2,378 research outputs found

    Preparation of crosslinked 1,2,4-oxadiazole polymer

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    New crosslinked 1,2,4-oxadiazole elastomers were prepared by thermally condensing a monomer having the formula H2N(HON)C-R-Q, wherein Q is a triazine ring-forming group such as nitrile or amidine or a mixture of such group with amidoxime, or a mixture of said monomer with R C(NOH)NH2 sub 2 with R in these formulas standing for a bivalent organic radical. In the monomer charge, the overall proportions of amidoxime groups to triazine ring-forming groups varies depending on the extent of crosslinking desired in the final polymer

    Solar neutrino interactions: Using charged currents at SNO to tell neutral currents at Super-Kamiokande

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    In the presence of flavor oscillations, muon and tau neutrinos can contribute to the Super-Kamiokande (SK) solar neutrino signal through the neutral current process \nu_{\mu,\tau} e^{-}\to \nu_{\mu,\tau} e^{-}. We show how to separate the \nu_e and \nu_{\mu,\tau} event rates in SK in a model independent way, by using the rate of the charged current process \nu_e d \to p p e^{-} from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) experiment, with an appropriate choice of the SK and SNO energy thresholds. Under the additional hypothesis of no oscillations into sterile states, we also show how to determine the absolute ^{8}B neutrino flux from the same data set, independently of the \nu_e survival probability.Comment: 14 pages (RevTeX), incl. 3 figures (epsf), submitted to Phys. ReV.

    Higher rank numerical ranges of normal matrices

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    The higher rank numerical range is closely connected to the construction of quantum error correction code for a noisy quantum channel. It is known that if a normal matrix AMnA \in M_n has eigenvalues a1,.˙.,ana_1, \..., a_n, then its higher rank numerical range Λk(A)\Lambda_k(A) is the intersection of convex polygons with vertices aj1,.˙.,ajnk+1a_{j_1}, \..., a_{j_{n-k+1}}, where 1j1<.˙.<jnk+1n1 \le j_1 < \... < j_{n-k+1} \le n. In this paper, it is shown that the higher rank numerical range of a normal matrix with mm distinct eigenvalues can be written as the intersection of no more than max{m,4}\max\{m,4\} closed half planes. In addition, given a convex polygon P{\mathcal P} a construction is given for a normal matrix AMnA \in M_n with minimum nn such that Λk(A)=P\Lambda_k(A) = {\mathcal P}. In particular, if P{\mathcal P} has pp vertices, with p3p \ge 3, there is a normal matrix AMnA \in M_n with nmax{p+k1,2k+2}n \le \max\left\{p+k-1, 2k+2 \right\} such that Λk(A)=P\Lambda_k(A) = {\mathcal P}.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, to appear in SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Application

    Mestastable State Population in Laser Induced Plasmas

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    Laser induced plasma has been used as a source of neutrals and ions in the study of astrophysical plasmas. The purity of state of this source is essential in the determination of collision parameters such as the charge transfer rate coefficients between ions and neutrals. We will show that the temperature of the laser induced plasma is a rapidly decreasing function of time. The temperature is initially high but cools off rapidly through collisions with the expanding plasma electrons as the plasma recombines and streams into the vacuum. This rapid expansion of the plasma, similar to a supersonic jet, drastically lowers the internal energy of the neutrals and ions

    A simple proof of the unconditional security of quantum key distribution

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    Quantum key distribution is the most well-known application of quantum cryptography. Previous proposed proofs of security of quantum key distribution contain various technical subtleties. Here, a conceptually simpler proof of security of quantum key distribution is presented. The new insight is the invariance of the error rate of a teleportation channel: We show that the error rate of a teleportation channel is independent of the signals being transmitted. This is because the non-trivial error patterns are permuted under teleportation. This new insight is combined with the recently proposed quantum to classical reduction theorem. Our result shows that assuming that Alice and Bob have fault-tolerant quantum computers, quantum key distribution can be made unconditionally secure over arbitrarily long distances even against the most general type of eavesdropping attacks and in the presence of all types of noises.Comment: 13 pages, extended abstract. Comments will be appreciate

    Large optical gain from four-wave mixing instabilities in semiconductor quantum wells

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    Based on a microscopic many-particle theory, we predict large optical gain in the probe and background-free four-wave mixing directions caused by excitonic instabilities in semiconductor quantum wells. For a single quantum well with radiative-decay limited dephasing in a typical pump-probe setup we discuss the microscopic driving mechanisms and polarization and frequency dependence of these instabilities