169 research outputs found

    Some contributions to surgery of the hand

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    The pathology of gravitational syndromes in the leg and the place of strip grafting in treatment

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    Shoulder-arm pain

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    Helicobacter pylori prevalence in non-ulcer dyspepsia ethnic and socio-economic differences

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    Helicobacter pylori is an important cause of gastritis and a number of therapeutic. trials suggest that it may be important in the genesis of duodenal ulcer recurrence. The reported prevalence of gastric colonisation by the organism varies considerably. The aiIn of this cross-sectional survey was to determine its prevalence in non-ulcer dyspeptics and to determine whether this is influenced by age, race, sex, socio-economic status, educational level and the nwnber of persons sharing accommodation. One hundred and sixty-nine patients underwent endoscopy; biopsy speciInens were taken from the antrwn and H. pylori status was determined histologically. Gastric colonisation was found in 106 patients (63%). The prevalence showed a marked ethnic difference: 40% in whites and 71% in coloureds (P < 0,001). The ethnic groups were characterised by significant differences in socio-economic status (P < 10-6), educational level (P < 10-6), number of persons sharing accommodation (P < 10-6 ) and age (P < 0,001). These same differences were found when comparing the H. pylori-positive and negative groups, but were less marked and could be attributed to the marked differences between ethnic groups. We conclude that H. pylori prevalence differs between the ethnic groups studied. This may be because of varying degrees of exposure risk

    Cost-effectiveness of adoption strategies for point of care HIV viral load monitoring in South Africa

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    Background: Viral load (VL) testing is recommended for monitoring people on ART. The National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) in South Africa conducts >5million laboratory-based VL tests but faces challenges with specimen integrity and results delivery. Point-of-care (POC) VL monitoring may improve VL suppression (VLS). We assessed the cost-effectiveness of different strategies for POC testing in South Africa. Methods: We developed a cost-outcome model utilizing NHLS data, including facility-level annual VL volumes, proportion with VLS, specimen rejection rates, turn-around-time, and the cost/test. We assessed the impact of adopting POC VL technology under 4 strategies: (1) status-quo; (2) targeted POC testing at facilities with high levels of viral failure; (3) targeted POC testing at low-performing facilities; (4) complete POC adoption. For each strategy, we determined the total cost, effectiveness (expected number of virally suppressed people) and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) based on expected (>10%) VLS improvement. Findings: Existing laboratory-based VL testing costs 126mannuallyandachieves85.2126 m annually and achieves 85.2% VLS. Strategy 2 was the most cost-effective approach, with 88.5% VLS and 40/additional person suppressed, compared to the status-quo. Should resources allow, complete POC adoption may be cost-effective (ICER: 136/additionalpersonsuppressed),requiringanadditional136/additional person suppressed), requiring an additional 49 m annually and achieving 94.5% VLS. All other strategies were dominated in the incremental analysis. Interpretation: Assuming POC VL monitoring confers clinical benefits, the most cost-effective strategy for POC adoption in South Africa is a targeted approach with POC VL technologies placed at facilities with high level of viral failure. Funding: Funding support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Neoliberalism and University Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    This article reviews the history of university development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and discusses the impact of neoliberal policies. This will be followed by an examination of the problems facing universities in the region. The following questions will be explored: (a) Are the existing universities in SSA serving the development needs of the region? (b) Are these universities up to the task of moving SSA out of the predicaments it faces such as famine, HIV/AIDS, poverty, diseases, debt, and human rights abuses? Finally, the article argues that for universities to play a role in the development of the region, a new paradigm that makes university education a public good should be established

    Bioinformatic Analysis and Post-Translational Modification Crosstalk Prediction of Lysine Acetylation

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    Recent proteomics studies suggest high abundance and a much wider role for lysine acetylation (K-Ac) in cellular functions. Nevertheless, cross influence between K-Ac and other post-translational modifications (PTMs) has not been carefully examined. Here, we used a variety of bioinformatics tools to analyze several available K-Ac datasets. Using gene ontology databases, we demonstrate that K-Ac sites are found in all cellular compartments. KEGG analysis indicates that the K-Ac sites are found on proteins responsible for a diverse and wide array of vital cellular functions. Domain structure prediction shows that K-Ac sites are found throughout a wide variety of protein domains, including those in heat shock proteins and those involved in cell cycle functions and DNA repair. Secondary structure prediction proves that K-Ac sites are preferentially found in ordered structures such as alpha helices and beta sheets. Finally, by mutating K-Ac sites in silico and predicting the effect on nearby phosphorylation sites, we demonstrate that the majority of lysine acetylation sites have the potential to impact protein phosphorylation, methylation, and ubiquitination status. Our work validates earlier smaller-scale studies on the acetylome and demonstrates the importance of PTM crosstalk for regulation of cellular function

    Complex SUMO-1 Regulation of Cardiac Transcription Factor Nkx2-5

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    Reversible post-translational protein modifications such as SUMOylation add complexity to cardiac transcriptional regulation. The homeodomain transcription factor Nkx2-5/Csx is essential for heart specification and morphogenesis. It has been previously suggested that SUMOylation of lysine 51 (K51) of Nkx2-5 is essential for its DNA binding and transcriptional activation. Here, we confirm that SUMOylation strongly enhances Nkx2-5 transcriptional activity and that residue K51 of Nkx2-5 is a SUMOylation target. However, in a range of cultured cell lines we find that a point mutation of K51 to arginine (K51R) does not affect Nkx2-5 activity or DNA binding, suggesting the existence of additional Nkx2-5 SUMOylated residues. Using biochemical assays, we demonstrate that Nkx2-5 is SUMOylated on at least one additional site, and this is the predominant site in cardiac cells. The second site is either non-canonical or a β€œshifting” site, as mutation of predicted consensus sites and indeed every individual lysine in the context of the K51R mutation failed to impair Nkx2-5 transcriptional synergism with SUMO, or its nuclear localization and DNA binding. We also observe SUMOylation of Nkx2-5 cofactors, which may be critical to Nkx2-5 regulation. Our data reveal highly complex regulatory mechanisms driven by SUMOylation to modulate Nkx2-5 activity

    Uncovering Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-like Signaling Networks

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    Microscopic imaging and technolog

    Doctoring the heart of the robot

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