124 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of selected Java Script frameworks in the context of web applications on the example of Angular and BackboneJS

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    The paper contains comparison between Angular and BackboneJS frameworks. For research purposes, two single page applications were created. Both providing the same functionalities. In this article such elements were examined and compared: time of loading elements, number lines of code, size of compiled application. community gathered around frameworks and time needed to create the application using frameworks. The obtained results did not indicate a solution that was clearly better to be used in single page applications

    Efficiency analysis of Unity3D engine in terms of particle simulation

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    This document reviews research in efficiency analysys of particles created by Unity 3D built-in particle system compared to those created via sctript written in C# language. Author focused his research on examining the impact of the various tasks on the speed of rendering frames, a difference which occur during the generation of particle by particle system and those generated by a script, and how influential is the complexity of the mesh particles generated on the application performance. For this purpose, using Unity3D, Microsoft Visual Studio and Blender, an applications for computers that are ruunniong on Windows system was created, application allows to adjust the simulation parameters (the number of generated particles, particle shape - sphere, cube)

    Zadania proboszcza parafii powierzonej instytutowi zakonnemu

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    Proboszcz, z pomocą wikariuszy i innych prezbiterów skierowanych do parafii, uobecnia w określonej wspólnocie Kościoła partykularnego posługę biskupa: nauczyciela, kapłana i pasterza. Takie zadania stawia ustawodawca przed proboszczem parafii powierzonej instytutowi zakonnemu. Jako właściwy pasterz danej wspólnoty parafialnej, proboszcz zakonny naucza, uświęca i prowadzi powierzonych sobie wiernych. Nie ponosi jednak pełnej odpowiedzialności za parafię. W tym zakresie obowiązek ciąży na instytucie zakonnym, któremu parafia została przekazana przez biskupa diecezjalnego

    Analysis of the 3D glasses application in a spatial simulation on the basis of the architectural visualization

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    The arcticle describes preparation of architectural visualization of the virtual museum. It purpose was to explore possibilities of using VR glasses, 3D scans and design aplications. During the study VR glasses showed great opportunities in the field of architectural visualisation. The results of the performance tests confirmed potencial in 3D scans and models from design applications, although they require mesh prcoessing and simplification. However, the tests showed insufficient performance of tested smartphone’s GPU, which shows that market needs to advance in this direction. This would make it possible to create better VR applications

    Domain-Agnostic Neural Architecture for Class Incremental Continual Learning in Document Processing Platform

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    Production deployments in complex systems require ML architectures to be highly efficient and usable against multiple tasks. Particularly demanding are classification problems in which data arrives in a streaming fashion and each class is presented separately. Recent methods with stochastic gradient learning have been shown to struggle in such setups or have limitations like memory buffers, and being restricted to specific domains that disable its usage in real-world scenarios. For this reason, we present a fully differentiable architecture based on the Mixture of Experts model, that enables the training of high-performance classifiers when examples from each class are presented separately. We conducted exhaustive experiments that proved its applicability in various domains and ability to learn online in production environments. The proposed technique achieves SOTA results without a memory buffer and clearly outperforms the reference methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.1496

    Classical Out-of-Distribution Detection Methods Benchmark in Text Classification Tasks

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    State-of-the-art models can perform well in controlled environments, but they often struggle when presented with out-of-distribution (OOD) examples, making OOD detection a critical component of NLP systems. In this paper, we focus on highlighting the limitations of existing approaches to OOD detection in NLP. Specifically, we evaluated eight OOD detection methods that are easily integrable into existing NLP systems and require no additional OOD data or model modifications. One of our contributions is providing a well-structured research environment that allows for full reproducibility of the results. Additionally, our analysis shows that existing OOD detection methods for NLP tasks are not yet sufficiently sensitive to capture all samples characterized by various types of distributional shifts. Particularly challenging testing scenarios arise in cases of background shift and randomly shuffled word order within in domain texts. This highlights the need for future work to develop more effective OOD detection approaches for the NLP problems, and our work provides a well-defined foundation for further research in this area.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Association for Computational Linguistic

    Interface usability analysis of selected streaming services in Poland

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the interface quality of selected services providing video-on-demand on the Polish internet market. Interfaces of three services were evaluated (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Player). The evaluation was conducted using an expert review, an eye-tracking study, and an accessibility assessment using the WAVE web tool. For the study, a research thesis was established – Netflix has the most usable interface among the three streaming portal interfaces studied. As a result of the evaluation of three research methods, the thesis has been confirmed

    Neural Architecture for Online Ensemble Continual Learning

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    Continual learning with an increasing number of classes is a challenging task. The difficulty rises when each example is presented exactly once, which requires the model to learn online. Recent methods with classic parameter optimization procedures have been shown to struggle in such setups or have limitations like non-differentiable components or memory buffers. For this reason, we present the fully differentiable ensemble method that allows us to efficiently train an ensemble of neural networks in the end-to-end regime. The proposed technique achieves SOTA results without a memory buffer and clearly outperforms the reference methods. The conducted experiments have also shown a significant increase in the performance for small ensembles, which demonstrates the capability of obtaining relatively high classification accuracy with a reduced number of classifiers

    Source areas of the Grybów sub-basin : micropaleontological, mineralogical and geochemical provenance analysis (Outer Western Carpathians, Poland)

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    The Grybów Unit occurring in the Ropa tectonic window was the subject of micropaleontological and geochemical investigation. Studies, based on calcareous nannofossils, proved that the level of reworked microfossil is not higher than 22 % and it varies between two sections. Quantitative analyses of the reworked assemblages confirmed the domination of Cretaceous and Middle Eocene species. The Sub-Grybów Beds, Grybów Marl Formation and Krosno Beds were assigned to the Late Oligocene and represent the terminal flysch facies. Detrital material accumulated in the Oligocene sediments originated from the Marmarosh Massif, which is the eastern prolongation of the Fore-Magura Ridge. The microscopically obtained petrological features agree with the chemical composition of the samples. Mica flakes, rounded grains of glauconite, heavy mineral assemblage, including abraded grains of zircon, rutile and tourmaline as well as charred pieces of plant tissues are reworked components. Enrichment in zircon and rutile is confirmed geochemically by positive correlation between Zr and SiO_2. Zr addition is illustrated on 10 ×Al_2O_3-Zr-200 ×TiO_2 and Zr/Sc vs. Th/Sc diagrams. Interpretation of the A-CN-K diagram and variety of CIA and CPA values indicate that the source rocks were intensely weathered granite-type rocks

    Electoral Agitation Data Set: The Use Case of the Polish Election

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    The popularity of social media makes politicians use it for political advertisement. Therefore, social media is full of electoral agitation (electioneering), especially during the election campaigns. The election administration cannot track the spread and quantity of messages that count as agitation under the election code. It addresses a crucial problem, while also uncovering a niche that has not been effectively targeted so far. Hence, we present the first publicly open data set for detecting electoral agitation in the Polish language. It contains 6,112 human-annotated tweets tagged with four legally conditioned categories. We achieved a 0.66 inter-annotator agreement (Cohen's kappa score). An additional annotator resolved the mismatches between the first two improving the consistency and complexity of the annotation process. The newly created data set was used to fine-tune a Polish Language Model called HerBERT (achieving a 68% F1 score). We also present a number of potential use cases for such data sets and models, enriching the paper with an analysis of the Polish 2020 Presidential Election on Twitter.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Language Resources and Evaluation Conferenc