529,854 research outputs found

    Withius hispanus new to the fauna of Slovakia (Pseudoscorpiones: Withiidae)

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    An illustrated description of Withius hispanus (L. Koch, 1873) is provided based on its morphological and morphometric characters. This finding of W. hispanus is the first record of the family Withiidae in Slovakia. The present re-description of this species allows an assessment of the variability of its morphological and morphometric characters

    Eleocharis carniolica W. D. J. Koch, new species in flora of Montenegro

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    During floristic research of acidic bogs, calcareous fens and seasonally flooded (periodically inundated) grassy places in beech forests in Semolj region, Eleocharis carniolica W. D. J. Koch was found, which was the first record of that species in vascular plant flora of Montenegro. In surrounding countries, this species was recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Albania. This paper provides description of sites, habitat and ecology of Eleocharis carniolica W. D. J. Koch in Montenegro

    KĂĽrze und Kometen

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    Mit Beiträgen von Johannes Binotto, Stefan Ramirez Pérez, Hans W. Koch, John Smith, Dietrich Leder, Miriam Gossing/Lina Sieckmann, Friedrich Nietzsche

    On the attenuation of sound by three-dimensionally segmented acoustic liners in a rectangular duct

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    Axial segmentation of acoustically absorbing liners in rectangular, circular or annual duct configurations is a very useful concept for obtaining higher noise attenuation with respect to the bandwidth of absorption as well as the maximum attenuation. As a consequence, advanced liner concepts are proposed which induce a modal energy transfer in both cross-sectional directions to further reduce the noise radiated from turbofan engines. However, these advanced liner concepts require three-dimensional geometries which are difficult to treat theoretically. A very simple three-dimensional problem is investigated analytically. The results show a strong dependence on the positioning of the liner for some incident source modes while the effect of three-dimensional segmentation appears to be negligible over the frequency range considered

    Women Intellectual Mentors

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    Women Intellectual Mentors This review studies the book Mistrzynie myślenia. Serbski esej feministyczny (XIX–XXI wiek) [Women Intellectual Mentors: The Serbian Feminist Essay (From 19th to the 20th Century), 2019], written by the Polish author and professor of Serbian and Croatian literature, Magdalena Koch. In her book, Koch tries to shed light on the work of eight Serbian female authors who, over a period of 200 years, used the essay as their literary form of choice. Koch diachronically examines the role women played in the history of Serbian literature, as well as the significance of the essay in the development of emancipatory and feminist thought in Serbia. Mistrzynie myślenia Niniejsza recenzja dotyczy książki Mistrzynie myślenia. Serbski esej feministyczny (XIX– XXI wiek) (2019), autorstwa polskiej profesor literatury serbskiej i chorwackiej, Magdaleny Koch. W swojej książce stara się ona rzucić światło na twórczość ośmiu serbskich autorek, które przez 200 lat używały eseju jako formy literackiego wyrazu. Koch diachronicznie analizuje rolę kobiet w historii literatury serbskiej, a także znaczenie eseju w rozwoju myśli emancypacyjnej i feministycznej w Serbii

    2011 Summer Commencement Program

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    The program for the Portland State University 2011 Summer Commencement ceremony, held on August 13, 2011. Rabbi Joshua Stampfer and Peter W. Stott received honorary degrees from PSU President Wim Wiewel and Provost Roy Koch; Kirubel B. Mersha delivered the student address.https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/commencement_2010s/1000/thumbnail.jp
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