6 research outputs found

    Braslav Lakeland – natural-cultural potential and tourist management: a case study of Braslav lake group

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    Przedstawiono główne cechy dziedzictwa przyrodniczego oraz dziedzictwa historyczno-kulturowego obszaru badań. Na tym tle scharakteryzowano potencjał rekreacyjno-turystyczny i główne cechy zagospodarowania turystycznego Pojezierza Brasławskiego

    Puszcza Nalibocka - największy kompleks leśny Białorusi. Warunki fizycznogeograficzne i ochrona

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    Physicogeographical conditions, in which the Naliboki Forest (about 240 thousand hectares in the central part of Belarus) functions were characterised. It makes the forest-swampy complex, consisting of various types of forests, swamps, reservoirs of standing waters and rivers. It is characterized by the unique biodiversity and the presence of many protected and rare plant and animal species. Since 2005 year within its borders the Landscape Reserve „Naliboki” functions (area – 77,54 th ha), in which the limited economic activity is allowed (forest felling, hunting), and touristic and recreational activity as well. They cause a certain threat to protect this area and its high biodiversity

    Ostrovnye pescanye vozvysenia recnyh dolin (na primere doliny Pripati v Belorusskom Polec'e)

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    The general physicogeographical characteristics of the study area was presented. The contemporary relief of sandy island and the physical features of building it sands, and vegetation covering this object were discussed as well. On the basis of 14C dating of charcoal and analysis of artifacts (flints worked by man and fragments of pottery) at least 3-time stay of population groups (Paleolithic, from the turn of eras and medieval) in this area as well as the beginning of the development of the upper aeolian series of anthropogenic basis were determined

    Rzeźba eoliczna i mechaniczne cechy piasków przewianych Polesia Białoruskiego w okolicach Jeziora Bobrowickiego

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    The short general geomorphological characteristics (presently swamped Late-Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial plain and the part of flat sander area) of watershed area of the Yaselda and Shchara rivers in the Pripyat Polessye, and against the background of it – general features of distribution of dunes and aeolian cover sands (some fields, which location refers to the substratum deposits) were presented. More detailed characteristics of aeolian relief on the base of selected sites (Tupichitsy and Zagorye), as well as total analysis of grain size distribution and abrasion degree of dune sands against the background of substratum material on the base of sites Zagorye, Tupichitsy and Chelnovka were made. Rather significant fine-granularity of deposits, referring to the source material, as well as very high degree of mechanical abrasion of quartz material was stated

    Krajobrazy eoliczne obszarów wododziałowych na obszarze Polesia Białoruskiego

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    At watershed area of the neighbourhood of Bobrovichi Lake in the western part of Byelorussian Polessye we deal with morphological effects of both older and contemporary wind activity. The last one has an anthropogenic origin and it reveals in the development of sandy aeolian cover, and also in a form of intensive soil blowing, which however does not give the clear accumulative morphological equivalent (soil blowing is an effect of landscape transformation owing to processes of peatbogs drainage). One should also emphasize that once (about 11 thousand years ago) the human factor laid here at the base of development of older, presently already fixed wind relief. The vegetation adapted here, what is obvious, to rather dry aeolian habitats. In majority of cases it has a forest character — pine coniferous forests Peucedano‑Pinetum and Cladino‑Pinetum with mosses and different species of lichens. In the area investigated Cladonietum mitis is the most widely distributed syntaxon among psammophylous grasses. This association shows different phases of development, from initial to optimal ones. The largest floristic and phytosociologial variety was stated in the most widespread area of drift sands in the range Tupichitsy. Then, the valuable associations are as follows Koelerio‑Astragаletum arenarii and Kochietum arenariae

    Braslav Lakeland – natural-cultural potential and tourist management: a case study of Braslav lake group

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    Przedstawiono główne cechy dziedzictwa przyrodniczego oraz dziedzictwa historyczno-kulturowego obszaru badań. Na tym tle scharakteryzowano potencjał rekreacyjno-turystyczny i główne cechy zagospodarowania turystycznego Pojezierza Brasławskiego