36,868 research outputs found

    Testing device subjects elastic materials to biaxial deformations

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    Testing device stretches elastic materials biaxially over large deformation ranges and varies strain ratios in two perpendicular directions. The device is used in conjunction with a tensile testing machine, which holds the specimen and permits control over the direction and magnitude of the stresses applied

    An Entrepreneurial Theory of Formal Organizations. Part I - Patterns of Formal Organizations

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    Theory of formal organizations with ordering of relevant dat

    Comparison of the INRIM and PTB lattice-spacing standards

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    To base the kilogram definition on the atomic mass of the silicon 28 atom, the present relative uncertainty of the silicon 28 lattice parameter must lowered to 3E-9. To achieve this goal, a new experimental apparatus capable of a centimetre measurement-baseline has been made at the INRIM. The comparison between the determinations of the lattice parameter of crystals MO*4 of INRIM and WASO4.2a of PTB is intended to verify the measurement capabilities and to assess the limits of this experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Metrologi

    A multiwavlength study of PSR B0628-28: The first overluminous rotation-powered pulsar?

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    The ROSAT source RX J0630.8-2834 was suggested by positional coincidence to be the X-ray counterpart of the old field pulsar PSR B0628-28. This association, however, was regarded to be unlikely based on the computed energetics of the putative X-ray counterpart. In this paper we report on multiwavelength observations of PSR B0628-28 made with the ESO/NTT observatory in La Silla, the Jodrell Bank radio observatory and XMM-Newton. Although the optical observations do not detect any counterpart of RX J0630.8-2834 down to a limiting magnitude of V=26.1 mag and B=26.3 mag, XMM-Newton observations finally confirmed it to be the pulsar's X-ray counterpart by detecting X-ray pulses with the radio pulsar's spin-period. The X-ray pulse profile is characterized by a single broad peak with a second smaller peak leading the main pulse component by ~144 degree. The fraction of pulsed photons is (38 +- 7)% with no strong energy dependence in the XMM-Newton bandpass. The pulsar's X-ray spectrum is well described by a single component power law with photon index 2.63^{+0.23}_{-0.15}, indicating that the pulsar's X radiation is dominated by non-thermal emission processes. A low level contribution of thermal emission from residual cooling or from heated polar caps, cannot be excluded. The pulsar's spin-down to X-ray energy conversion efficiency is obtained to be ~16% for the radio dispersion measure inferred pulsar distance. If confirmed, PSR B0628-28 would be the first X-ray overluminous rotation-powered pulsar identified among all ~1400 radio pulsars known today.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Find a paper copy with higher resolution images at ftp://ftp.xray.mpe.mpg.de/people/web/astro-ph-0505488_rev2.pd

    The 2-10 keV emission properties of PSR B1937+21

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    We present the results of a BeppoSAX observation of the fastest pulsar known: PSR B1937+21. The ~ 200 ks observation (78.5 (34) ks MECS (LECS) exposure times) allowed us to investigate with high statistical significance both the spectral properties and the pulse profile shape. The absorbed power law spectral model gave a photon index of ~ 1.7 and N_H ~ 2.3 x 10^22 cm^-2. These values explain both a) the ROSAT non-detection and b) the deviant estimate of a photon index of ~ 0.8 obtained by ASCA. The pulse profile appears, for the first time, clearly double peaked with the main component much stronger than the other. The statistical significance is 10 sigma (main peak) and 5 sigma (secondary peak). The 1.6-10 keV pulsed fraction is consistent with 100%; only in the 1.6-4 keV band there is a ~ 2 sigma indication for a DC component. The secondary peak is detected significantly only for energies above 3 / 4 keV. The unabsorbed (2-10 keV) flux is F_2-10 = 3.7 x 10^-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1, implying a luminosity of L_X = 4.6 x 10^31 Theta (d/3.6 kpc)^2 erg s^-1 and an X-ray efficiency of eta = 4 x 10^-5 Theta, where Theta is the solid angle spanned by the emission beam. These results are in agreement with those obtained by ASCA.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. To appear in the Proceedings of the 270. WE-Heraeus Seminar on Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Supernova Remnants, Jan. 21-25, 2002, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, eds W. Becker, H. Lesch & J. Truemper. Proceedings are available as MPE-Report 27

    Analysis of economics of a TV broadcasting satellite for additional nationwide TV programs

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    The influence of a TV broadcasting satellite, transmitting four additional TV networks was analyzed. It is assumed that the cost of the satellite systems will be financed by the cable TV system operators. The additional TV programs increase income by attracting additional subscribers. Two economic models were established: (1) each local network is regarded as an independent economic unit with individual fees (cost price model) and (2) all networks are part of one public cable TV company with uniform fees (uniform price model). Assumptions are made for penetration as a function of subscription rates. Main results of the study are: the installation of a TV broadcasting satellite improves the economics of CTV-networks in both models; the overall coverage achievable by the uniform price model is significantly higher than that achievable by the cost price model

    Pulsar Polar Cap Heating and Surface Thermal X-Ray Emission I. Curvature Radiation Pair Fronts

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    We investigate the effect of pulsar polar cap (PC) heating produced by positrons returning from the upper pair formation front. Our calculations are based on a self-consistent treatment of the pair dynamics and the effect of electric field screening by the returning positrons. We calculate the resultant X-ray luminosities, and discuss the dependence of the PC heating efficiencies on pulsar parameters, such as characteristic spin-down age, spin period, and surface magnetic field strength. In this study we concentrate on the regime where the pairs are produced in a magnetic field by curvature photons emitted by accelerating electrons. Our theoretical results are not in conflict with the available observational X-ray data and suggest that the effect of PC heating should significantly contribute to the thermal X-ray fluxes from middle-aged and old pulsars. The implications for current and future X-ray observations of pulsars are briefly outlined.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Resonant enhancements of high-order harmonic generation

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    Solving the one-dimensional time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation for simple model potentials, we investigate resonance-enhanced high-order harmonic generation, with emphasis on the physical mechanism of the enhancement. By truncating a long-range potential, we investigate the significance of the long-range tail, the Rydberg series, and the existence of highly excited states for the enhancements in question. We conclude that the channel closings typical of a short-range or zero-range potential are capable of generating essentially the same effects.Comment: 7 pages revtex, 4 figures (ps files

    Detection of Pulsed X-ray Emission from XMM-Newton Observations of PSR J0538+2817

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    We report on the XMM-Newton observations of the 143 ms pulsar PSR J0538+2817. We present evidence for the first detections of pulsed X-rays from the source at a frequency which is consistent with the predicted radio frequency. The pulse profile is broad and asymmetric, with a pulse fraction of 18 +/- 3%. We find that the spectrum of the source is well-fit with a blackbody with T^{infty} = (2.12^{+0.04}_{-0.03}) x 10^6 K and N_{H} = 2.5 x 10^21 cm^{-2}. The radius determined from the model fit of 1.68 +/- 0.05 km suggests that the emission is from a heated polar cap. A fit to the spectrum with an atmospheric model reduces the inferred temperature and hence increases the radius of the emitting region, however the pulsar distance determined from the fit is then smaller than the dispersion distance.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ. Error in radius calculation corrected, discussion and conclusions remain unchange

    How cold is cold dark matter? Small scales constraints from the flux power spectrum of the high-redshift Lyman-alpha forest

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    We present constraints on the mass of warm dark matter (WDM) particles derived from the Lyman-alpha flux power spectrum of 55 high- resolution HIRES spectra at 2.0 < z < 6.4. From the HIRES spectra, we obtain a lower limit of mwdm > 1.2 keV 2 sigma if the WDM consists of early decoupled thermal relics and mwdm > 5.6 keV (2 sigma) for sterile neutrinos. Adding the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Lyman-alpha flux power spectrum, we get mwdm > 4 keV and mwdm > 28 keV (2 sigma) for thermal relics and sterile neutrinos. These results improve previous constraints by a factor two.Comment: Some issues clarified (especially resolution related). Conclusions unchanged. Accepted version by PR