133 research outputs found

    Numerical Implementation of the Fictitious Domain Method for Elliptic Equations

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    In this paper, we consider an elliptic equation with strongly varying coefficients. Interest in the study of these equations is connected with the fact that this type of equation is obtained when using the fictitious domain method. In this paper, we propose a special method for the numerical solution of elliptic equations with strongly varying coefficients. A theorem is proved for the rate of convergence of the iterative process developed. A computational algorithm and numerical calculations are developed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method


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    The paper deals with the peculiarities of development of simulation model of strip pull self-regulation system in a continuous hot galvanizing line. The results of simulation modelling are provided.W artykule rozpatrzono cechy szczególne konstruowania modelu symulacyjnego systemu regulacji naprężenia taśmy w linii ciągłej cynkowania na gorąco. Przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych

    Modeling of the user’s identification security system of on the 2FA base

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    The article describes methods of user identification using authentication based on the second factor. Known algorithms and protocols for two-factor authentication are considered. An algorithm is proposed using mobile devices as identifiers and generating a temporary password based on the hash function of encryption standards. For an automated control system, a two-factor authentication model and a sequential algorithm for generating a temporary password using functions have been developed. The implementation of the system is based on the Node.js software platform using the JavaScript programming language, as well as frameworks and connected system libraries. MongoDB, an open source database management system for information storage and processing was used

    Face Recognition: Issues, Methods and Alternative Applications

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    Face recognition, as one of the most successful applications of image analysis, has recently gained significant attention. It is due to availability of feasible technologies, including mobile solutions. Research in automatic face recognition has been conducted since the 1960s, but the problem is still largely unsolved. Last decade has provided significant progress in this area owing to advances in face modelling and analysis techniques. Although systems have been developed for face detection and tracking, reliable face recognition still offers a great challenge to computer vision and pattern recognition researchers. There are several reasons for recent increased interest in face recognition, including rising public concern for security, the need for identity verification in the digital world, face analysis and modelling techniques in multimedia data management and computer entertainment. In this chapter, we have discussed face recognition processing, including major components such as face detection, tracking, alignment and feature extraction, and it points out the technical challenges of building a face recognition system. We focus on the importance of the most successful solutions available so far. The final part of the chapter describes chosen face recognition methods and applications and their potential use in areas not related to face recognition

    Modeling of the user’s identification security system of on the 2FA base

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    The article describes methods of user identification using authentication based on the second factor. Known algorithms and protocols for two-factor authentication are considered. An algorithm is proposed using mobile devices as identifiers and generating a temporary password based on the hash function of encryption standards. For an automated control system, a two-factor authentication model and a sequential algorithm for generating a temporary password using functions have been developed. The implementation of the system is based on the Node.js software platform using the JavaScript programming language, as well as frameworks and connected system libraries. MongoDB, an open source database management system for information storage and processing was used


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    Wind power is one of the three main renewable energy sources, along with solar and hydropower, which are widely used to produce electricity worldwide. As an energy resource, wind is widespread and can provide electricity to much of the world, but it is both intermittent and unpredictable, making it difficult to rely on wind power alone. However, when used in combination with other types of production or in combination with energy storage, wind can make a valuable contribution to the global energy balance. Over the past few decades, wind power has emerged in a number of countries as a separate energy sector that has successfully competed with conventional energy. Attention is paid to wind power plants (WT) as part of distribution and transmission networks. In this regard, an urgent scientific and technical task is the efficient use of wind potential, which is not only to improve aerodynamic characteristics WT, but also to increase productivity WT as a whole. This article presents the type of wind turbines, among the possible applications and very promising is the wind turbine Bolotov (WRTB), which by its technical characteristics surpasses the traditional propeller and other installations using wind energy in the production of electrical energy. The increase (WEUF - wind energy utilization factor) in all modes of operation WT by improving various methods of automatic control is relevant, and the proposed work is devoted to this issue.Energia wiatrowa jest jednym z trzech głównych źródeł energii odnawialnej, obok energii słonecznej i wodnej, które są szeroko wykorzystywane do produkcji energii elektrycznej na całym świecie. Jako źródło energii, wiatr jest szeroko rozpowszechniony i może dostarczać energię elektryczną do wielu części świata, ale jest on zarówno nieciągły, jak i nieprzewidywalny, co sprawia, że trudno jest polegać wyłącznie na energii wiatrowej. Jednakże w połączeniu z innymi rodzajami produkcji lub w połączeniu z magazynowaniem energii wiatr może wnieść cenny wkład w światowy bilans energetyczny. W ciągu ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat energia wiatrowa pojawiła się w wielu krajach jako odrębny sektor energetyczny, który z powodzeniem konkurował z energią konwencjonalną. Szczególną uwagę zwraca się na elektrownie wiatrowe (EW) w ramach sieci dystrybucyjnych i przesyłowych. W związku z tym pilnym zadaniem naukowym i technicznym jest efektywne wykorzystanie potencjału wiatru, co ma na celu nie tylko poprawę właściwości aerodynamicznych turbin wiatrowych, ale również ogólne zwiększenie wydajności turbin wiatrowych. W artykule przedstawiono typ turbin wiatrowych, wśród możliwych zastosowań i bardzo obiecujący jest turbina wiatrowa Bolotov (WRTB), która swoją charakterystyką techniczną przewyższa tradycyjne śmigło i inne instalacje wykorzystujące energię wiatrową w produkcji energii elektrycznej. Istotne jest zwiększenie (WEUF - wind energy utilization factor) we wszystkich trybach pracy turbin wiatrowych poprzez udoskonalenie różnych metod automatycznej kontroli, a proponowane prace poświęcone są tej kwestii

    Mathematical model of calculating metric tensor and GNSS-observations errors taking into account relativistic effects

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    Study of the trajectories of the motion of satellites remains an urgent task for modern science. This is especially true for GNSS systems and for satellites intended for Earth remote sensing. The basis of their operation is to accurately determine the position of the satellite, and the parameters of signal propagation. Considering the great distances and speeds of both satellites and the Earth in calculating these parameters, it is necessary to take into account the special and general theory of relativity. In the article formulas have been derived for calculating additional corrections for relativistic effects. A mathematical model for calculating the metric tensor was created. A sequence of correction was also proposed


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    A solution for the problems of the finger spelling alphabet of gesture language modelling and recognition based on cross-platform technologies is proposed. Modelling and recognition performance can be flexible and adjusted, based on the hardware it operates or based on the availability of an internet connection. The proposed approach tunes the complexity of the 3D hand model based on the CPU type, amount of available memory and internet connection speed. Sign recognition is also performed using cross-platform technologies and the tradeoff in model size and performance can be adjusted.  the methods of convolutional neural networks are used as tools for gestures of alphabet recognition. For the gesture recognition experiment, a dataset of 50,000 images was collected, with 50 different hands recorded, with almost 1,000 images per each person. The experimental researches demonstrated the effectiveness of proposed approaches.Zaproponowano rozwiązanie problemów z alfabetem daktylograficznym w modelowaniu języka gestów i rozpoznawaniu znaków w oparciu o technologie wieloplatformowe. Wydajność modelowania i rozpoznawania może być elastyczna i dostosowana, w zależności od wykorzystywanego sprzętu lub dostępności łącza internetowego. Proponowane podejście dostosowuje złożoność modelu 3D dłoni w zależności od typu procesora, ilości dostępnej pamięci i szybkości połączenia internetowego. Rozpoznawanie znaków odbywa się również z wykorzystaniem technologii międzyplatformowych, a kompromis w zakresie wielkości modelu i wydajności może być dostosowany. Jako narzędzia do rozpoznawania gestów alfabetu wykorzystywane są metody konwolucyjnych sieci neuronowych. Na potrzeby eksperymentu rozpoznawania gestów zebrano zbiór danych obejmujący 50 000 obrazów, przy czym zarejestrowano 50 różnych rąk, a na każdą osobę przypadało prawie 1000 obrazów. Badania eksperymentalne wykazały skuteczność proponowanego podejścia


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    This article analyzes work of metallurgical shop as a complex control object. It also includes description of copper complex and synthesizes three-level structure of control system. Technical and economical indexes and also control object are defined in this article.W artykule przedstawiono analizę pracy przemysłu metalurgicznego rozpatrywanego jako złożony obiekt sterowania. Opisano kompleks hutniczy i syntetyzowaną trójwarstwową strukturę systemu sterowania. Określono wskaźniki techniczno-ekonomiczne i sformułowano zadania sterowania

    3D Modelling of Distribution of Temperature Field in The Rolling Mill

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    This article is dedicated to the study of numerical simulation of temperature field distribution in rolling mill with many cages for continuous casting and rolling stripe of metal wire. In work the simplest is used in use, certainly a steady, economic difference method, a method of division of variables of a multidimensional task into a chain of one-dimensional tasks, a method of total approximation, the locally one-dimensional scheme. The algorithm of numerical modeling of distribution of a temperature field on cages of the rolling mill is constructed. Solutions of the three-dimensional temperature field distribution tasks based on experimental data allows finding the temperature across the strip of metal rod in a rolling mill stands. Calculation of the distribution of temperature field in hearth of deformation of a metal rod was realized on implicit scheme. The calculations are shown in the graphs. It provides an analysis of the error of errors