20,205 research outputs found

    Metal-metal reinforced laminar composites

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    Two prototype laminar composites have shown potential for high strength and high temperature applications. These composites might be made with less in-place anisotropy and be less expensive than comparable fiber composites

    A spiral guidance approach concept for commercial VTOL operations

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    The results of an investigation of the guidance and navigation requirements for VTOL spiral descents in the presence of winds are reported. Models were developed to describe the spiral maneuver and candidate guidance laws were formulated and analyzed. An important element of the guidance scheme is a unique wind estimator which uses the perturbations in bank angle and heading to improve the knowledge of the winds. Finally, recommendations for additional research, including a flight program, were outlined to evaluate the spiral guidance concept

    Method for alleviating thermal stress damage in laminates

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    A method is provided for alleviating the stress damage in metallic matrix composites, such as laminated sheet or foil composites. Discontinuities are positively introduced into the interface between the layers so as to reduce the thermal stress produced by unequal expansion of the materials making up the composite. Although a number of discrete elements could be used to form one of the layers and thus carry out this purpose, the discontinuities are preferably produced by simply drilling holes in the metallic matrix layer or by forming grooves in a grid pattern in this layer

    Nonscanning climate sensor study

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    The Nonscanning Climate Sensor represents a new instrument for climate research and global monitoring of the earth radiation budget. It contains a mosaic of array of detectors which measures the outgoing radiation of the earth in all directions without the need for mechanical scanning. The goal is to eliminate all moving parts and obtain highly calibrated measurements for up to one solar cycle (11 years) without being susceptible to mechanical failure. Over set intervals of time, the angular measurements are integrated up to produce total reflected and emitted flux values from each target area on the Earth. To achieve the require sensitivity while maintaining a flat spectral response, an improved dual cavity detector with digital control loop was developed. The detector is self calibrating to maintain high precision over the life of the instrument. Prototype detectors and a complete set of electronics with a microprocessor controller were fabricated and tested. Measurements show that the new detectors are more than an order of magnitude more sensitive than previous versions

    High frequency, high power capacitor development

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    A program to develop a special high energy density, high power transfer capacitor to operate at frequency of 40 kHz, 600 V rms at 125 A rms plus 600 V dc bias for space operation. The program included material evaluation and selection, a capacitor design was prepared, a thermal analysis performed on the design. Fifty capacitors were manufactured for testing at 10 kHz and 40 kHz for 50 hours at Industrial Electric Heating Co. of Columbus, Ohio. The vacuum endurance test used on environmental chamber and temperature plate furnished by Maxwell. The capacitors were energized with a special power conditioning apparatus developed by Industrial Electric Heating Co. Temperature conditions of the capacitors were monitored by IEHCo test equipment. Successful completion of the vacuum endurance test series confirmed achievement of the main goal of producing a capacitor or reliable operation at high frequency in an environment normally not hospitable to electrical and electronic components. The capacitor developed compared to a typical commercial capacitor at the 40 kHz level represents a decrease in size and weight by a factor of seven

    Metal-metal laminar composites for high temperature applications

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    A study was conducted to obtain indications of the potentialities of laminar metal-metal composites for elevated temperature use. Most of the composites consisted of multiple layers or laminae of tungsten alternated with laminae of Nichrome V, a ductile, weaker but oxidation-resistant alloy. Composites with 50 volume percent of each phase were tested in tension and stress rupture at temperatures of 871 and 1093 C (1600 and 2000 F) and in impact at 23 and 524 C (73 and 975 F). A tension and a short time stress-rupture test was conducted on specimens of 77 v/o W-Re-Hf-C/23 v/o Inconel alloy 600 at 1093 C (2000 F)

    Navigation and guidance requirements for commercial VTOL operations

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    The NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) has undertaken a research program to develop the navigation, guidance, control, and flight management technology base needed by Government and industry in establishing systems design concepts and operating procedures for VTOL short-haul transportation systems in the 1980s time period. The VALT (VTOL Automatic Landing Technology) Program encompasses the investigation of operating systems and piloting techniques associated with VTOL operations under all-weather conditions from downtown vertiports; the definition of terminal air traffic and airspace requirements; and the development of avionics including navigation, guidance, controls, and displays for automated takeoff, cruise, and landing operations. The program includes requirements analyses, design studies, systems development, ground simulation, and flight validation efforts

    Tunable cavity resonator with ramp shaped supports

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    A cavity for a hydrogen maser is described consisting of three parts which provide highly stable mechanical and thermal expansion characteristics for the cavity and ease of tuning. The three parts which are made of a glass ceramic material having a very small thermal expansion coefficient (1) a top plate, (2) a cylinder with three interrupted helical ramps at its bottom, and (3) a base which includes a bottom plate and three ramp lugs on which the helical ramps of the cylinder rest when the cylinder is placed on the base with the bottom plate in the cylinder. Cavity tuning is achieved by rotating the cylinder and thereby raising or lowering it on the base, which results in changing the cylinder volume by changing the distance between the bottom and top plates

    Maclisp extensions

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    A common subset of selected facilities available in Maclisp and its derivatives (PDP-10 and Multics Maclisp, Lisp Machine Lisp (Zetalisp), and NIL) is decribed. The object is to add in writing code which can run compatibly in more than one of these environments

    Display/control requirements for automated VTOL aircraft

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    A systematic design methodology for pilot displays in advanced commercial VTOL aircraft was developed and refined. The analyst is provided with a step-by-step procedure for conducting conceptual display/control configurations evaluations for simultaneous monitoring and control pilot tasks. The approach consists of three phases: formulation of information requirements, configuration evaluation, and system selection. Both the monitoring and control performance models are based upon the optimal control model of the human operator. Extensions to the conventional optimal control model required in the display design methodology include explicit optimization of control/monitoring attention; simultaneous monitoring and control performance predictions; and indifference threshold effects. The methodology was applied to NASA's experimental CH-47 helicopter in support of the VALT program. The CH-47 application examined the system performance of six flight conditions. Four candidate configurations are suggested for evaluation in pilot-in-the-loop simulations and eventual flight tests