3 research outputs found
Parallel runs of a large air pollution model on a grid of Sun computers
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Stability analysis of Crank–Nicolson and Euler schemes for time-dependent diffusion equations
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Higher-order accurate space-time schemes for computational astrophysics—Part I: finite volume methods
- Author
- A Bourgeade
- A Burbeau
- A Harten
- A Harten
- A Harten
- A Harten
- A Jefferey
- A Kurganov
- A Kurganov
- A Marquina
- A Marquina
- A Mignone
- A Mignone
- A Mignone
- A Mignone
- A Rogerson
- A Suresh
- A Tchekhovskoy
- AH Taub
- AK Henrick
- AL Zachary
- AM Anile
- AR Winters
- AR Winters
- B Cockburn
- B Cockburn
- B Cockburn
- B Cockburn
- B Einfeldt
- B Einfeldt
- B Giacomazzo
- B Giacomazzo
- B van Leer
- B van Leer
- B van Leer
- BP Leonard
- C Canuto
- C Hu
- C-W Shu
- C-W Shu
- C-W Shu
- C-W Shu
- CF Gammie
- CJ White
- CR DeVore
- CR Evans
- CR Goetz
- CR Goetz
- D Derigs
- D Gottlieb
- D Levy
- D Radice
- D Ryu
- D Ryu
- D Ryu
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- DS Balsara
- E Gourgoulhon
- E Tadmor
- EF Toro
- EF Toro
- EF Toro
- EF Toro
- ES Oran
- F Bassi
- F Eulderink
- F Ismail
- F Kupka
- FG Fuchs
- G Montecinos
- G Montecinos
- G-S Jiang
- GA Gerolymos
- GE Karniadakis
- H Atkins
- H Yang
- H Yang
- HJ Jackson
- I Cravero
- I Daubechies
- J Hesthaven
- J Qiu
- J Qiu
- J Qiu
- J Saltzman
- J Shi
- J Vides
- J Zhu
- J Zhu
- J Zhu
- J Zhu
- JA Font
- JA Font
- JA Pons
- JA Pons
- JC McKinney
- JC McKinney
- JF Hawley
- JH Kim
- JJ Quirk
- JJW van der Vegt
- JJW van der Vegt
- JL Synge
- JM Ibanez
- JM LeBlanc
- JM Martí
- JM Martí
- JM Martí
- JM Martí
- JP Boris
- JU Brackbill
- JU Brackbill
- JZ Qian
- K Beckwith
- K Schaal
- KF Gurski
- KS Yee
- L Anton
- L Del Zanna
- L Del Zanna
- L Del Zanna
- L Krivodonova
- L Pareschi
- L Rezzolla
- L Rezzolla
- LE Kidder
- M Ben-Artzi
- M Ben-Artzi
- M Ben-Artzi
- M Ben-Artzi
- M Berger
- M Brio
- M Castro
- M Dubiner
- M Dumbser
- M Dumbser
- M Dumbser
- M Dumbser
- M Dumbser
- M Dumbser
- M Käser
- M Semplice
- M Sonntag
- M Vogelsberger
- M Zhang
- MA Aloy
- ML Goldstein
- ML Norman
- MP Martin
- MS Liou
- MS Liou
- MS Liou
- MS Liou
- O Friedrichs
- O Zanotti
- O Zanotti
- P Batten
- P Buchmuller
- P Cargo
- P Chadrashekar
- P Chandrashekar
- P Colella
- P Colella
- P Colella
- P Colella
- P Fan
- P Fan
- P Londrillo
- P Mocz
- P Woodward
- PD Lax
- PD Lax
- Ph LeFloch
- PK Sweby
- PL Roe
- PL Roe
- PL Roe
- R Abgrall
- R Abgrall
- R Biswas
- R Borges
- R Käppeli
- R Käppeli
- R Sanders
- RC Swanson
- RJ LeVeque
- RJ Spiteri
- RJ Spiteri
- RK Crockett
- RP Fedkiw
- S Clain
- S Diot
- S Diot
- S Garain
- S Gottlieb
- S Gottlieb
- S Gottlieb
- S Gottlieb
- S Koide
- S Lele
- S Osher
- S Osher
- S Zhang
- S-T Li
- SA Orszag
- SA Teukolsky
- SAEG Falle
- SAEG Falle
- SAEG Falle
- SC Noble
- SH Brecht
- SK Godunov
- SS Komissarov
- SS Komissarov
- SS Komissarov
- ST Zalesak
- T Gardiner
- T Gardiner
- T Miyoshi
- T Schwartzkopff
- V Florinski
- V Jayanti
- V Springel
- VA Titarev
- VA Titarev
- VV Rusanov
- W Boscheri
- W Boscheri
- W Boscheri
- W Boscheri
- W Dai
- W Dai
- W Hunsdorfer
- WH Reed
- X Deng
- X Zhang
- X Zhong
- X-D Liu
- XD Liu
- XY Hu
- Y Liu
- Y Liu
- Y-T Zhang
- YA Rastigejev
- Z Xu
- Z-L Xu
- Z-L Xu
- Z-L Xu
- Z-L Xu
- ZC Zha
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study