501 research outputs found

    Development of RNA Microchip for Pathogen and Cancer Direct Detection

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    Development of a simple, specific, sensitive and rapid RNA microchip for detection of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) mRNA, pathogenic bacteria and dengue virus (DENV) RNA is reported. By use of nucleases and polymerases specific RNAs are selectively labeled and detected without separation, reverse transcription and or polymerase chain reaction. This is accomplished by designing specific Hybrid probes consisting of DNA-2’-O-Me-RNA-DNA regions to target the RNA of interest. Upon hybridization with the target RNA, RNase H digestion is used to remove the 3’- RNA sequences which exposes the template for Klenow extension with reporter molecules such as hapten or fluorophore labels. This novel RNA microchip is fast (ca. 1 h detection time), selective as individual RNAs are detected in a synthetic mixture and total RNA mixtures, specific for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) discrimination and sensitive up to attomole level for chemiluminescence detection and lower femtomole for gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and silver staining method. Using chemiluminescence, HNC biomarkers, VCAM1 and IL8 are specifically labeled and detected in the presence of thousands of other mRNAs in cancer cell lines and human colon cancer total RNA without interference. Furthermore, the method is highly specific as shown with DENV SNPs discrimination. Moreover, we report rapid (ca 1hour), selective, specific multi-marker detection of pathogenic mRNAs and HNC mRNAs using AuNPs-silver staining on the RNA microchip. Streptavidin gold nanoparticles technology has a potential in the analysis of specific mRNAs in a wide array of field including infectious diseases diagnosis, viral infections, food safety, gene expression profiling and cancer detection. A simple and rapid NaOH RNA extraction procedure was developed for E. coli total RNA extraction with specific results on the RNA microchip using both chemiluminescence and AuNPs silver staining. This extraction avoids the use of commercial RNA purification kits thus reducing the cost. Furthermore, visual detection on the RNA microchip is simple, does not require electricity or special equipment, and therefore is a good candidate for field diagnostics with minimum resources

    Digital Rights Management: Improving Online Digital Images Copy Rights Management through an Enhanced Least Significant Bit Steganographic Algorithm

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    Digital media no doubt presents numerous advantages compared to the traditional analog media. Of the most importance is the fact that digital content (images, graphics, audio and video) can be easily copied, transmitted, retrieved and distributed over private and open access networks. The global availability of the internet- certainly the most impactful information exchange tool today- plus the numerous file sharing tools freely available have made the distribution of copyrighted digital media files simple and straightforward. Duplication of exact copies of original images, for example can be easily done and circulated without authentication. As much as this is an advantage in trying to enhance sharing of information, it certainly creates problems of ownership and authenticity and digital rights protection. There already exists copyright laws that provide for protection of all online content but the task of continuously guarding the web and correctly identifying those that infringe against these laws is increasingly becoming enormous. There is therefore need to continuously invest in development of new technologies and algorithms that will make it more and more difficult to illegally copy or use someone else content. To improve security of copyrighted online digital images, this paper proposes the use of an enhanced LSB steganographic algorithm that employs a selective and randomized approach in picking specific number of target image bits to swap with the owners signature authentication bits using a pseudo random number generator (PRNG). The carefully selected password seed is used to determine the set of selected numbers used for targeting specific image bits for the signature hiding. An experimental design is setup to determine the effectiveness of the method by comparing and analyzing the stego images’ statistical characteristics and the ability of steganalysis methods to detect the hidden signature. The experimental results indicate improved levels of imperceptibility and hence improved security against illegal copying. Keywords: Digital Media, Steganography, Copyright, Steganalysis, Stego image, imperceptibilit

    Flow cytometry analysis of the effect of allopurinol and the dinitroaniline compound (Chloralin) on the viability and proliferation of Leishmania infantum promastigotes

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    BACKGROUND: Leishmaniasis is a major parasitic disease in the tropical regions. However, Leishmania infantum has recently emerged as a very important cause of opportunistic infections for individuals positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, there is a lack of in vitro tests for assessing the effect of anti-parasitic drugs on the viability and proliferation of Leishmania infantum. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of anti-parasitic drugs like allopurinol and Chloralin on the viability and proliferation of L. infantum promastigotes by utilizing two complementary flow cytometric approaches after exposure of the promastigotes to various concentrations of the drugs. RESULTS: The density of the cultures in the presence and absence of allopurinol was determined by haemocytometer enumeration. The two flow cytometric approaches used to monitor the drug effect were: (i) a quantitative method to measure cell division using 5-,6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) staining and (ii) evaluation of cell viability by dual-staining with the membrane-permeable nuclear stain, SBRY-14 and propidium iodide. It was found that concentrations of allopurinol above 50 ÎĽg/ml yielded a clear decrease in the proliferation rate of the promastigotes. However, the viability results showed that about 46.8% of the promastigotes incubated in the presence of 800 ÎĽg/ml of allopurinol were still alive after 96 hours. In sharp contrast, more than 90% of promastigotes treated with Chloralin 10 ÎĽM (2.7 ÎĽg/ml) were dead after 48 hours of treatment. These flow cytometric findings suggest that allopurinol has a leishmaniostatic effect while the dinitroaniline compound (Chloralin) has a leishmaniocidal effect against promastigotes. CONCLUSIONS: The flow cytometric data on proliferation and viability were consistent with results obtained from haemocytometer counts and allowed us to develop a model for assessing in vitro the effects of medicaments like allopurinol and chloralin on L. infantum promastigotes on a cellular level

    UC-317 Do you know KSU? -A Quiz App

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    Do you know KSU is a mobile quiz app developed in Android Studio by Christian Meliezer, Erick Kamau, and Joshua Meder. The app tests your knowledge on all things KSU related, including notable places, people, and courses associated with the university. Do you know KSU is a full stack application that uses AWS Amplify for API and Database services. Users will answer 10 random questions regarding the university, and be given a score at the end that represents how well they did

    Effectiveness of Transformative Instructional Model on Acquisition of Selected Vocational skills among the Vulnerable Youth in Nakuru County, Kenya

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    Educators and community trainers have identified the critical role that practical vocational skills can play in the development of broad-based capabilities among the youth. However, the question is whether instructional methods used for practical skills are sufficient to prepare trainees with potentials that reflect and model content productively. This paper presents findings of a study conducted to determine the effectiveness of structured group learning model (SGLM) in acquisition of vocational skills in handicrafts among the vulnerable youth in Nakuru County. The study used quasi experimental design. The Population of the study was 200 identified vulnerable youths in the County. A sample size of 60 members was purposively selected for the study, 30 youth were used as experimental group and the other 30 as control group. Experimental group was trained using (SGLM) methods and a control group was trained through traditional methods. The research instruments were validated and pilot tested, the reliability analysis yielded an index of 0.89 which was sufficient for the study. Data was collected using a guided questionnaire and observation checklist after the training. Pearson chi square was used to test the association between SGLM and acquisition of vocational skills at a significant level of 0.05. The results revealed that there is an association between SGLM and acquisition of some facets of vocational craft skills but not in skill on developing patterns, specifications, branding and packaging of finished products. The Model could be an alternative training strategy for vulnerable youth as it empowers the youth with necessary skills for productive livelihood

    Crop-land Suitability Analysis Using GIS and Remote Sensing in Nyandarua County, Kenya

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    Land suitability analysis is a method of land evaluation, which measures the degree of appropriateness of land for a certain use. The aim of this research was to identify and delineate the land that can best support potatoes, using GIS-based Multi Criteria Evaluation technique and Remote Sensing. The study was carried out in Nyandarua County in Kenya. Agriculture is the mainstay of local economy in the study area, but the production is very low because some of the crops being introduced are not doing well. There is need therefore to identify and delineate suitable areas for growing various crops to achieve maximum potential yield. Three suitability criteria i.e. soil (PH, texture, depth, drainage), climate (rainfall, temperature) and topography were evaluated based on agronomist experts opinions and FAO guideline for rainfed agriculture. An Analytical Hierarchical Process was used to determine relative importance of criteria and the resulting weights were used to construct the suitability maps/layers using GIS software. Finally, land suitability map was generated by overlaying these maps with current land cover map generated from Landsat images through supervised classification. The results of this research revealed that in the study area, 37.6% of the agricultural land is highly suitable for potatoes cultivation, 51.5% is moderately suitable and 10.9% is marginally suitable. The results can be used by the County government to advice the local farmers on the suitable areas for potatoes cultivation. Keywords: Land suitability analysis, GIS, Remote sensing, Multi-Criteria Evaluation, AHP, Potatoes cultivation, Nyandarua

    Assessment of relationship between management policies and transfer of skills: A case of public secondary school heads in Nyeri County, Kenya

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    Despite heavy investments in training and development, low-quality education standards and challenges in management practices have been a sticky problem in the Kenyan education sector. Organization Theory guided the main aim of this study in establishing the relationship between management policies and transfer of skills for public secondary school headteachers in schools management. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The study population comprised 226 headteachers.  A mixture of stratified random sampling and census study was adopted in sampling 69 respondents. The results established that management policies explained a 23.4% variation in the transfer of skills for school heads. ?1 = 0.536 and p-value = 0.000 (p<0.05) indicated that management policies had positive and significant effects on transfer of skills. The study established that unsupportive policies like the Students Council, two centers of power, strict policies, and lack of inclusivity in policy formulation adversely affected school heads in implementing learned skills. The study recommends fair representation of all categories of education stakeholders in policies review and formulation to alleviate challenges associated with management policies to enhance the transfer of skills. The Government should address the issue of two centers of power in the public basic education sector. The paper sought to call the attention of the professional development trainers to exercise follow-ups to assess post-training behavioral outcomes in the context of organizational climate


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    Global studies show the need for parental involvement in children’s school readiness. In Kenya, studies show that students’ poor performance in school is mainly caused by lack of school readiness. This study was guided by the Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory which regards children as the center of various layers of systems. Survey research design was used to guide the study. The location of the study was Kasarani Division. The target population was parents with children aged 5 to 6 years in pre-unit class enrolled in pre-primary schools in Kasarani Division. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to obtain data from the respondents. Pilot study was done in two pre-schools within Kasarani Division. Content validity was used to determine the validity of the instruments, while the reliability of the instruments was determined using test re-test method. Data was collected in two stages. Descriptive and inferential methods were used to analyze the collected data. ANOVA and Chi-square tests were used to test the null hypotheses at a significance level of 0.05. The findings showed that various factors were influenced parents’ perception on children’s school readiness. It was recommended that managers and administrators in public preschools ought to put systems in place to ensure that parents’ perceptions on school readiness are enhanced.  Article visualizations

    Instructional Constraints in Teaching of Reading in Early Childhood Classes in Nairobi County, Kenya

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    Reading has been identified as one of the most reliable indicators of whether a learner will attain the competence needed to achieve academic success and contribute actively to society. Research findings in Kenyan primary and secondary schools reveal inadequate reading skills among the students. The purpose of this study was to identify approaches used in teaching of reading in Early Childhood Education. The objective of the study was to establish teachers’ orientation and challenges faced by teachers in the teaching of reading. The study adopted the descriptive research design using the survey method and observation technique and was conducted in twenty schools in Nairobi County. The findings showed that lack of resources was the greatest challenge faced by early learning teachers in the teaching of reading. They also indicated that they were not well equipped with the relevant methods of teaching reading. The study recommends that teachers should be adequately equipped with teaching and learning resources, trained in different approaches and in serviced in the latest approaches. Serving teachers should get refresher courses on teaching of reading methods to improve learning in schools in the country. Keywords: teaching reading, teaching method, teacher qualification, teaching and Learning resources, early learnin
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