71 research outputs found

    Modeling electoral choices in multiparty systems with high-dimensional data: A regularized selection of parameters using the Lasso approach

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    The increasing popularity of the Spatial Theory of Voting has given rise to the frequent usage of multinomial logit or probit models with alternative-specific covariates. The flexibility of these models comes along with one severe drawback: the proliferation of coefficients, resulting in high-dimensional and difficult-to-interpret models. In particular, choice models in a party system with J parties result in maximally J-1 parameters for each chooser-specific attribute (e.g., sex, age). For the specification of alternative-specific attributes (e.g., issue distances), maximally J parameters per attribute can be estimated. As soon as we allow for interaction effects, e.g., to test for segment-specific reactions to issue distances, the situation is even aggravated. In order to systematically identify relevant predictors in spatial voting models with non-policy factors, we derive and use for the first time Lasso-type regularized parameter selection techniques that take into account both the categorical structure of the response variable (i.e., party choice) and the alternative-wise specification of alternative-specific attributes. By applying the Lasso method to the 2009 German Parliamentary Election, we demonstrate that our approach massively reduces the model's complexity, simplifies its interpretation and improves the model's predictive performance. Lasso-penalization clearly outperforms the simple ML estimator. The results are illustrated by innovative visualization methods, so-called effect star-plots

    How Colors Influence Numbers: Photon Statistics of Parametric Downconversion

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    Parametric downconversion (PDC) is a technique of ubiquitous experimental significance in the production of non-classical, photon-number correlated twin beams. Standard theory of PDC as a two-mode squeezing process predicts and homodyne measurements observe a thermal photon number distribution per beam. Recent experiments have obtained conflicting distributions. In this paper, we explain the observation by an a-priori theoretical model solely based on directly accessible physical quantities. We compare our predictions with experimental data and find excellent agreement.Comment: 4 {pages, figures

    A proposed testbed for detector tomography

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    Measurement is the only part of a general quantum system that has yet to be characterized experimentally in a complete manner. Detector tomography provides a procedure for doing just this; an arbitrary measurement device can be fully characterized, and thus calibrated, in a systematic way without access to its components or its design. The result is a reconstructed POVM containing the measurement operators associated with each measurement outcome. We consider two detectors, a single-photon detector and a photon-number counter, and propose an easily realized experimental apparatus to perform detector tomography on them. We also present a method of visualizing the resulting measurement operators.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Characterization of Spectral Entanglement of Spontaneous Parametric-Down Conversion Biphotons

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    We verified operational approach based on direct measurement of entanglement degree for bipartite systems. In particular spectral distributions of single counts and coincidence for pure biphoton states generated by train of short pump pulses have been measured and entanglement quantifier calculated. The approach gives upper bound of entanglement stored in total biphoton states, which can reach extremely high value up to 104−10510^{4}-10^{5}

    Hysteretic melting transition of a soliton lattice in a commensurate charge modulation

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    We report on the observation of the hysteretic transition of a commensurate charge modulation in IrTe2 from transport and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) studies. Below the transition (T-C approximate to 275 K on cooling), a q = 1/5 charge modulation was observed, which is consistent with previous studies. Additional modulations [q(n) = (3n + 2)(-1)] appear below a second transition at T-S approximate to 180 K on cooling. The coexistence of various modulations persists up to T-C on warming. The atomic structures of charge modulations and the temperature-dependent STM studies suggest that 1/5 modulation is a periodic soliton lattice that partially melts below T-S on cooling. Our results provide compelling evidence that the ground state of IrTe2 is a commensurate 1/6 charge modulation, which originates from the periodic dimerization of Te atoms visualized by atomically resolved STM images.open141

    Micromotives of Vote Switchers and Macrotransitions: The Case of the Immigration Issue in a Regional Earthquake Election in Germany 2018

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    Which issue-related motives underlie voters' decision to switch parties at the polls? Do switchers stick to the newly chosen party, or do they oscillate in a short-term way at intermediate elections? Relying on the behavioral theory of elections, we assumed aspiration-based voting of boundedly rational voters. We elicited issue-related switch and stay motives in an open-ended survey question format to identify the individual dominant aspirational frame. We traced the respondents' voting trajectories over three consecutive elections, including two state (2013 and 2018) elections in Bavaria (Germany) and one German federal election (2017). We focused on one of the most polarizing and salient issues in these elections, namely immigration. The case of reference is the 2018 Bavarian state election. Here, the incumbent majoritarian center-right party Christian Social Union tried to deter the entry of the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany by adapting to it on the immigration issue in tone and position. The selected case allows assessment of the impact of issue-based adaptive behavior of the incumbent party at the level of the voters' switch or stay choices. We estimated the direction and number of voter flows for two interelection sequences of different lengths between different types of polls (federal and state). Our transition estimates are based on the hybrid multinomial Dirichlet model, a new technique integrating individual-level survey data and official aggregate data. Our estimates uncover substantial behavioral differences in the immigration issue public

    Photon Number Statistics of Multimode Parametric Down-Conversion

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    We experimentally analyze the complete photon number statistics of parametric downconversion and ascertain the influence of multimode effects. Our results clearly reveal a difference between single mode theoretical description and the measured distributions. Further investigations assure the applicability of loss-tolerant photon number reconstruction and prove strict photon number correlation between signal and idler modes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral structure and decompositions of optical states, and their applications

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    We discuss the spectral structure and decomposition of multi-photon states. Ordinarily `multi-photon states' and `Fock states' are regarded as synonymous. However, when the spectral degrees of freedom are included this is not the case, and the class of `multi-photon' states is much broader than the class of `Fock' states. We discuss the criteria for a state to be considered a Fock state. We then address the decomposition of general multi-photon states into bases of orthogonal eigenmodes, building on existing multi-mode theory, and introduce an occupation number representation that provides an elegant description of such states that in many situations simplifies calculations. Finally we apply this technique to several example situations, which are highly relevant for state of the art experiments. These include Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, spectral filtering, finite bandwidth photo-detection, homodyne detection and the conditional preparation of Schr\"odinger Kitten and Fock states. Our techniques allow for very simple descriptions of each of these examples.Comment: 12 page

    Optimised generation of heralded Fock states using parametric down conversion

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    The generation of heralded pure Fock states via spontaneous parametric down conversion (PDC) relies on perfect photon-number correlations in the output modes. Correlations in any other degree of freedom, however, degrade the purity of the heralded state. In this paper, we investigate spectral entanglement between the two output modes of a periodically poled waveguide. With the intent of generating heralded 1- and 2-photon Fock states, we expand the output state of the PDC to second order in photon number. We explore the effects of spectral filtering and inefficient detection, of the heralding mode, on the count rate, g(2) and purity of the heralded state, as well as the fidelity between the resulting state and an ideal Fock state. We find that filtering can decrease spectral correlations, however, at the expense of the count rate and increased photon-number mixedness in the heralded output state. As a physical example, we model a type II PP-KTP waveguide pumped by lasers at wavelengths of 400 nm, 788 nm and 1930 nm. The latter two allow the fulfillment of extended phase matching conditions in an attempt to eliminate spectral correlations in the PDC output state without the use of filtering, however, we find that even in these cases, some filtering is needed to achieve states of very high purity.Comment: 28 pages, 25 figures, revised expressions for two-photon fidelit

    Fast quantum key distribution with decoy number states

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    We investigate the use of photon number states to identify eavesdropping attacks on quantum key distribution (QKD) schemes. The technique is based on the fact that different photon numbers traverse a channel with different transmittivity. We then describe two QKD schemes that utilize this method, one of which overcomes the upper limit on the key generation rate imposed by the dead time of detectors when using a heralded source of photons.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; Accepted to J. Mod. Op
