5,754 research outputs found

    Signal Characteristics from Electromagnetic Cascades in Ice

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    We investigate the development of electromagnetic cascades in ice using a GEANT Monte Carlo simulation. We examine the Cherenkov pulse that is generated by the charge excess that develops and propagates with the shower. This study is important for the RICE experiment at the South Pole, as well as any test beam experiment which seeks to measure coherent Cherenkov radiation from an electromagnetic shower.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Addendum to "Coherent radio pulses from GEANT generated electromagnetic showers in ice"

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    We reevaluate our published calculations of electromagnetic showers generated by GEANT 3.21 and the radio frequency pulses they produce in ice. We are prompted by a recent report showing that GEANT 3.21-modeled showers are sensitive to internal settings in the electron tracking subroutine. We report the shower and pulse characteristics obtained with different settings of GEANT 3.21 and with GEANT 4. The default setting of electron tracking in GEANT 3.21 we used in previous work speeds up the shower simulation at the cost of information near the end of the tracks. We find that settings tracking electron and positron to lower energy yield a more accurate calculation, a more intense shower, and proportionately stronger radio pulses at low frequencies. At high frequencies the relation between shower tracking algorithm and pulse spectrum is more complex. We obtain radial distributions of shower particles and phase distributions of pulses from 100 GeV showers that are consistent with our published results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear Competition Between Small and Large Hexagonal Patterns

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    Recent experiments by Kudrolli, Pier and Gollub on surface waves, parametrically excited by two-frequency forcing, show a transition from a small hexagonal standing wave pattern to a triangular ``superlattice'' pattern. We show that generically the hexagons and the superlattice wave patterns bifurcate simultaneously from the flat surface state as the forcing amplitude is increased, and that the experimentally-observed transition can be described by considering a low-dimensional bifurcation problem. A number of predictions come out of this general analysis.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, revised, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Interface Engineering to Create a Strong Spin Filter Contact to Silicon

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    Integrating epitaxial and ferromagnetic Europium Oxide (EuO) directly on silicon is a perfect route to enrich silicon nanotechnology with spin filter functionality. To date, the inherent chemical reactivity between EuO and Si has prevented a heteroepitaxial integration without significant contaminations of the interface with Eu silicides and Si oxides. We present a solution to this long-standing problem by applying two complementary passivation techniques for the reactive EuO/Si interface: (ii) an in situin\:situ hydrogen-Si (001)(001) passivation and (iiii) the application of oxygen-protective Eu monolayers --- without using any additional buffer layers. By careful chemical depth profiling of the oxide-semiconductor interface via hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, we show how to systematically minimize both Eu silicide and Si oxide formation to the sub-monolayer regime --- and how to ultimately interface-engineer chemically clean, heteroepitaxial and ferromagnetic EuO/Si (001)(001) in order to create a strong spin filter contact to silicon.Comment: 11 pages of scientific paper, 10 high-resolution color figures. Supplemental information on the thermodynamic problem available (PDF). High-resolution abstract graphic available (PNG). Original research (2016

    Long term aging effect on the creep strength of the T92 steel

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    International audienceCreep strength loss of T92 steel after long-term creep exposure at 600°C and 650°C is partially due to a thermal aging of the steel during the first part of the test. In order to quantify the effect of long-term aging on the creep strength loss, creep tests were conducted at 600 and 650°C on T92 steel thermally aged for 10,000h at the same temperature and on as-received T92 steel. Laves phases precipitates were found after thermal aging at 600°C and 650°C with an average equivalent diameter of about 200nm and of about 350nm, respectively. No significant change in hardness and in the matrix substructure as revealed by electron backscatter diffraction occurred during aging. For stresses higher than 170MPa at 600°C and higher than 110MPa at 650°C the time to rupture is four times lower in the aged steels compared to the as-received steel, this is correlated to a secondary creep rate four times higher for the aged specimens compared to that of the as-received steel. Creep tests conducted at 650°C under lower stresses revealed a creep lifetime only twice lower after aging

    Charm as a domain wall fermion in quenched lattice QCD

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    We report a study describing the charm quark by a domain-wall fermion (DWF) in lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Our study uses a quenched gauge ensemble with the DBW2 rectangle-improved gauge action at a lattice cutoff of a−1∼3a^{-1} \sim 3 GeV. We calculate masses of heavy-light (charmed) and heavy-heavy (charmonium) mesons with spin-parity JP=0∓J^P = 0^\mp and 1∓1^\mp, leptonic decay constants of the charmed pseudoscalar mesons (DD and DsD_s), and the D0D^0-D0ˉ\bar{D^0} mixing parameter. The charm quark mass is found to be mcMSˉ(mc)=1.24(1)(18)m^{\bar{\rm MS}}_{c}(m_{c})=1.24(1)(18) GeV. The mass splittings in charmed-meson parity partners Δq,J=0\Delta_{q,J=0} and Δq,J=1\Delta_{q, J=1} are degenerate within statistical errors, in accord with experiment, and they satisfy a relation Δq=ud,J>Δq=s,J\Delta_{q=ud, J} > \Delta_{q=s, J}, also consistent with experiment. A C-odd axial vector charmonium state, hc),lies22(11)MeVabovetheh_c), lies 22(11) MeV above the \chi_{c1}meson,or meson, or m_{h_{c}} = 3533(11)_{\rm stat.}MeVusingtheexperimental MeV using the experimental \chi_{c1}) mass. However, in this regard, we emphasize significant discrepancies in the calculation of hyperfine splittings on the lattice. The leptonic decay constants of DD and DsD_s mesons are found to be fD=232(7)stat.(−0+6)chiral(11)syst.f_D=232(7)_{\rm stat.}(^{+6}_{-0})_{\rm chiral}(11)_{\rm syst.} MeV and fDs/fD=1.05(2)stat.(−2+0)chiral(2)syst.f_{D_s}/f_{D} = 1.05(2)_{\rm stat.}(^{+0}_{-2})_{\rm chiral}(2)_{\rm syst.}, where the first error is statistical, the second a systematic due to chiral extrapolation and the third error combination of other known systematics. The D0D^0-D0ˉ\bar{D^0} mixing bag parameter, which enters the ΔC=2\Delta C = 2 transition amplitude, is found to be BD(2GeV)=0.845(24)stat.(−6+24)chiral(105)syst.B_D(2{GeV})=0.845(24)_{\rm stat.}(^{+24}_{-6})_{\rm chiral}(105)_{\rm syst.}.Comment: 49 pages, 15 figure
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