. As a result, both E-type spin-rotation constants are obtained. They are roughly one and a half times more than the corresponding constants for (deutero)methane.Comment: 13 pages with single-spacing, REVTeX, no figures, accepted for publication in <J. Phys. B

    K* nucleon hyperon form factors and nucleon strangeness

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    A crucial input for recent meson hyperon cloud model estimates of the nucleon matrix element of the strangeness current are the nucleon-hyperon-K* (NYK*) form factors which regularize some of the arising loops. Prompted by new and forthcoming information on these form factors from hyperon-nucleon potential models, we analyze the dependence of the loop model results for the strange-quark observables on the NYK* form factors and couplings. We find, in particular, that the now generally favored soft N-Lambda-K* form factors can reduce the magnitude of the K* contributions in such models by more than an order of magnitude, compared to previous results with hard form factors. We also discuss some general implications of our results for hadronic loop models.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, new co-author, discussion extended to the momentum dependence of the strange vector form factor

    The Hypertriton in Effective Field Theory

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    Doublet Lambda d scattering and the hypertriton are studied in the framework of an effective field theory for large scattering lengths. As in the triton case, consistent renormalization requires a one-parameter three-body force at leading order whose renormalization group evolution is governed by a limit cycle. Constraining unknown parameters from symmetry considerations and the measured binding energy of the hypertriton, we calculate the low-energy phase shifts for doublet Lambda d scattering. For the low-energy parameters, we find a_{Lambda d}=(16.8^{+4.4}_{-2.4}) fm and r_{Lambda d}=(2.3 +/- 0.3) fm, where the errors are due to the uncertainty in the hypertriton binding energy. Since the hypertriton is extremely shallow, low-energy three-body observables in this channel are very insensitive to the exact values of the Lambda N low-energy parameters.Comment: 16 pages, revtex4, 5 ps figures, reference added, typos in appendix A correcte

    C-axis resistivity and high Tc superconductivity

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    Recently we had proposed a mechanism for the normal-state C-axis resistivity of the high-Tc_c layered cuprates that involved blocking of the single-particle tunneling between the weakly coupled planes by strong intra-planar electron-electron scattering. This gave a C-axis resistivity that tracks the ab-plane T-linear resistivity, as observed in the high-temperature limit. In this work this mechanism is examined further for its implication for the ground-state energy and superconductivity of the layered cuprates. It is now argued that, unlike the single-particle tunneling, the tunneling of a boson-like pair between the planes prepared in the BCS-type coherent trial state remains unblocked inasmuch as the latter is by construction an eigenstate of the pair annihilation operator. The resulting pair-delocalization along the C-axis offers energetically a comparative advantage to the paired-up trial state, and, thus stabilizes superconductivity. In this scheme the strongly correlated nature of the layered system enters only through the blocking effect, namely that a given electron is effectively repeatedly monitored (intra-planarly scattered) by the other electrons acting as an environment, on a time-scale shorter than the inter-planar tunneling time. Possible relationship to other inter-layer pairing mechanisms proposed by several workers in the field is also briefly discussed.Comment: typos in equations corrected, contents unchange

    Demonstration of quantum Zeno effect in a superconducting phase qubit

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    Quantum Zeno effect is a significant tool in quantum manipulating and computing. We propose its observation in superconducting phase qubit with two experimentally feasible measurement schemes. The conventional measurement method is used to achieve the proposed pulse and continuous readout of the qubit state, which are analyzed by projection assumption and Monte Carlo wave-function simulation, respectively. Our scheme gives a direct implementation of quantum Zeno effect in a superconducting phase qubit.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Lattice QCD Calculation of Hadron Scattering Lengths

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    Method of calculating hadron multi-point functions and disconnected quark loop contributions which are not readily accessible through conventional techniques is proposed. Results are reported for pion-pion, pion-nucleon and nucleon-nucleon scattering lengths and the flavor singlet-non singlet meson mass splitting estimated in quenched QCD.Comment: 6 pages. Contribution to Lattice '93. Latex file, style file espcrc2.sty needed.(appended at the end) Figures are also included as epsf file

    Soft-core hyperon-nucleon potentials

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    A new Nijmegen soft-core OBE potential model is presented for the low-energy YN interactions. Besides the results for the fit to the scattering data, which largely defines the model, we also present some applications to hypernuclear systems using the G-matrix method. An important innovation with respect to the original soft-core potential is the assignment of the cut-off masses for the baryon-baryon-meson (BBM) vertices in accordance with broken SU(3)F_F, which serves to connect the NN and the YN channels. As a novel feature, we allow for medium strong breaking of the coupling constants, using the 3P0^3P_0 model with a Gell-Mann--Okubo hypercharge breaking for the BBM coupling. We present six hyperon-nucleon potentials which describe the available YN cross section data equally well, but which exhibit some differences on a more detailed level. The differences are constructed such that the models encompass a range of scattering lengths in the ΣN\Sigma N and ΛN\Lambda N channels. For the scalar-meson mixing angle we obtained values θS=37\theta_S=37 to 40 degrees, which points to almost ideal mixing angles for the scalar qqˉq\bar{q} states. The G-matrix results indicate that the remarkably different spin-spin terms of the six potentials appear specifically in the energy spectra of Λ\Lambda hypernuclei.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure

    Quasi-Elastic Scattering in the Inclusive (3^3He, t) Reaction

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    The triton energy spectra of the charge-exchange 12^{12}C(3^3He,t) reaction at 2 GeV beam energy are analyzed in the quasi-elastic nucleon knock-out region. Considering that this region is mainly populated by the charge-exchange of a proton in 3^3He with a neutron in the target nucleus and the final proton going in the continuum, the cross-sections are written in the distorted-wave impulse approximation. The t-matrix for the elementary exchange process is constructed in the DWBA, using one pion- plus rho-exchange potential for the spin-isospin nucleon- nucleon potential. This t-matrix reproduces the experimental data on the elementary pn \rightarrow np process. The calculated cross-sections for the 12^{12}C(3^3He,t) reaction at 2o2^o to 7o7^o triton emission angle are compared with the corresponding experimental data, and are found in reasonable overall accord.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 11 postscript figures available at [email protected], submitted to Phy.Rev.

    SS-matrix poles near the ΛN\Lambda N and ΣN\Sigma N Thresholds in the Coupled \\ΛNΣN\Lambda N-\Sigma N System

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    We search tt-matrix poles for ΛNΣN\Lambda N-\Sigma N coupling interactions using two soft core models of the Nijmegen group which bind the hypertriton at the correct binding energy, and hard core models which are still influential in hypernuclear physics. To treat the hard core potentials, a useful method for calculating the off-shell tt-matrix is proposed. We find poles close to the ΣN\Sigma N threshold in the second or third quadrant of the complex plane of the ΣN\Sigma N relative momentum. The relation between the poles and the shape of the ΛN\Lambda N elastic total cross section is discussed based on a so-called uniformization by which two-channel tt-matrices become single-valued on a complex valuable. We also find poles near the ΛN\Lambda N threshold. These are correlated to the SS-wave ΛN\Lambda N scattering lengths, the values of which have yet to be determined.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, Revte