10,937 research outputs found

    Carfentrazone-ethyl Pond Dissipation and Efficacy on Floating Plants

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    Carfentrazone-ethyl (CE) is a reduced risk herbicide that is currently being evaluated for the control of aquatic weeds. Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine efficacy of CE on water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms- Laub.), water lettuce ( Pistia stratiotes L.), salvinia ( Salvinia minima Baker) and landoltia (Landoltia punctata (G. Mey.) Les & D. J. Crawford ) . CE controlled water lettuce, water hyacinth and salvinia at rates less than the maximum proposed use rate of 224 g ha -1 . Water lettuce was the most susceptible to CE with an EC 90 of 26.9 and 33.0 g ha -1 in two separate trials. Water hyacinth EC 90 values were calculated to be 86.2 to 116.3 g ha -1 , and salvinia had a similar susceptibility to water hyacinth with an EC 90 of 79.1 g ha -1 . Landoltia was not adequately controlled at the rates evaluated. In addition, CE was applied to one-half of a 0.08 ha pond located in North Central, Florida to determine dissipation rates in water and hydrosoil when applied at an equivalent rate of 224 g ha -1 . The half-life of CE plus the primary metabolite, CE-chloropropionic acid, was calculated to be 83.0 h from the whole pond, and no residues were detected in water above the limit of quantification (5 ÎŒg L -1 ) 168 h after treatment. CE dissipated rapidly from the water column, did not occur in the sediment above the levels of quantification, and in greenhouse studies effectively controlled three species of aquatic weeds at relatively low rates.(PDF contains 6 pages.

    Scaling the propulsive performance of heaving and pitching foils

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    Scaling laws for the propulsive performance of rigid foils undergoing oscillatory heaving and pitching motions are presented. Water tunnel experiments on a nominally two-dimensional flow validate the scaling laws, with the scaled data for thrust, power, and efficiency all showing excellent collapse. The analysis indicates that the behaviour of the foils depends on both Strouhal number and reduced frequency, but for motions where the viscous drag is small the thrust closely follows a linear dependence on reduced frequency. The scaling laws are also shown to be consistent with biological data on swimming aquatic animals.Comment: 11 page

    Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in networks

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    It has been found that many networks display community structure -- groups of vertices within which connections are dense but between which they are sparser -- and highly sensitive computer algorithms have in recent years been developed for detecting such structure. These algorithms however are computationally demanding, which limits their application to small networks. Here we describe a new algorithm which gives excellent results when tested on both computer-generated and real-world networks and is much faster, typically thousands of times faster than previous algorithms. We give several example applications, including one to a collaboration network of more than 50000 physicists.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Efficacy and Residue Comparisons between Two Slow-release Formulations of Fluridone

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    Residue profiles and efficacy of Avast and Sonar, two slow release pellet formulations of fluridone {1-methyl-3-phenyl-5- [3-(trifluoromethyl)phenly]-4(1H)-pyridinone}, were compared in outdoor tanks. Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle) and southern naiad (Najas guadalupensis (Sprengel) Magnus) were treated with a split application of 6, 12, 18 and 24 ÎŒg/l a.i. fluridone and the concentrations of both formulations compared over a 134-day period. Both pellet formulations exhibited very similar residues over time for each respective treatment, resulted in peak concentrations of fluridone 40 to 50 days after application, and effectively and similarly controlled southern naiad and hydrilla at all rates tested by 92 days after initial application. (PDF contains 3 pages.

    Numerical Linked-Cluster Algorithms. I. Spin systems on square, triangular, and kagome lattices

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    We discuss recently introduced numerical linked-cluster (NLC) algorithms that allow one to obtain temperature-dependent properties of quantum lattice models, in the thermodynamic limit, from exact diagonalization of finite clusters. We present studies of thermodynamic observables for spin models on square, triangular, and kagome lattices. Results for several choices of clusters and extrapolations methods, that accelerate the convergence of NLC, are presented. We also include a comparison of NLC results with those obtained from exact analytical expressions (where available), high-temperature expansions (HTE), exact diagonalization (ED) of finite periodic systems, and quantum Monte Carlo simulations.For many models and properties NLC results are substantially more accurate than HTE and ED.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, as publishe
