23 research outputs found

    Fast and noninvasive hair test for preliminary diagnosis of mood disorders

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    The main objective of this study was to develop a test for the fast and noninvasive prediagnosis of mood disorders based on the noninvasive analysis of hair samples. The database included 75 control subjects (who were not diagnosed with depression) and 40 patients diagnosed with mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. Both women and men, aged 18–65 years, participated in the research. After taking the hair samples, they were washed (methanol–water–methanol by shaking in a centrifuge for two min) and air-dried in a fume hood. Each hair collection was analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy attenuated total reflection (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. Subsequently, the results obtained were analyzed based on chemometric methods: hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). As a results of the research conducted, potential differences were noticed. There was a visible change in the spectra intensity at around 2800–3100 cm(−1) and smaller differences around 1460 cm(−1); the bands can be assigned to protein vibrations. However, these are preliminary studies that provide a good basis for the development of a test for the initial diagnosis of mood disorders

    Evaluation of selected ultrasonography parameters in the second stage of labor in prediction mode of delivery

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    Objectives: The aim of the study is to determine the usefulness of ultrasound parameters in the second stage of labor in prediction of the method of delivery and to evaluate the benefits to be derived from this study. Material and methods: Ultrasound scan was performed with Convex transabdominal probe on 68 pregnant women in labor at term with fetuses in cephalic presentation at the beginning of the second stage of labor and parameters such as angle of progression, head progression distance, head-symphysis distance and head-perineum distance were measured. The parameters were observed in two scans: a midline scan visualizing the pubic symphysis with the head of the fetus and a transverse scan approximately 1–2 cm below the pubic symphysis visualizing the head of the fetus. Results: The ultrasound parameters measured at the beginning of the second stage of labor, differed in the group in which women have delivered vaginally and in the group, in which caesarean section was performed: angle of progression and head progression distance were greater in group of women who delivered naturally and head-perineum distance and head-symphysis distance were smaller in this group. Some relations between each measured parameter and time left to delivery were observed as well as strong relations among parameters were also observed. Conclusions: Intrapartum sonography is a useful and objective tool to assess the progress of labor. Transperineal ultra­sound scans performed in the second stage of labor may play a role in making the decision about the mode of delivery

    The Influence of the Capital Market on Economic Growth in the USA

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    This article analyzes the impact of the capital market on economic growth in the US with the use of annual data. The study covers the years 1975-2019. As part of the analysis, the construction and estimation of an econometric model was made using the GRETL program. The obtained results confirmed the statistically significant influence of the capital market on the economic growth in the USA

    The impact of the capital market on economic growth in Luxembourg

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    In this article, a detailed analysis of the impact of capital markets on economic growth in Luxembourg is presented, utilizing annual economic data. The study spanned from 1975 to 2020. As part of the analysis, an econometric model was constructed and estimated using the GRETL software. The results obtained confirm that the capital market has a statistically significant impact on Luxembourg's economic development. This research provides new insights into the role of capital markets in shaping economic growth dynamics, which is crucial for understanding the economic mechanisms in small, open economies like Luxembourg

    The Management of a Thirteen Weeks Pregnant Woman Rendered Brain-Dead Following a Ruptured Aneurysm

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    The current lack of clear guidelines on how to manage cases of brain-dead pregnant patients makes this topic controversial and extremely difficult to deal with for both medical and ethical reasons. This report deals with such a situation

    BIM spatial modeling in historical buildings based on a barracks building of the former Auschwitz I Camp in the “Lagerwereitung” zone

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    Artykuł omawia implementację nowoczesnych technologii podczas pracy projektowej nad obiektami istniejącymi, zwłaszcza zabytkowymi. Na podstawie studium przypadku i doświadczeń własnych podjęta została analiza przydatności modelowania przestrzennego i wykorzystania elementów technologii BIM; porównano też tradycyjne metody inwentaryzacyjne opierające się na ręcznych pomiarach i odkrywkach z nowoczesnymi metodami laserowymi. Równocześnie analizy skupiają się na rozwiązaniach, których dostępność jest szeroka i nie wymaga znacznego wkładu finansowego ze strony projektantów. Wnioski dotyczą praktycznego, optymalnego modelowania przestrzennego podczas projektowania adaptacji istniejących budynków. Analizie poddano budynek nr 127, położony na terenie os. Rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego w Oświęcimiu. Obszar ten podczas II wojny światowej stanowił część tzw. przedłużenia obozu KL Auschwitz, realizowanego w latach 1943–1944.This paper discusses the implementation of modern technologies during design work on existing buildings, especially monuments. Based on a case study and our personal experiences, an analysis of the suitability of 3D modeling and the use of BIM technology elements; we also compared traditional building surveying methods based on manual measurements and stratigraphic surveys with modern laser methods. At the same time, our analyses focused on solutions whose availability is wide and does not require considerable financial investment from designers. The conclusions concern practical, optimal 3D modeling during the design of a building’s adaptive reuse. The analysis focused on building no. 127, located at the Rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego Housing Estate in Oświęcim. During the Second World War, this area was a part of a so-called extension of KL Auschwitz, built in the years 1943–1944

    Autoimmune anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis – current state of knowledge overview based on the clinical case

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    Autoimmune anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis was identified in 2007. It is a rare encephalitis (approximately 4%) of the limbic type and is typically diagnosed in young females with paraneoplastic teratomas. Cerebral NMDA receptor blockade leads to characteristic symptoms. GABA neuron inactivation results in psychotic disorders, involuntary movements, fasciculations and nystagmus. Moreover, by affecting the respiratory centre in the brainstem, it can cause respiratory disorders requiring mechanical ventilation. Other symptoms, such as sialorrhea, arrhythmias or arterial hypertension, result from the influence on the autonomous nervous system. NMDA receptor disorders are functional in nature and are mostly reversible. That is why proper diagnosis and prompt treatment, involving tumour removal and immunotherapy, may bring positive therapeutic effects. Approximately 75% of patients with autoimmune anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis have recovered completely or the disease has left only slight consequences. However, it has led to severe deficits in the remaining patients and was fatal in 7% of cases. The paper presents a case of a 23-year-old female with autoimmune encephalitis associated with ovarian teratoma. The disease was diagnosed late and its course was severe with numerous complications and necessity of intensive care. After several months, the patient regained full intellectual functions and intends to continue studying law. The aim of this report was to draw attention to a rare cause of autoimmune encephalitis, which when detected early makes it possible to obtain full recovery. Particular attention should be paid to young women who manifest atypical clinical signs within the central nervous system without tangible changes in imaging. This should prompt the search for a tumour in the abdominal cavity.Autoimmunologiczne zapalenie mózgu z obecnością przeciwciał przeciwko receptorom NMDA (N-metylo-D-asparaginowym) zostało zidentyfikowane w 2007 roku. Należy do rzadkich przyczyn zapaleń mózgu (około 4%) o typie limbicznego zapalenia mózgu i typowo jest diagnozowane u młodych kobiet z potworniakami paraneoplastycznymi. Zablokowanie receptorów NMDA w mózgu prowadzi do charakterystycznych objawów choroby. Skutkiem inaktywacji neuronów GABA-ergicznych są zaburzenia psychotyczne, ruchy mimowolne, drżenia pęczkowe mięśni, oczopląs, a poprzez wpływ na ośrodek oddechowy w pniu mózgu możliwe są zaburzenia oddychania wymagające wentylacji mechanicznej. Występują również objawy wynikające z wpływu na autonomiczny układ nerwowy, takie jak ślinotok, zaburzenia rytmu serca, nadciśnienie tętnicze. Zaburzenia czynności receptorów NMDA mają charakter funkcjonalny i są w większości odwracalne, wobec czego właściwa diagnoza oraz szybko wdrożone leczenie w postaci usunięcia guza i zastosowania immunoterapii mogą przynieść korzystne efekty terapeutyczne. W około 75% przypadków autoimmunologicznego zapalenia mózgu z obecnością przeciwciał przeciwko receptorom NMDA chorzy w pełni wrócili do zdrowia lub obserwowano jedynie niewielkie następstwa choroby, podczas gdy u pozostałych pacjentów zapalenie doprowadziło do poważnych deficytów, a 7% zachorowań zakończyło się śmiercią. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 23-letniej kobiety z autoimmunologicznym zapaleniem mózgu związanym z obecnością potworniaka jajnika. Choroba została późno rozpoznana i miała bardzo ciężki przebieg – z wieloma powikłaniami i koniecznością leczenia w oddziale intensywnej terapii. Po kilku miesiącach pacjentka powróciła do pełnej sprawności intelektualnej, zamierza kontynuować studia prawnicze. Celem opisu tego przypadku jest zwrócenie uwagi na rzadką przyczynę zapalenia mózgu o podłożu autoimmunologicznym, którego wczesne rozpoznanie daje szanse na pełne wyzdrowienie. Szczególną uwagę trzeba zwrócić na młode kobiety demonstrujące nietypowe objawy kliniczne ze strony ośrodkowego układu nerwowego bez uchwytnych zmian w badaniach obrazowych – w takich przypadkach należy ukierunkować diagnostykę na obecność guza w jamie brzusznej