6 research outputs found

    Public Participation GIS for sustainable urban mobility planning: methods, applications and challenges

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    Sustainable mobility planning is a new approach to planning, and as such it requires new methods of public participation, data collection and data aggregation. In the article we present an overview of Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) methods with potential use in sustainable urban mobility planning. We present the methods using examples from two recent case studies conducted in Polish cities of Poznań and Łodź. Sustainable urban mobility planning is a cyclical process, and each stage has different data and participatory requirements. Consequently, we situate the PPGIS methods in appropriate stages of planning, based on potential benefits they may bring into the planning process. We discuss key issues related to participant recruitment and provide guidelines for planners interested in implementing methods presented in the paper. The article outlines future research directions stressing the need for systematic case study evaluation

    Starość na scenie tańca: potencjał porażki

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    Newly Isolated Virulent Salmophages for Biocontrol of Multidrug-Resistant <i>Salmonella</i> in Ready-to-Eat Plant-Based Food

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    Due to irrational antibiotic stewardship, an increase in the incidence of multidrug resistance of bacteria has been observed recently. Therefore, the search for new therapeutic methods for pathogen infection treatment seems to be necessary. One of the possibilities is the utilization of bacteriophages (phages)—the natural enemies of bacteria. Thus, this study is aimed at the genomic and functional characterization of two newly isolated phages targeting MDR Salmonella enterica strains and their efficacy in salmonellosis biocontrol in raw carrot–apple juice. The Salmonella phage vB_Sen-IAFB3829 (Salmonella phage strain KKP 3829) and Salmonella phage vB_Sen-IAFB3830 (Salmonella phage strain KKP 3830) were isolated against S. I (6,8:l,-:1,7) strain KKP 1762 and S. Typhimurium strain KKP 3080 host strains, respectively. Based on the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analyses, the viruses were identified as members of tailed bacteriophages from the Caudoviricetes class. Genome sequencing revealed that these phages have linear double-stranded DNA and sizes of 58,992 bp (vB_Sen-IAFB3829) and 50,514 bp (vB_Sen-IAFB3830). Phages retained their activity in a wide range of temperatures (from −20 °C to 60 °C) and active acidity values (pH from 3 to 11). The exposure of phages to UV radiation significantly decreased their activity in proportion to the exposure time. The application of phages to the food matrices significantly reduced the level of Salmonella contamination compared to the control. Genome analysis showed that both phages do not encode virulence or toxin genes and can be classified as virulent bacteriophages. Virulent characteristics and no possible pathogen factors make examined phages feasible to be potential candidates for food biocontrol

    New Isolated Autochthonous Strains of S. cerevisiae for Fermentation of Two Grape Varieties Grown in Poland

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    Many commercial strains of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae species are used around the world in the wine industry, while the use of native yeast strains is highly recommended for their role in shaping specific, terroir-associated wine characteristics. In recent years, in Poland, an increase in the number of registered vineyards has been observed, and Polish wines are becoming more recognizable among consumers. In the fermentation process, apart from ethyl alcohol, numerous microbial metabolites are formed. These compounds shape the wine bouquet or become precursors for the creation of new products that affect the sensory characteristics and quality of the wine. The aim of this work was to study the effect of the grapevine varieties and newly isolated native S. cerevisiae yeast strains on the content of selected wine fermentation metabolites. Two vine varieties&mdash;Regent and Seyval blanc were used. A total of 16 different yeast strains of the S. cerevisiae species were used for fermentation: nine newly isolated from vine fruit and seven commercial cultures. The obtained wines differed in terms of the content of analyzed oenological characteristics and the differences depended both on the raw material (vine variety) as well as the source of isolation and origin of the yeast strain used (commercial vs. native). Generally, red wines characterized a higher content of tested analytes than white wines, regardless of the yeast strain used. The red wines are produced with the use of native yeast strains characterized by higher content of amyl alcohols and esters

    Knowledge and prevalence of risk factors for coronary artery disease in patients after the first and repeated percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Background: Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is an effective method for the treatment ofcoronary artery disease (CAD) that allows for a short hospital stay and fast recovery. It has been shown that PCI is a predictor of nonattendance at cardiac rehabilitation and correlates with poor adherence to lifestyle changes. Aims: The study was conducted to evaluate the influence of education offered during PCI‑related hospitalization on knowledge, awareness, and prevalence of self‑reported risk factors for CAD. Methods: We collected data using a self‑designed 56‑item questionnaire. Questions assessed the knowledge of CAD risk factors and the level of their control. The maximal knowledge score was 31 points and the maximal control score, 15 points. Results: The study group consisted of 200 consecutive patients undergoing PCI. Patients with a history of PCI performed at least 8 weeks prior to their current hospitalization were included in the prior‑PCI group (64%), whereas the pre‑PCI group comprised patients with no history of revascularization (36%). The median (interquartile range [IQR]) knowledge score was 19 (12.5–23) points in the pre‑PCI and 21 (12.5–24) points in the prior‑PCI group (P = 0.35). The median (IQR) risk control score was 5 (4.5–7) points in the pre‑PCI and 6 (4–8) points in the prior‑PCI group (P = 0.4). There was no correlation between the level of knowledge and the actual prevalence of CAD risk factors. We found that 50% of the prior‑PCI patients did not attend any rehabilitation, which correlated with poor control of CAD risk factors (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Currently used models of postprocedural education do not have an adequate effect on patient knowledge and do not bring recommended lifestyle changes

    Shared Space practices self-interviewing

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    Przestrzeń Wspólna jest non-profitową inicjatywą o charakterze seminaryjno-warsztatowym. Zapoczątkowana w maju 2020 roku rozwija się w niehierarchicznie współdzielonej przestrzeni online podczas spotkań raz na dwa tygodnie. Metoda naszej pracy opiera się na lekturze i moderowanej dyskusji wokół tekstów praktyczek i praktyków i badaczek i badaczy ruchu. Towarzyszą jej zaproponowane przez uczestniczki i uczestników autorskie praktyki choreograficzne, praca z wyobraźnią, rysunkiem, uważnością i słowem. Aktywność grupy jest dokumentowana w formie zbiorowych notatek. Kluczowe cele PW: budowanie pozainstytucjonalnej wspólnoty twórczyń i twórców opartej na trosce i zaufaniu; możliwość eksploracji indywidualnych i kolektywnych praktyk artystycznych; wytwarzanie języka teorii na styku z praktyką. Do powstania Przestrzeni Wspólnej przyczyniła się potrzeba środowiskowej solidarności i przejścia od jednostkowego do zespołowego poszukiwania narzędzi współpracy twórczej, wytwarzania wiedzy i dyskursu wokół tańca, sztuki performance i oddolnego organizowania się, co jest jedną z dobrych praktyk choreografii. Twórcza wymiana doświadczeń nienastawiona na uzyskanie materialnego dzieła sytuuje nas w opozycji do zjawiska nadprodukcji w kulturze i ma potencjał artystyczno-badawczy funkcjonujący również poza kontekstem pandemii. Inicjatywa skupia się na rozmowie, krytyce, inspiracji i konfrontacji różnych opinii. Towarzyszy nam przekonanie, że twórczość to również budowanie i podtrzymywanie więzi, które wymagają czasu, uwagi i energii. Sytuacja zamknięcia (lockdown) i narzuconego społecznego dystansu oraz przeniesienie aktywności do przestrzeni wirtualnej pozwoliła na spotkanie się poza dotychczasowymi strukturami. Konceptualna, kolektywna praca nad badaniem ruchu (movement research) w sytuacji pandemii umożliwia nam rozwój praktyk w okresie utrudnionego kontaktu i prekarnego funkcjonowania artystek i artystów. Różnorodność naszych wrażliwości, doświadczeń zdobywanych w wielu środowiskach twórczych i miejscach na świecie uważamy za atut wzbogacający dynamikę spotkań i samoorganizację grupy. Pięć słów kluczowych: budowanie relacji; choreografia; kolektyw; wspólnota; Zoom