8,937 research outputs found

    Deception Island Volcanism (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica): Results from Thin-Section Invertigations

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    A dynamical symmetry for supermembranes

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    A dynamical symmetry for supersymmetric extended objects is given.Comment: 3 page

    AMBER and CRIRES observations of the binary sgB[e] star HD 327083: evidence of a gaseous disc traced by CO bandhead emission

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    HD 327083 is a sgB[e] star that forms a binary system with an orbital semi-major axis of ~1.7 AU. Our previous observations using the VLTI and AMBER in the medium resolution K-band mode spatially resolved the environment of HD 327083. The continuum visibilities obtained indicate the presence of a circumbinary disc. CO bandhead emission was also observed. However, due to the limited spectral resolution of the previous observations, the kinematic structure of the emitting material was not constrained. In this paper, we address this and probe the source of the CO emission with high spectral resolution and spatial precision. We have observed HD 327083 with high spectral resolution (25 & 6 km/s) using AMBER and CRIRES. The observations are compared to kinematical models to constrain the source of the emission. It is shown that the CO bandhead emission can be reproduced using a model of a Keplerian disc with an inclination and size consistent with our previous VLTI observations. The model is compared to AMBER differential phase measurements, which have a precision as high as 30-micro-arcseconds. A differential phase signal corresponding to 0.15 milli-arcseconds (~5 sigma) is seen over the bandhead emission, which is in excellent agreement with the model that fits the CRIRES observations. In comparison, a model of an equatorial outflow, as envisaged in the standard sgB[e] scenario, does not reproduce the observations well. The excellent agreement between the disc model and observations in the spatial and spectral domains is compelling evidence that the CO bandhead emission of HD 327083 originates in a circumbinary Keplerian disc. In contrast, the model of an equatorial outflow cannot reproduce the observations well. This suggests that the standard sgB[e] scenario is not applicable to HD 327083, which supports the hypothesis that the B[e] behaviour of HD 327083 is due to binarity (ABRIDGED).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    M Theory As A Matrix Model: A Conjecture

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    We suggest and motivate a precise equivalence between uncompactified eleven dimensional M-theory and the N = infinity limit of the supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics describing D0-branes. The evidence for the conjecture consists of several correspondences between the two theories. As a consequence of supersymmetry the simple matrix model is rich enough to describe the properties of the entire Fock space of massless well separated particles of the supergravity theory. In one particular kinematic situation the leading large distance interaction of these particles is exactly described by supergravity . The model appears to be a nonperturbative realization of the holographic principle. The membrane states required by M-theory are contained as excitations of the matrix model. The membrane world volume is a noncommutative geometry embedded in a noncommutative spacetime.Comment: Typo and tex error corrected. 41 pages, harvma

    Іван Іларіонович Лукінов: життя і діяльність у документах (за матеріалами особового фонду в Інституті архівознавства НБУВ)

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    Запропонований аналіз складу документів особового архівного фонду вченого в галузі економіки – академіка НАН України, РАН та інших академій І.І. Лукінова, який зберігається в Інституті архівознавства НБУВ. Розглядаються джерельні можливості фонду у вивченні і відтворенні біографії та діяльності вченого, його участі у розробленні теоретичних засад формування економіки УРСР та незалежної України.An analysis of the document collection of the personal archive fund of I.I. Lukinov, a scientist in the field of economy, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, the RAN and other academies, preserved at the Institute of the archive science of the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine is suggested. The source possibilities of the fund regarding the studies and reconstruction of the biography and activities of the researcher, his participation in development of the theory of the economy formation of the USSR and the independent Ukraine are investigated

    Benutting van najaarsgras

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    Door weersomstandigheden is najaargras vaak moeilijk in te kuilen. Aan de andere kant bevat najaarsgras, door het hoger klaveraandeel, juist het eiwit wat de geiten in het rantsoen hard nodig hebben. Darm Verteerbaar Eiwit (DVE) is vaak een knelpunt op melkproducerende biologische bedrijven. Door gras kunstmatig te laten drogen kan het eiwit in grasklaver als DVE benut worden. In dit Biokennisbericht schetsen onderzoekers van het Louis Bolk Instituut de verschillende afwegingen om najaarsgras in te kuilen of kunstmatig te laten drogen en eventueel in brok te laten perse