8 research outputs found

    World ocean review: Mit den Meeren leben 5. Die Küsten - ein wertvoller Lebensraum unter Druck

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    Die fünfte Ausgabe des „World Ocean Review“ (WOR) beschäftigt sich mit dem Lebensraum Küste und den vielfältigen Erwartungen, die an diesen Lebensraum gestellt werden. Der WOR 5 gibt einen Einblik in die über Jahrmillionen zurückreichende Geschichte, erläutert die Theorie der Kontinentalveschiebung und erörtert wie sich das Gesicht der Küsten verändert hat. Er zeigt auf, wie die vielfältigen Ökosystemleistungen der Küsten immer mehr unter Druck geraten und stellt Maßnahmen vor, die in Zukunft notwendig sein werden, um den Bedrohungen durch Klimawandel und Naturkatastrophen Herr zu werden

    World Ocean Review 2015 : living with the oceans 5. Coasts - a vital habitat under pressure

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    The fifth World Ocean Review (WOR) explores the coastal habitat and the diverse expectations upon this habitat. It provides a glimpse into millions of years of history, elucidates the theory of continental drift and discusses the many ways in which coasts have changed. It also illustrates how the diverse ecosystem services rendered by the coasts are being subjected to increasing pressure, and profiles measures that will be necessary in the future to respond effectively to the threats from both climate change and natural disasters

    Weltnaturschutz : Umweltdiplomatie in Völkerbund und Vereinten Nationen 1920 - 1950

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    Wöbse A-K. Weltnaturschutz : Umweltdiplomatie in Völkerbund und Vereinten Nationen 1920 - 1950. Geschichte des Natur- und Umweltschutzes ; 7. Frankfurt am Main [u.a.]: Campus-Verl.; 2012


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    History of Hohe Tauern National Park: a case in point of use and protection. eco.mont (Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research)|eco.mont Vol. 6 No. 1 6 1|

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    In Austria, Hohe Tauern National Park occupies a model position. Between 1981 and 1992, the federal states of Carinthia, Salzburg and Tyrol established the first Austrian national park as Hohe Tauern National Park (NP). If we consider a larger spatial level, however, a completely different picture emerges and the pioneer park turns into a latecomer. All neighbouring countries have considerably older NPs. The Swiss NP, the first NP within the Alpine Arc was established in the 1910s, around 70 years before Hohe Tauern NP. Had the people of Carinthia, Salzburg and Tyrol and all Austrians overlooked the emergence of NPs for decades? Did they care less about conservation than their neighbours? Or did they simply believe they could do without the internationally acclaimed instrument of a NP? As we will demonstrate below, such assumptions can definitely be refuted. All the same, there is no simple explanation, neither for the long delay nor for the eventual establishment of Hohe Tauern NP. Instead a complex bundle of factors emerges. The analysis is based on research done for our book Geschichte des Nationalparks Hohe Tauern, where you can also find detailed references for the statements made below (Kupper & Wöbse 2013)