1,198 research outputs found

    Nucleons, Nuclear Matter and Quark Matter: A unified NJL approach

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    We use an effective quark model to describe both hadronic matter and deconfined quark matter. By calculating the equations of state and the corresponding neutron star properties, we show that the internal properties of the nucleon have important implications for the properties of these systems.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, Section 5 extended, references adde

    The polarized EMC effect

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    Conference details: Quark confinement and the hadron spectrum VII : 7th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, QCHS7, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal, 2-7 September 2006 / José Emílio F. T. Ribeiro (ed.): pp. 248-250We calculate both the spin independent and spin dependent nuclear structure functions in an effective quark theory. The nucleon is described as a composite quark-diquark state, and the nucleus is treated in the mean field approximation. We predict a sizable polarized EMC effect, which could be confirmed in future experiments.W. Bentz, I. C. Cloet, and A. W. Thoma

    Spin-dependent structure functions in nuclear matter and the polarized EMC effect

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    An excellent description of both spin-independent and spin-dependent quark distributions and structure functions has been obtained with a modified Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, which is free of unphysical thresholds for nucleon decay into quarks - hence incorporating an important aspect of confinement. We utilize this model to investigate nuclear medium modifications to structure functions and find that we are readily able to reproduce both nuclear matter saturation and the experimental F^A_2N / F_2N ratio, that is, the EMC effect. Applying this framework to determine g^A_1p, we find that the ratio g^A_1p / g_1p differs significantly from 1, with the quenching caused by the nuclear medium being about twice that of the spin-independent case. This represents an exciting result, which if confirmed experimentally, will reveal much about the quark structure of nuclear matter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Parity-violating DIS and the flavour dependence of the EMC effect

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    Isospin-dependent nuclear forces play a fundamental role in nuclear structure. In relativistic models of nuclear structure constructed at the quark level these isovector nuclear forces affect the u and d quarks differently, leading to non-trivial flavour dependent modifications of the nuclear parton distributions. We explore the effect of isospin dependent forces for parity-violating deep inelastic scattering on nuclear targets and demonstrate that the cross-sections for nuclei with N /= Z are sensitive to the flavour dependence of the EMC effect. Indeed, for nuclei like lead and gold we find that these flavour dependent effects are large.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Role of diquark correlations and the pion cloud in nucleon elastic form factors

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    Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the space-like region are investigated within the framework of a covariant and confining Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The bound state amplitude of the nucleon is obtained as the solution of a relativistic Faddeev equation, where diquark correlations appear naturally as a consequence of the strong coupling in the colour 3ˉ\bar{3} qqqq channel. Pion degrees of freedom are included as a perturbation to the "quark-core" contribution obtained using the Poincar\'e covariant Faddeev amplitude. While no model parameters are fit to form factor data, excellent agreement is obtained with the empirical nucleon form factors (including the magnetic moments and radii) where pion loop corrections play a critical role for Q21Q^2 \lesssim 1\,GeV2^2. Using charge symmetry, the nucleon form factors can be expressed as proton quark sector form factors. The latter are studied in detail, leading, for example, to the conclusion that the dd-quark sector of the Dirac form factor is much softer than the uu-quark sector, a consequence of the dominance of scalar diquark correlations in the proton wave function. On the other hand, for the proton quark sector Pauli form factors we find that the effect of the pion cloud and axialvector diquark correlations overcomes the effect of scalar diquark dominance, leading to a larger dd-quark anomalous magnetic moment and a form factor in the uu-quark sector that is slightly softer than in the dd-quark sector.Comment: 30 pages and 40 figure

    Monte-Carlo Approach to Calculating the Fragmentation Functions in NJL-Jet Model

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    Recent studies of the fragmentation functions using the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) - Jet model have been successful in describing the quark fragmentation functions to pions and kaons. The NJL-Jet model employs the integral equation approach to solve for the fragmentation functions in quark-cascade description of the hadron emission process, where one assumes that the initial quark has infinite momentum and emits an infinite number of hadrons. Here we introduce a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation method to solve for the fragmentation functions,, that allows us to relax the above mentioned approximations. We demonstrate that the results of MC simulations closely reproduce the solutions of the integral equations in the limit where a large number of hadrons are emitted in the quark cascade. The MC approach provides a strong foundation for the further development of the NJL-Jet model that might include many more hadronic emission channels with decays of the possible produced resonances, as well as inclusion of the transverse momentum dependence (TMD), all of which are of considerable importance to the experimental studies of the transverse structure of hadrons.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of "TROPICAL QCD II Workshop

    Collins Fragmentation Function within NJL-jet Model

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    The NJL-jet model is extended to accommodate hadronization of a transversely polarized quark in order to explore the Collins effect within a multihadron emission framework. This is accomplished by calculating the polarized quark spin flip probabilities after a pseudoscalar hadron emission and the elementary Collins functions. The model is used to calculate the number densities of the hadrons produced in the polarized quark's decay chain. The full Collins fragmentation function is extracted from the sine modulation of the polarized number densities with respect to the polar angle between the initial quark's spin and hadron's transverse momentum. Two cases are studied here. First, a toy model for elementary Collins function is used to study the features of the transversely polarized quark-jet model. Second, a full model calculation of transverse momentum dependent pion and kaon Collins functions is presented. The remarkable feature of our model is that the 1/2 moments of the favored Collins fragmentation functions are positive and peak at large values of z but decrease and oscillate at small values of z. The 1/2 moments of the unfavored Collins functions have comparable magnitude and opposite sign to the favored functions, vanish at large z and peak at small values of z. This feature is observed for both the toy and full models and can be attributed to the quark-jet picture of hadronization. Moreover, the transverse momentum dependencies of the model Collins functions differ significantly from the Gaussian form widely used in the empirical parametrizations. Finally, a naive interpretation of the Schafer-Teryaev sum rule is proven not to hold in our model, where the transverse momentum conservation is explicitly enforced. This is attributed to the sizable average transverse momentum of the remnant quark that needs to be accounted for to satisfy the transverse momentum sum-rule.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figures. v2 - minor changes/additions to conform to the journal published versio

    Analytic approach to nuclear rotational states: The role of spin - A minimal model -

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    We use a simple field theory model to investigate the role of the nucleon spin for the magnetic sum rules associated with the low-lying collective scissors mode in deformed nuclei. Various constraints from rotational symmetry are elucidated and discussed. We put special emphasis on the coupling of the spin part of the M1 operator to the low lying collective modes, and investigate how this coupling changes the sum rules.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure