8 research outputs found

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Rozvoj cestovního ruchu a rekreace v ČSSR a jeho územní organizace =The development of travelling and recreation in Czechoslovakia

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    Travel and recreation in Czechoslovakia have shown a stormy advancement in the Course of the last two decades. This paper treats of the analysis and evaluation of the effectual forms of the inland travel and recreation - short- or long-term travel, free travel, fixed-term travel, individual travel and recreation. The participation of the population in the travel, its development, local conditions, territorial organization and prospects of free and fixed-term travel, and what is called "seasonal" habitation have been studied21023

    Vnitřní struktura Katovic a Ostravy. Srovnávací studie z faktorové ekologie =The internal structure of Katowice and Ostrava (comparative study of factorial ecology)

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    Within the framework of the scientific cooperation between the Geographical Institutes of the Czech and the Polish Academy of Sciences, a part of the research was aimed at questions of urban geography. A concrete result of the cooperation is this comparative study of the factorial ecology analysing various selected structural features of Ostrava and Katowice11

    Cestovní ruch očima geografů

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    Urban tourism in Slovakia: Its quantification, spatial differentiation and typification

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    Urban tourism, characterized by a high share of international tourists in Slovakia, represents the specific type of tourism that is the main aim of this study. It includes analysis of bed capacities of collective accommodation establishments and urban tourism performance, which represent the basis for the subsequent typification of urban tourism centres. In typification, localization conditions and their attractiveness, which form the very basis of potential of urban tourism centres, are evaluated. Results of the research indicate, that urban tourism is one of the most important type of tourism in Slovakia. In the terms of tourism, the most valuable towns are those with high cultural and historical value (historical towns) and towns defined as spa resorts. The main objective of this paper is the quantification and spatial interpretation of urban tourism in Slovakia, which can serve as a geographical basis for further research

    Quantitative Analysis of Tourism Potential in the Czech Republic

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    On the one hand, tourism is a significantly spatially differentiated socio‑economic phenomenon, bound to the attractiveness of local conditions. On the other hand, it is a sectional phenomenon which requires a high level of coordination and cooperation of all tourism stakeholders. This is the background for the practical implementation of tourism policy. The state’s conceptual activity and its institutions are irreplaceable in this respect. From this point of view, a prerequisite for quality economic‑political decisions of the existence of materials and methods, which these features respect, is necessary. One of these prerequisites is a quantitative analysis of tourism potential in the Czech Republic, which should be a basis for direct and targeted state’s interventions into the improvement of public infrastructure of tourism in the area. The main purpose of the quantitative analysis of tourism potential is to objectively measure the tourism potential, i.e., to set the criteria for the evaluation of its national, regional, and local importance and consequently, conduct a comparative analysis of the tourism areas and centers of importance according to the key types of tourism. Finally, on the basis of the processed factual, statistical and cartographic information to propose functionally spatial delimitation of tourism potential