3,224 research outputs found

    History, Historical Fiction, and Historical Myth: \u27The German Doctor\u27 by Lucía Puenzo

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    The escape of thousands of war criminals to Argentina and throughout South America in the aftermath of World War II is a historical subject that has been clouded with mystery and conspiracy. Lucía Puenzo\u27s film, The German Doctor, utilizes this historical enigma as a backdrop for historical fiction by imagining a family\u27s encounter with Josef Mengele, the notorious SS doctor from Auschwitz who escaped to South America in 1949 under a false identity. While Puenzo sought to tell a story within a historical context, the film still has important historical commentaries. Ultimately, The German Doctor demonstrates the intersections of history, historical fiction, and historical myth as it perpetuates false conceptions and conspiracies and creates a new field of pseudo-history despite its historical fiction label

    Consecutive singular cardinals and the continuum function

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    We show that from a supercompact cardinal \kappa, there is a forcing extension V[G] that has a symmetric inner model N in which ZF + not AC holds, \kappa\ and \kappa^+ are both singular, and the continuum function at \kappa\ can be precisely controlled, in the sense that the final model contains a sequence of distinct subsets of \kappa\ of length equal to any predetermined ordinal. We also show that the above situation can be collapsed to obtain a model of ZF + not AC_\omega\ in which either (1) aleph_1 and aleph_2 are both singular and the continuum function at aleph_1 can be precisely controlled, or (2) aleph_\omega\ and aleph_{\omega+1} are both singular and the continuum function at aleph_\omega\ can be precisely controlled. Additionally, we discuss a result in which we separate the lengths of sequences of distinct subsets of consecutive singular cardinals \kappa\ and \kappa^+ in a model of ZF. Some open questions concerning the continuum function in models of ZF with consecutive singular cardinals are posed.Comment: to appear in the Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, issue 54:3, June 201

    Considerations for performance evaluation of solar heating and cooling systems

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    One of the many factors which must be considered in performance evaluation of solar energy systems is the relative merit of a given solar energy system when compared to a standard conventional system. Although initial and operational costs will be dominant factors in the comparison of the two types of systems and will be given prime consideration in system selection, sufficient data are not yet available for a definitive treatment of these variables. It is possible, however, to formulate relationships between the nonsolar energy requirements of the solar energy systems and the energy requirements of a conventional system in terms of the primary performance parameters of the systems. Derivations of such relationships, some parametric data for selected ranges of the performance parameters, and data with respect to limiting conditions are presented

    Design and operation of a solar heating and cooling system for a residential size building

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    The first year of operation of solar house is discussed. Selected design information, together with a brief system description is included. The house was equipped with an integrated solar heating and cooling system which uses fully automated state-of-the art. Evaluation of the data indicate that the solar house heating and cooling system is capable of supplying nearly 100 percent of the thermal energy required for heating and approximately 50 percent of the thermal energy required to operate the absorption cycle air conditioner

    CASPR: Judiciously Using the Cloud for Wide-Area Packet Recovery

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    We revisit a classic networking problem -- how to recover from lost packets in the best-effort Internet. We propose CASPR, a system that judiciously leverages the cloud to recover from lost or delayed packets. CASPR supplements and protects best-effort connections by sending a small number of coded packets along the highly reliable but expensive cloud paths. When receivers detect packet loss, they recover packets with the help of the nearby data center, not the sender, thus providing quick and reliable packet recovery for latency-sensitive applications. Using a prototype implementation and its deployment on the public cloud and the PlanetLab testbed, we quantify the benefits of CASPR in providing fast, cost effective packet recovery. Using controlled experiments, we also explore how these benefits translate into improvements up and down the network stack

    Long-term effects of elevated manganese on procambarus clarkii behavior

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    Manganese is a prominent heavy metal within the earth’s crust and a micro mineral essential for biological function, however, high level exposure may lead to neurological defects. Industrial activities allow elevated manganese (Mn2+)to enter air and waterways. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implements secondary standards for aesthetics in drinking water at 0.05 ppm Mn2+, although evidence indicates levels at, or below this concentration negatively impact aquatic life. Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) were exposed to environmentally relevant Mn2+ concentrations for 6 months, while the control group was kept in reconstituted fresh water for the same time period. During this time, crayfish were placed in a novel environment weekly and videotaped for 20 minutes. Control crayfish continually increased time and distance moved throughout the 6 months while remaining mostly in border regions, but freely exploring the novel environment. Animals treated with lower Mn2+ concentrations moved lesser time and distances, while darting between zones. The highest concentration Mn2+treatment continually moved elevated time and distances while remaining concealed within the border throughout the experiment.When threat-avoidance behaviors were analyzed over the weeks, control crayfish continually increased stopping behavior and reduced escape behavior. Mn2+ treated crayfish displayed suppressed tail-flip frequencies indicating neurological impact; however, in later weeks, they increased tail-flip and startle response frequencies compared with the control group. Based upon my data, I suggest manganese exposure at levels below EPA standards may lead to physiological stress and behavioral differences which may impact crayfish survivability


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    Deformation of continental lithosphere can extend great distances laterally from tectonic plate boundaries. This extent has been used to argue for a variety of constitutive laws for continental materials, based on the underlying principles in continuum mechanics that identify a relationship between characteristic spatial scale and material properties. Although the relationship between observed deformation and material models is always non-unique, quantifying one or more characteristic scales of deformation in a region can rule out some models of how the lithosphere deforms. In the western United States active deformation occurs at the plate boundary between North America and either the Pacific or Farallon plates, and extends east as far as the Rocky Mountains, a distance greater than 1000 km, hence further than any elastic dislocation plate boundary model allows. This study seeks to identify spatial patterns in the deformation as a means of quantifying characteristic scaling using two different observational datasets: topography and strain rate constructed from GPS velocities and earthquake focal mechanisms. Methods from the field of Fourier analysis are used to extract the characteristic scales of deformation and map the relative prominence of the characteristic scales spatially. Power spectra of the datasets, strain rate and topography, shows two distinct characteristic frequency bands (the inverse of spatial wavelength). Two frequency bands are identified, one covering 0.02-0.1 km-1, interpreted as an elastic frequency band, and the second covering scales from 0.004-0.006 km-1, interpreted as a viscous frequency band. A summation of power from each frequency band within a windowing function allows for the creation of power summation maps that show the relative prominence of each frequency band. From the power spectrum summation maps, dominant frequency maps are also created to show which processes are more prominent regionally. From the analysis of the power spectra and power summation maps we find that topography in the western United States is generated through a combination of elastic and viscous processes with past tectonics and erosion altering some of the elastic frequency features

    Acer spicatum Lam.

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    With the battlespace rapidly shifting to the cyber domain, it is vital to have secure, robust routing protocols for unmanned systems. Furthermore, the development of nano drones is gaining traction, providing new covert capabilities for operators at sea or on land. Deploying a flying ad hoc network (FANET) of nano drones on the battlefield comes with specific performance and security issues. This thesis provides a novel approach to address the performance and security concerns faced by FANET routing protocols, and, in our case, is specifically tailored to improve the Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol. The proposed routing protocol, Lightweight Secure Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (LS-AODV), uses a lightweight stream cipher, Trivium, to encrypt routing control packets, providing confidentiality. The scheme also uses Chaskey-12-based message authentication codes (MACs) to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of control packets. We use a network simulator, NS-3, to compare LS-AODV against two benchmark routing protocols, AODV and the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol, in order to gauge network performance and security benefits. The simulation results indicate that when the FANET is not under attack from black-hole nodes, LS-AODV generally outperforms OLSR but performs slightly worse than AODV. On the other hand, LS-AODV emerges as the protocol of choice when a FANET is subject to a black-hole attack.ONROutstanding ThesisLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited