21 research outputs found
Axillary lymph node and early breast cancer diagnostics. A case report
Understanding of the anatomy of the axillary lymph nodes is important in diagnostic
and treatment procedures for breast cancer. An interesting case is presented
here of breast cancer without a breast tumour. The first symptom of the
disease was lymphadenopathy of the axillary region. This kind of case is extremely
rare in clinical practise (one case per 1-5 years) and constitutes a great
problem for specialists, since in many cases the primary neoplasm source is unknown.
The anatomical and clinical implications of such a situation are discussed
Z dziejów katedr skarbowości i prawa skarbowego oraz katedr prawa finansowego w Polsce
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed pape
Nauka prawa finansowego po I dekadzie XXI wieku
Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana profesorowi Apoloniuszowi Kosteckiem
Changes in antioxidant status of heart muscle tissue in experimental diabetes in rabbits.
The present study was designed to evaluate the oxidative stress-related parameters in alloxan-induced diabetes in rabbits. After 3, 6, 12 and 24 weeks of hyperglycaemia the enzymatic and non-enzymatic factors were measured in heart tissue of diabetic and control groups. Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities and the contents of total sulfhydryl compounds significantly increased at all time intervals. Catalase activity increased initially (after 3 and 6 weeks), decreased after 12 weeks and increased again at the 24th week of the experiment. Glutathione reductase activity increased initially (at 3rd week), decreased below control level after 6 and 12 weeks, then increased again. Ascorbic acid concentration decreased after 3 and 6 weeks, and increased at the 12th and 24th weeks. The level of lipid peroxidation products was reduced after 3, 6 and 12 weeks of the experiment. After 24 weeks it was significantly elevated. These data suggest that hyperglycaemia induces oxidative stress in the heart but the defense mechanisms in the heart tissue are fairly efficacious against oxidative injury
The effects of short-time caffeine administration on skeleton development in Wistar rats
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of caffeine on skeleton ossification in rats. Caffeine was administered in Tween 80 solution, once daily, in oral bolus, during the whole second trimester, in three doses: C1 — 0.7 mg/kg, C2 — 7.0 mg/kg, C3 — 70.0 mg/kg. On the 21st day of gestation the pumps were delivered. The fetuses were fixed in Bouin’s solution and subsequently observed for external and internal malformation or in alcohol for skeleton malformation. The skeletons were stained with alizarin red-S. The examination showed an insignificant (P < 0.05) number of skeleton malformations, external haematomas and any internal malformations
Assessment of strength parameters under isokinetic conditions in competitive climbers
Wstęp. Najczęstszą przyczyną urazów we wspinaczce sportowej są sumujące się przeciążenia. Urazy często występują w obrębie stawu ramiennego, co jest powiązane z funkcją mięśni rotujących. Celem pracy była ocena w warunkach izokinetycznych funkcji mięśni rotujących staw ramienny u osób uprawiających wspinaczkę w odniesieniu do osób nietrenujących. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 61 osób, w tym 31 osób uprawiających wspinaczkę w grupie badanej oraz 30 osób nietrenujących w grupie kontrolnej. Przeprowadzono testy rotacji zewnętrznej i wewnętrznej w warunkach izokinetycznych. Analizie poddano maksymalny moment obrotowy i średnią moc rotatorów stawu ramiennego oraz stosunek wartości ww. parametrów rotatorów zewnętrznych do rotatorów wewnętrznych [%]. Wyniki. W obu kończynach wyższe wartości maksymalnego momentu obrotowego mięśni rotatorów wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych oraz średnią moc obu grup mięśniowych osiągnęły osoby z grupy badanej (p0,05). Nie odnaleziono związku między obecnością asymetrii a przewlekłym występowaniem dolegliwości bólowych. Wnioski 1.Zmiany adaptacyjne obserwowane w grupie wspinaczy sportowych są podobne, jak u zawodników innych dyscyplin sportowych wymagających unoszenia ramion powyżej poziomu głowy 2. Zweryfikowanie wpływu zachodzących zmian przystosowawczych na funkcję stawu ramiennego wspinaczy wymaga badań na większej grupie wspinaczy sportowych oraz zastosowania różnych prędkości ruchu i aktywności mięśniowej w protokole badawczym.Background. Accumulated overload is the most frequent reason of injuries in sport climbing. The injuries are usually sustained in the areas of the shoulder joint and rotator cuff. The aim of the study was to evaluate, the function of shoulder rotators in competitive climbers and non-climbers under isokinetic conditions. Material and methods. The sample comprised 61 participants, including 31 competitive climbers and 30 non-climbers. External and internal rotation tests were conducted under isokinetic conditions. Peak torque (PT), average power (AP) of the shoulder joint and the percentage values of external/ internal rotator ratios were subjected to analysis, Results. The PT obtained from external and internal rotators and the AP values obtained from both muscle groups in both upper limbs were higher in climbers (p0.05). No dependency was found between asymmetry and chronic pain. Conclusion 1.Adaptive changes observed in competitive climbers are similar to these occurring in athletes practicing sport disciplines that require lifting of the upper limbs above the head. 2. Adaptive changes influencing the assessment of shoulder joint function need to be confirmed in a larger sample of competitive climbers. Different movement velocities and muscle activation patterns should be included in future study protocols
Thermal history of Lower Palaeozoic rocks from the East European Platform margin of Poland based on K-Ar age dating and illite-smectite palaeothermometry - 481 – 509
Large-scale shale gas prospecting in the Polish part of the East European Platform did not discover large reserves of this resources. The article presents new research indicating that one of the reasons for the lack of shale gas relates to the thermal history of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks. Illite-smectite palaeothermometry was used to reconstruct the history of the platform and determine the maximum temperatures to which these rocks were subjected. The age of illitisation was also constrained using the K-Ar method. This method allowed precise dating of the maximum age of thermal transformations due to the deposition of numerous pyroclastic horizons (K-bentonite) throughout the entire geological profile from the Cambrian to the Silurian. Isotopic dating was made on over 53 samples of Lower Palaeozoic bentonites and low-grade metamorphic clays. These results were supplemented by analysis of the degree of thermal (smectite to illite) transformation in the profiles of 37 deep boreholes. 11 zones could be distinguished with different tectonic histories within the Polish part of the East European Platform edge. Maximum heating occurred in this region at about 320–340 Ma, corresponding to the Early Carboniferous or the turn of the Early and Late Carboniferous, phase A of the Variscan orogeny, known as the Sudetian phase. In the southern part of study area, the maximum of thermodiagenesis is slightly younger – 270–290 Ma, which responds to the Early Permian, the Asturian phase, the last phase of the Variscan orogeny. This means that the generation of hydrocarbons occurred before significant Mesozoic exhumation of the Polish part of the East European Platform, which led to the escape of a considerable amount of the gas generated. The study also presents the results of an interlaboratory comparison of illite age dating using the K-Ar and Ar-Ar methods. The comparison was conducted to find out what realistic error should be considered when interpreting geological K-Ar dating results