611 research outputs found

    Separating Power: No Legislative Veto of Agency Action

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    Blastomycosis in the Dog

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    Blastomycosis is a fungal disease caused by the dimorphic fungal organism, Blastomyces dermatidis. In the tissue or yeast form, the organisms appear as highly refractive, double walled yeast cells which vary from approximately 8-15 microns in diameter. The budding yeast cells show a very characteristic broad attachment. The mold phase is rapid growing and the hyphae branch at right angles


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    Paper Session II-B - Automated Software Systems for the CELSS Project

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Biomedical Operations and Research Office (MD), Life Sciences Group (MD-RES), at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida, is conducting research in the design and development of Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) for use in long-term human-tended space colonization efforts. The project seeks to perfect the engineering systems required for maintaining food and oxygen recycling, replenishment, and generation for astronauts engaged in missions wherein regular Earth-based resupply would be difficult and economically infeasible, as in a lunar base or a Mars exploration mission. Major components of CELSS are crop production, resource recovery (waste management), and monitor and control. These components must be integrated to produce a reliable system with minimal mass and volume which requires that we minimize buffers (e.g. support equipment size and capacity) and optimize control. One element of the computerized control and monitoring component of the CELSS project at KSC is the Universal Networked Data Acquistition and Control Engine (UNDACE), the software designed to automatically monitor and control the operations and environments of the crop production and resource recovery components

    Study of Behavioral Change of Western Corn Rootworm Beetle by Crop and Sex in Maize and Soybean Fields in Northwestern Indiana, USA

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    WCR adults generally lay their eggs in maize and their larvae feed almost exclusively on maize roots (Smith,1966,Branson and Ortman,1967,1971,Branson and Krysan,1981,Levine and Oloumi- Sadeghi,1991).For this reason,farmers have accepted growing maize in rotation with soybean to manage WCR larval populations without the use of soil insecticides.Recently,in Northwest Indiana and East Central Illinois in the USA,western corn rootworm has adapted to the above management system (Gerber et al., 1997).A portion of WCR eggs is laid in soybean and in other crops like alfalfa.This behavioral change increases the potential for survival of WCR larvae the following year since most soybean fields are rotated to maize.During the summers of 1996,1997,and 1998 field studies related to this behavioral shift were conducted in northwestern Indiana.Eleven pairs of maize/soybean fields were selected for the study.During these sampling periods,WCR beetles were present in both maize and soybean.Empirical observations show that there were higher numbers of females in soybean when compared to maize

    Characterization of the roles of Blt1p in fission yeast cytokinesis

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    Spatial and temporal regulation of cytokinesis is essential for cell division, yet the mechanisms that control the formation and constriction of the contractile ring are incompletely understood. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe proteins that contribute to the cytokinetic contractile ring accumulate during interphase in nodes—precursor structures around the equatorial cortex. During mitosis, additional proteins join these nodes, which condense to form the contractile ring. The cytokinesis protein Blt1p is unique in being present continuously in nodes from early interphase through to the contractile ring until cell separation. Blt1p was shown to stabilize interphase nodes, but its functions later in mitosis were unclear. We use analytical ultracentrifugation to show that purified Blt1p is a tetramer. We find that Blt1p interacts physically with Sid2p and Mob1p, a protein kinase complex of the septation initiation network, and confirm known interactions with F-BAR protein Cdc15p. Contractile rings assemble normally in blt1Δ cells, but the initiation of ring constriction and completion of cell division are delayed. We find three defects that likely contribute to this delay. Without Blt1p, contractile rings recruited and retained less Sid2p/Mob1p and Clp1p phosphatase, and β-glucan synthase Bgs1p accumulated slowly at the cleavage site

    Fundamentals of Vertical Density Profile Formation in Wood Composites. Part I. In-Situ Density Measurement of the Consolidation Process

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    We have designed a radiation-based system for measuring density of wood composite mats during consolidation. The system is installed on a laboratory hot-press and has been used to study consolidation of medium density fiberboard (MDF) and oriented strandboard (OSB) mats. Measuring density of the wood mat during consolidation is a key parameter for understanding subsequent product performance. The in-situ measuring system provides for density measurement at three horizontal planes in the wood mat, at positions of 25%, 50%, and 75% of the mat thickness at any time during the press cycle. The system incorporates three cesium137 sources and electronic detection equipment, collimated to move in concert with the up-acting press platen. Radiation count data taken through the mat during pressing are converted to density after pressing. Press position and time are simultaneously recorded with the count data. Moisture migration during hot-pressing resulted in significant density changes as measured by the in-press radiation-based system. Clearly established in all laboratory pressing studies is the indication that the vertical density profile of wood composite panels is formed from a combination of actions that occur both during consolidation and also after the press has reached final position; measurements recorded in the press show that mat densification continues after the press has reached final position. A description of the radiation system and data from elementary pressing examples are presented, along with experimental results of the effects of moisture migration in the mat on measured density during pressing

    Rapid and Deep Remission Induced by Blinatumomab for CD19-Positive Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Lymphoid Blast Phase

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    In summary, we show rapid and deep remission induced by blinatumomab in CD19(+) blast phase CML. Clinicians may consider the use of bispecific T-cell engager therapy as a bridge to transplant. Additional studies are needed before expanding the US Food and Drug Administration indication of blinatumomab to include lymphoid blast phase CML
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